Happy New Year everypup, hammie, kitty & coyote - W00t!!! I had the bestest time at the
Corgi Girls pawty and chatting with everypup...but boy am I tired! Plus the fireworks - whew...I still
don't like fireworks!
Anyhowl, Mom and I got to talking yesterday and she suggested that I make some New Year's Revolutions. I got a little worried because I don't like the
revolutions I have to take already, why would I want to add some more!!! She said it wasn't
revolutions but
resolutions! Mom said resolutions are things you say at the beginning of every year of that you want to accomplish (but usually don't - hee, hee, hee) by the end of the year.
I didn't make any resolutions last year cause I was still just a little pup-girl, but since I'm older now, she thought I might like to try it...so here are my New Year's Resolutions for 2008...

- Be Green!
At first I was worried because I don't look good in green (not like
Clover does). But Mom said that that meant to be nicer to the environment and to reduce my carbon paw print (I don't quite get the paw print part since I already have little paws). I need to do some research on this, but it seems like a really good idea. I started reading
Green Dog blog which has lots of great ideas! You should check it out!
- Go to the park more
Not only because it is fun, but because I get to meet all my doggie friends and get great exercise! And exercise is good for me.
- Learn some new tricks
I feel like I've kind of hit my trick plateau. I need more tricks in my repertoire so I need to get back to school and back to learning more.
- Prepare for my
Canine Good Citizen test
really want to do this because it's the first step to becoming a therapy dog just like
Nanook. But I have a long way to go and need to be a lot less bouncy. I think this year I just want to be ready to take the test and maybe in 2009 take the test. We'll see, but this is really important to me.
- Keep on Blogging
I'm pretty sure that
won't be a problem because my blog is the best thing that has ever happened to me...aside from adopting my Mom!
and last but not least...
- Get a Dad
Sssshhhhhhhhhh....don't tell Mom I said that. She'd get cranky, but I think I want a dad. All you pups who have them say how great they are so I think I want one. On the teeeveee box there is this commercial that you can get your friends to
match you, so I'm going to ask Auntie Kelly or Auntie Yvette or Auntie Kathy to help match my Mom up to get me a dad. But sssssshhhhhh...don't tell her!
OK, so that is my list. It's pretty big, but I think I can do it...so pups, what are your resolutions??? I'm off to nap some more...all that champooch last night - whew! Hope you and your families have a pawsome new year and thanks for being my friends!