Friend or Rival

Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm trying to figure out if I should be worried or not...allow me to explain.

On Saturday we headed out to the park early because it was going to be like a 75 trillion-quadrillion-billion-million degrees out again, but Mom REALLY wanted to go to the park. I couldn't figure out why until I got there. We met Mr. Rob there a friend of Mom's from work. I'll play fetch with me...excellent. Well, the reason Mr. Rob was there was for me and Mom to meet this little fella. Allow me to introduce you...this is Joey...

Hi! I'm Joey, oh and that's Batman back there sniffing away!

Joey is 5 months old , brown, yes I did say brown Ike, Boston Terrorist! OMdOG my Mom went so crazy for this little guy! There was enough drool coming out of her mouth for a 'Simultaneous-Ropes-to-the-Floor' rating from Nanook's Newfy Drool-o-Meter! What an embarrassing moment. Can't I take this woman anywhere?

OK, Joey was darn cute. Not as handsome as Ike, no, not even close <blush>. But cute and very fun to play with. We chased each other and played a major game of bitey-face. All the other doggies were jealous of our cuteness and craziness (ok, maybe not so jealous of our craziness). We definitely had fun. Here's some random shots of Joey.

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But what was really interesting was that my Mom wasn't chasing ME with the camera...can you believe that? No, she was chasing Joey! She took TONS of pictures of him. And hardly any of ME! Oh and kept going on about how if she had brought a bigger purse to the doggie park, she would be stuffing him in it and taking him home. Now why would she want to do that...he seemed to walk perfectly fine on a leash - geesh!

So...should I be worried about this little guy? My Mom was really into him...I was starting to get a little jealous. Normally I don't feel this way about the other doggies at the park, and trust me, if it has four legs my Mom is drooling like Wally with one of his frozen meaty bones...but this just seemed different. She REALLY liked him...I mean REALLY REALLY!


33 Responses to "Friend or Rival"

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said... 8:32 PM

Ruby....this is an emergency !!! I am sending you some of my gruffness right away, you will need to use it on your muzzer ! How rude of her !


Joe Stains said... 9:20 PM

Well there is another boston terrier out there named Joey huh?? well, good thing he is BROWN and not black and white like me or I might have to come over there and meet him!

Urban Smoothie Read said... 10:37 PM

ur fren joey looks absolutely cute wit her big eyes n pointed eyes..

Ronin_The_Pug said... 10:43 PM

Hey Ruby! Joey looks adorable! But I wouldn't worry too much about your mommy... She loooooves you! You are her princess! Of course Joey is cute but you are your mommy's baby, no?

Boo Casanova said... 10:48 PM

wow, joey is as brown as ike! he's one cutie pie no wonder your mom go ga-ga over him.

wet wet licks


Girl Girl Hamster said... 10:59 PM

Joey sure does look cute. You gotta be careful when your mum goes out with a big bag. She just might come home with Joey in her bag

~ girl girl

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 1:18 AM

Hmm, maybe you'll be getting a little brown Joey look-a-like baby bro at some point Ruby!

Oscar x

Scuba the Muscle Boy said... 1:49 AM

Dear Ruby

Joey sure look adorable. I am sure deep down inside, you will always be your mom's love and joy.

Well once you recieve Opy's gruffness, you can show it to her and see her reaction. Tell us about it


Duke said... 2:43 AM

Joey is a cutie for sure but personally I think you're much cuter Ruby!

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said... 4:06 AM


From what I know of your Mom, you have nothing to worry about, she has never been so "over the top" about anything or anyone in her life and I've known her a long long time she loves you very much.

Only problem I see about your new friend is his name "Joey" now who else has that awesome name?

By the way I sent you a package today.

Love ya


Suki & Joey said... 5:10 AM

Ruby, you said Mr. Rob brought him to the park so your Mom could meet him....was it just a playdate, or was Mr. Rob looking for a home for him? Use your WonderRuby skills to figure it out.

It would be so cool if you had a brother, oh my gosh! But if he's just a friend, I wouldn't worry about it. In fact, I say go for him, girl! He's cute! :P

Puggy kisses

umekotyan said... 5:47 AM

Joey contains cute laughter.
Ruby is lovely feeling. :)

from loved ume tyan

Frasier said... 6:15 AM

I know your mom loves you but every time I' ve ever met a dog its so that the parents can see how I get along and that also meant they were dog sitting!
Try to do some detective work!

Peanut said... 6:42 AM

Oh my mom acts like that with other boxers and actually about any other dog she meets (she's a dog slut my mom oh sorry can I say that?) but I know she loves me the most well and Flash obviously and I bet your mom feels the same way about you.

Simba and Jazzi said... 7:03 AM

I love that first photo. What a happy face.

Simba x

Balboa said... 8:19 AM

WOW he does look like Ike, but Ike is defiantely more handsomer.

I think that is sooo mean of your mommy to not take any pictures of you. Doesn't she realize that YOU COME FIRST!!!!

Frenchie SNorts

Anonymous said... 8:21 AM

I wouldn't be worried Ruby! My mom does that over other dogs but I know she loves me the mostest!

Emily and Ike said... 9:35 AM

Yeah, he's pretty handsome. His markings are a lot like mine. I think he's only handsome because he could be my great grandpuppy or something. Ike

Anonymous said... 10:31 AM

I can speak from experience: even if your mom DOES get another dog, she will always love you the MOST and you will always be FIRST in her heart, even though she may ACT like she loves the other one too. Moms sometimes have to act like that so the other dog doesn't feel bad. I'm pretty sure my girl shares my beliefs about IT, but she can't say that to him or else he'll fall into a deep depression....

Tadpole said... 10:32 AM

Oh, that Joey is handsome! My girl loves red Bostons. And little naked Chinese men too, of course.

Duke and Gidget said... 11:15 AM

You shouldn't worry too much Ruby, our parents do the same thing when they see another pug. But they always come home with us.

~Pug Hugs~

P.S. That Joey sure looks like a happy little guy!

coco said... 11:21 AM

Ruby, I'm sure your mommy only loved Joey so much because he reminded her of YOU! She loves all Bostons because of you, silly! Better be prepared, though, cuz next thing you know she'll be bringing home a little brother or sister (of the bostonian kind, or course) for you to love!!!!

Asta said... 11:38 AM

Ruby, I agwee with Coco...Your Mommi is going gaga cause joey reminds her of YOU!!! Eversince my Mommi got her first wire, she goes berserk every time she spots one on the stweet..actually lately she does it with every dog ...that's just how Hoomans are, but getting a baby bwother is a distinct possibility.
We Want more pictures of RUBY!!!!!!
smoochie kisses

Annebelle said... 1:00 PM

My girl is like that with every puppy she sees. Sheesh! You would think she had never seen one before, but she drops everything to hold a puppy. But, and this is the important part, she always puts the puppy down and comes home to hug me. Your girl left Joey at the park and went home with YOU.


wally said... 2:06 PM

Ruby---pfffft. That dog is only cute when he plays with YOU. (OK, he's a little cute otherwise). Still, he's no Ruby.


Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 2:21 PM

Hey Ruby, he is very cute, but he's not a patch on you ! J x

Lorenza said... 2:41 PM

Hi, Ruby.
Sure Joey has a happy face.
Don't worry about him. You know your place in your mom's heart!
Have a nice day

Anonymous said... 5:55 PM

Oh Ruby... Joey is super cute... but you are the apple of your mommy's eye ;) ha roo!

Luckie Girl said... 6:08 PM

Hey Ruby,
Joey is really cute but I think you playing with him just UPs his cuteness like a zillion percent! I realised he's a lovely tanned brown shade like Ike and nice..brown like me!

Stanley said... 3:59 AM

Ruby girl,

I'm with Peanut. I just think your mama is a dog slut - especially if they remind her of you.

I'm also with Suki. Use your SuperRuby powers and find out the scoop, girl! Just think, if you had a little brother you could mold him into the puppy you want.

I'm also with Asta. We demand more photos of Ruby. Tell you mom. Cute dogs are fine, as long as you (Ruby) get plenty of face time with the camera!

Goob kisses,

Pee Ess Are you crushin' on Ike, girl?

Amber-Mae said... 6:43 AM

Hey, Joey's got a really perky face! He must be a very energetic bunny & fast runner like you too huh Ruby? I hope you had fun playing with him...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 7:38 PM

Okays, we gots to admit we not see a brown boston terrier before. He be a cute kid.

xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket

Martha said... 4:24 AM

Ruby, trust me, you *need* your own punching bag. I never new how much fun they were until my punching bag, in the form of KST, arrived! Love, Martha