Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Have you missed me????
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I've missed all of you so much!!!! Between Mom working and then her abandoning me to visit with my friends pawrents (and Asta, Princess Stella, Petey and Duffy)...I feel like I've been gone FUREVER!!!! I hope you guys haven't furgotten about me!!!! Mom says the next few weeks are going to be CRAZY, but she promises she'll help me post after our special visitor arrives at the beginning of August...I wonder who is coming to see me???
7:51 AM | 8 Belly Rubs
Look what my sissy did...
Monday, July 05, 2010
Looky what my crazy sissy Sophia did...

oh and my response...

oh and my response...
That's right! You won't be catching me doing something crazy like going in the big pool...NO WAY!!! It's been pretty hots in NJ where Sophia lives and she decided she needed to cool off. Thank you, but I'll just stay in the air conditioning!!!!
Sorry I've been MIA lately...Mom has been working lots and lots and planning her 'great escape'. That's right, she's leaving me AND she's taking Auntie Yvette with her!!!! Me, I'm going to hang out with the cool people at the Local Bark where I've been going for playcare lately. It's been lots of fun and I'm made lots of friends. I just don't understand why I can't go with Mom and Auntie Yvette.
3:21 PM | 9 Belly Rubs