Happy New Year everypup, hammie, kitty & coyote - W00t!!! I had the bestest time at the Corgi Girls pawty and chatting with everypup...but boy am I tired! Plus the fireworks - whew...I still don't like fireworks!
Anyhowl, Mom and I got to talking yesterday and she suggested that I make some New Year's Revolutions. I got a little worried because I don't like the revolutions I have to take already, why would I want to add some more!!! She said it wasn't revolutions but resolutions! Mom said resolutions are things you say at the beginning of every year of that you want to accomplish (but usually don't - hee, hee, hee) by the end of the year.
I didn't make any resolutions last year cause I was still just a little pup-girl, but since I'm older now, she thought I might like to try it...so here are my New Year's Resolutions for 2008...

- Be Green!
At first I was worried because I don't look good in green (not like Clover does). But Mom said that that meant to be nicer to the environment and to reduce my carbon paw print (I don't quite get the paw print part since I already have little paws). I need to do some research on this, but it seems like a really good idea. I started reading Johann's Green Dog blog which has lots of great ideas! You should check it out!
- Go to the park more
Not only because it is fun, but because I get to meet all my doggie friends and get great exercise! And exercise is good for me.
- Learn some new tricks
I feel like I've kind of hit my trick plateau. I need more tricks in my repertoire so I need to get back to school and back to learning more.
- Prepare for my Canine Good Citizen test
I really want to do this because it's the first step to becoming a therapy dog just like Nanook. But I have a long way to go and need to be a lot less bouncy. I think this year I just want to be ready to take the test and maybe in 2009 take the test. We'll see, but this is really important to me.
- Keep on Blogging
I'm pretty sure that won't be a problem because my blog is the best thing that has ever happened to me...aside from adopting my Mom!
and last but not least...
- Get a Dad
Sssshhhhhhhhhh....don't tell Mom I said that. She'd get cranky, but I think I want a dad. All you pups who have them say how great they are so I think I want one. On the teeeveee box there is this commercial that you can get your friends to match you, so I'm going to ask Auntie Kelly or Auntie Yvette or Auntie Kathy to help match my Mom up to get me a dad. But sssssshhhhhh...don't tell her!
OK, so that is my list. It's pretty big, but I think I can do it...so pups, what are your resolutions??? I'm off to nap some more...all that champooch last night - whew! Hope you and your families have a pawsome new year and thanks for being my friends!
Yah! I get to be your first post of 2008!
You really had a serious talk with your mom. Sounds like you mean business with all those resolutions!
My resolution is to try and get my mom to take me on more walkies and to the dog park more often.
Hope you have a great 2008 beautiful!
Wow you do have a very long list. I think Mom has the same idea about the obedience stuff for Louie and I. He is quite a handful but he is still just a puppy, but he is getting to be a big puppy!!
Happy New Year to you!
Big Sloppy Kisses,
Gus and Louie
Hmmm we hadn't thought of any new year resolutions. Now you have got us thinking!
You'll have to let us know how you get on with yours.
Hope u are having a good New Years Day.
The Thugletsx
Happy New Year Ruby!! We like your resolutions and PL2 is going to check out the green site(we told her to find some grass,but that may be hard cuz we have alot of snow and she said that isn't the right green anyway) Happy New Year! Love A+A
I am making mom check out that green site. It might be hard to get a dad in a year but if anydog can do it you can. Good Luck
Those are some awesome resolutions, Ruby!
We'll have to think about what we need to do to improve on 2007! hummmmmmm
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow those sound like good resolutions! Can you get me a dad too?? Shhh...don't tell mom I said that!
Happy New Year!
I love your resolutions... I need to really stick to the blogging one-- I have been soooo bad.
On another note-- I like your dad idea-- my mom and dad met on "match"--so it MUST work!!!
I swear I will post soon!
Wow, great resolutions!!
We've gotta check out that green blog!!
Our resolutions are well, not as unique as yours, but here they are:
Maya: To stop barking at people who are running on the street or at other dogs.
Kena: To stop growling so much...
Happy New Year!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Happy New Year!
I was just over at Maggie and Mitch spot and wanted to wish you a Happy New 2008 and hope you get all the dog bones you bark for.woof -woof
Lot's of Lick's
Good luck on your resolutions! You are very ambitious!
Hi Ruby,
We like your "Be Green" resolution. We're going to do our best to be Green too. That's a great idea!!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hey Ruby, I can relate to your quest for a dad. I have a dad, but he doesn't live here any more. He's an okay dog sitter sometimes, but it's just not the same. But my mom is so particular. Well, so am I. Just make sure if she picks a dad for you, that she picks a perfect dad for you. No messing around! Us dogs deserve nothing but the best.
Those are some tough resolutions. Can you get a dad at Ikea, I thought they have EVERYTHING there? You might have to put him together, though. Happy New Year!
What great resolutions. I didn't make any, and I'm hoping mom doesn't make me. He he! I totally agree with your park resolution, I love going to mine and maybe your Mom will find you a Dad at the park? That would fulfill two resolutions at once. Good Luck!
Your pal,
Hi, Ruby
Happy New Year to you and your Mom!
You have a long list of resolutions! I am sure you can accomplish all of them!
Thanks for being my friend!
Kisses and hugs
Happy new year Ruby. I hope you have a wonderful year and make all your revolutions come true. And still keep those planes flyin'
Happy New Year, Ruby! I have to think about my revolutions, but I also want to become a therapy dog. My Mom thinks I'm too bouncy, too, but let's show them we can do it!!
xoxo - Bella
Mine is to eat more treats.
You look like the queen of the new yeaw!! Thanks fow the wide to the pawty!
I love youw revolutions..I hope you get to keep them all...My Mommi found my Daddi just when she thought she nevew would and didn't even cawe anymowe and was just going to wead books instead,hehehe32 yeaws latew...........so I know it's possible
smoochie kisses
Hi Ruby,
Wow.. that's a lot of work to accomplish in 2008! I bet the last one about getting a dad will be the funnest! Pssst... good luck!
Great list of resolutions Ruby - how long do you think you can keep finding a dad a secret from your mum though?
Best of luck with achieving them all.
Happy new year to you and mum Ruby!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Haha, wish I can learn more trick too & pass my Intermediate exam. It's gonna be sooo hard... Happee New Year!
Solid Gold Dancer
That's quite an impressive list Ruby! I want to get my CGC this year too. We can cheer each other on, 'kay?
I think you can probably find a Dad on Ebay. You can pretty much everything and anything there.
Ruby Bug!!
I love you, girlie, and am a little sad to see 2007 go because that is the year that brought me to DWB and to YOU! But, I too am looking forward to 2008 and can't wait to see what this year brings.
Maybe you can match up my girl and I'll match up your mama and we can both get dads. Whatdya say?
...gotta go. Girl coming into room...
Goober love & lots of smooches,
Hey Ruby!
Would you like a pink helmet fur the mission? We could make a pic fur you!! Just tell us if you want one!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
oh what a long list Ruby!
well, here goes, HAPPY NEW YEAR! by the way to you and your Mama!
My revolution is to be more prompt. I am sometimes late with my comments, and also late to other things!
Perhaps my other revolution is to make no revolutions. Scotland is a peaceful country - not sure if I want to start an uprising just yet!!
Wishing you a Pawsome New Year and Thank You for being my friend!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
pee ess my Jeannie says hers revolution is to become more computer friendly, instead of threatening the more thing with trips out of the window when she gets mad with it!!
Revolutions? No I don't think so. Not for me, but good on you Ruby.
The trouble is we can all check up on you later. hehe
Pippa - and have a great new year.
Wow, those are great resolutions!!! I especially like the Green Dog resolution, BOL! Thanks for mentioning my new blog.
I'd love to pass the CGC too, but Mum thinks I would behave very well. I'm a bit too manic. But maybe someday!
Good goals! Woofs, Johann
PS: I'd like a Dad too!
Happy New Year Ruby!!