It was a pretty quiet weekend for me and Mom...which was good because we've been busy the last few weekends. It was all about catching up on chores (my Mom) and napping (me)!
On Saturday, we went to the park...which was AWESOME!!! I hadn't been there in a whole week. I just ran and ran and ran...oh and played a little fetch. There weren't too many doggies around when we were there, but that was fine. I was just so happy to run. One day Mom will have to get around to getting a video camera and record me running...when I say I'm fast, I'm not joking!!!
We left the park when Mom's aljerkies (
Ruby's Mom: That's allergies, Ruby) started to bug her and she was sneezing all over the was actually kind of embarrassing so it was ok that we left. I also have aljerkies, oops I mean
allergies too but they weren't bugging me any. When we got home, we had a little snackie and took a nap...a nice lllooonnnggg nap. Mom also napped...I guess she was tired from sitting in meetings on her trip (not sure how
that makes you tired). We napped almost all afternoon. It was great. I did catch up on some of my blogging, but that's about it for Saturday.
Today, Mother's Day, I actually let my Mom sleep in a little - 6:30am instead of 5:30am. Aren't I generous??? We had some breakfast and than I took her to the park. Again, I'm such a giver. I figured if we went to the park I would play and be so tired that I would nap all afternoon so she could relax. Sounded like a good plan to me.
When we got to the park I thought I was the only doggie there, but my friend Zeus (he's a Skipperkee) was there and we played and than a whole bunch of doggies also joined in the fun. There was one new doggie - Maggie and 6 month old pitbull puppy who took a liking to me. After a while I did get a little worried because she wouldn't leave me alone and I thought she was going to eat me (
Ruby's Mom: She wasn't going to eat you), so I took Mom over to the other side of the park to play fetch.
We were at the park for a really long while that I was really tired and almost fell asleep in the car. When we got home I was too tired for even a snackie and just went to sleep. Mom only napped with me for a little while...which explains this picture.

I had already been tagged by Suki and posted my pictures, but I guess I was so tired that my Mom got this photo and she said I slept like this for
over an hour! Wow...I don't even remember it. Now I'm going to get some dinner and hopefully just relax for the evening...or I'll try too. Mom wants to watch the Sopranos...and whatever my Mom wants she gets today because it is her special day.
Oh, and Auntie Kathy...thanks so much for going to the store for me and getting a Mother's Day card for my Mom. She really, really liked it!!!