She's Back...Mom's Back!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Hi Everydoggie! Gosh I missed you guys and it looks like I have a lot of catching up to do. Well, Mom is back and boy am I happy. I loved hanging with my Auntie Yvette, but nothing beats my Mom! You guys were totally right..she was really guilty about leaving me...I got a new Cuz (my first big Cuz too) and got to eat a Nanook Paws! Maybe she should go away more often?!?!

Here's me checking out my new Cuz...I've never seen one this big before!

Yummy Cuz!!!

The Nanook Paws made me a little chilly, mybutt started to shake...or maybe I was just excited Mom was home?

I really did have fun hanging with Auntie Yvette. She took VERY good care of me and if my Mom ever has to go away again (how dare she) I pick my Auntie Yvette to take care of me for sure! Let's see, what did we do...

Well, lots of walks...we walked so much that I drank a whole bowl of water when I got back to her was a really good work out. I also got to see a birdy that lived INSIDE Auntie Yvette's Momma's house...imagine that, a bird that lives inside! His name is Romeo and he is a lovebird...I got so excited about seeing him I had a little accident...oops! I also played with Auntie Yvette's people pup Blake...he let me come in his room and steal his stuffy slippers...but I eventually had to give them back. Sleeping was a bit hard...mainly because there was so much to explore at Auntie Yvette' I could sleep during the day when she brought me back to my house so why not stay up, right?

All in all it was a fun 2-days, but I really am glad Mom is home. Hopefully she won't need to go on another trip anytime least not one without me!


13 Responses to "She's Back...Mom's Back!!!"

Joe Stains said... 7:45 PM

oh boy i hope you didnt keep your auntie yvette awake too much!

I love your new CUZ!!!!!!

Boo Casanova said... 7:57 PM

cuz! joey's favourite!

what is nanook paw? u know, there's a newfoundland in blogging world called nanook too? at first i thought you are eating that nanook!

wet wet licks


Jessica said... 8:00 PM

Hi Ruby....Glad your Mom is home safe and sound. Enjoy the Cuz.

Love, Seadra & Zoe

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:56 AM

That was a quick trip. Bet you're glad to be home.

Simba xx

Duke said... 2:25 AM

You did real good Ruby! Cuz is a favorite at our house! I think Mitch likes him more than I do if that's possible! Your doggie paw looks so yummy!
Glad your mom is back! Happy mother's day Ruby's mom!

Love ya lots,

Suki & Joey said... 4:48 AM

Ohmygosh, Ruby, I'm so glad you're back! I have been wondering how you were doing at your Aunt Yvette's, sounds like you had fun.

A bird? Inside? Weird. When you say "accident" I hope that means you did something on the floor and not that you ate the bird! Hehehe!

Puggy kisses

Anonymous said... 4:57 AM

wow, your mommy back so soon, nice toy you got there! Happy mommy day!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 7:21 AM

Glad you had fun with Aunty Yvette. How nice of mummy to bring a pressie back!

Oscar x

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 1:35 PM

Glad you had a good time on your mini vacation. Hope you're having fun with your cuz! J x

Ferndoggle said... 4:50 PM

Ruby...we're so glad you're Mom's back. We MISSED you! But it sounds like you had fun. Aunt's are the best!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Balboa said... 7:42 AM

I like the big cuz too. They bounce really high.

Anyway that is awesome that mommy is back. I'm glad you had such a great time with Aunite Yvette. That frozen treat looks delicious!

Frenchie Kisses,

Duke and Gidget said... 8:34 AM

Welcome back Ruby, we missed you lots!

Peanut said... 5:27 AM

Oh glad your back but it's nice that you have your auntie to go spend time with

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