In case you were wondering - YES, I've inherited the gossip gene from my Mom...I love checking out this site and following all the famerous pooches...I particularly love to read about Licorice - swoon - he's my George Clooney!!!
Oh and I have tons to fill you in on...Awards, Koobie's Pawty and Mom actually finishing a knitting project - OH MY!!! Promise to write more this week!
Hi Ruby
I congratulated Johann .. he looks very handsome in the Celebrity magazine.
I'm jealous you're swooning over Licorice.
Love from Hammer
Congrats to Johann!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
oh we love all this gossip, we will go and check out Johann right now!
I have tagged you in Simba's game today on my blog, but if you have already played.....can you pass it on to someone else!
There are so many dog tag games going on at the moment, my head is spinning!
love and many Scottish licks, Marvin xxxxx
Gosh, I must go and read up on this!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Hi Ruby!
Way to go to Johann!
We wanted to drop in to say hi too! I hope all is wellest ever!
Oh, we also want to make reservation on AIRERUBY for Koobie's big pawty! Me and HERC are coming together! :)
Talk to you soonest!
Putter ...:)
We're so glad that you're into gossip, Ruby! Nobody ever tells us anything and this is important, don't you think?!
We can't wait to hear about your mom's latest knitting project! Our mom has been knitting away too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
wow!!! johann is indeed FAMOUS !!!
Yes, Paris thinks Licorice is cuter than Brad Pitt. I personally think I am cuter, but whatever
That is a funny website! Do you know if there are any famous WFTs?
Your friend, Lenny
WOW! We're so impressed!
woah, lifestyles of the rich and famous INDEED!
Ruby sweetie
Thanks fow the pep talk!!!
And congwatulations to Johann..and who is that ????does ouw Stanny know????
My sissy 's name is Myrna,and I think she would like to come to the pawty...I love you
smoochie kisses
Woh Johann is a celebrity.. He sure is handsome
~ Girl girl
He certainly has super star looks. A bit like me really.
Simba x
Yes, congratulations to Johann! And thanks for keeping us up-to-date on the latest, Ruby. You're great!
Thanks for the heads up on that site - headed over there right now!
We're out making the rounds now that we're feeling a little better!
Ruby - sniffing out all the gossip!!! You are so funny! Thanks for taking notice and thanks to everyone for the congrats. We are incredibly honored to be on the site with all those rich and famous pups!!!
Wait, aren't we all celebrities? I'm totally proud of Johann. So cool!
ps. You're better than TMZ! Certainly smarter...
Well,Agatha is going to put his picture up on the frig! SHe is smitten! WE will have to goto that site(and his!!) Love A+A
Oh no, now my Mom is addicted to this site too!! When will she pay attention to me?!?
xoxo - Bella