Thanks a lot, Sir Chance-lot...

Friday, June 08, 2007

Look, look everydoggie...Chance's Mom made me my very own drop...

This is the prettiest thing I've ever seen!!! I feel so special!
I know Chance thinks his Mom is going drop crazy...but I'm happy she is!
Thanks so much Chance and Hanne!


22 Responses to "Thanks a lot, Sir Chance-lot..."

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:42 AM

I wanna be in a rain drop. That is so clever, why can't my dumb Mummy do stuff like that?

Simba xx

Duke said... 2:42 AM

How beautiful Ruby!
Chance's mom is sure smart!

Love ya lots,

Boo Casanova said... 4:48 AM

ruby, that's one nice drop! i hope it never drop!

wet wet licks


umekotyan said... 4:53 AM

It is a wonderful photograph.
The drop of water of the flower copies Ruby, and it looks lovely. :)

from loved ume tyan

Amber-Mae said... 5:31 AM

That's lovely... A drop of Ruby! Hehehe...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gwyn Valentine said... 6:25 AM

that is really beautiful! Great shot!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 8:05 AM

Hey, love your drop! J X

Nessa Happens said... 9:07 AM are adorable in your drop!

Lorenza said... 10:33 AM

Hi, Ruby.
That is a really beautiful picture. Chance's mom sure knows how to do it.
Have a nice day

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 1:21 PM

I just saw this on Chance's blog, it certainly is beautiful!

Oscar x

Suki & Joey said... 1:45 PM

What a special picture :) I love the cool art and pics on Chance's blog.

Puggy kisses

Anonymous said... 2:32 PM

That drop is gorgeous, especially with you in it, Ruby! Love, Martha

Stanley said... 3:22 PM


You're cute anywhere, sister.

BTW, how do you get in on this drop thing anyway? I saw Jackson's and thought it was amazing too. (Chance's mom would have to have a very large drop to use for one of us Dales).

Your goober,

wally said... 5:20 PM

Yes you are mighty pretty!


Bella said... 8:49 PM

very clever - it looks great

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 6:47 AM

ooooh Ruby Bleu, you are so cute in that drop picture, soooooo darn cutey pie!

Balboa said... 8:15 AM

That is really cute! What a cute idea.

Frenchie Snorts

Juno said... 10:47 AM

Wow!! Ruby, this is sooooo cute!! I love it!

Momo xoxo

Anonymous said... 11:04 AM

Ruby, what a brillant photo that is. I think you should win a prize for it!

May I invite you to sign my guestbook? I would be very pleased!
Thanks and wet licks,


Anonymous said... 2:05 PM

Wow... that is amazing and beautiful!

Ben & Darling said... 1:31 AM

OMdoG, thats sooooooooooooooooooo beautiful....Chance's mom always make me WOW !!

Freda said... 9:15 PM

Hey Rubys,

THAT's soo cooools!

I thought you were a littles bigger than that, though. Arf! Arf!
