Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Sleepy Sunday #3
Sunday, January 20, 2008
5:24 AM | 31 Belly Rubs
Blog Archive
- One Week...
- Sleepy Sunday #4
- Thinking good thoughts...
- The Music in Me...
- Sleepy Sunday #3
- Shhhhh it's a Surprise Pawty!!!
- Awards, Awards, Awards...
- Where or Where...
- A Celebrity Among Us...
- Sleepy Sunday #2
- Neglected!
- Are you ready for some 'super' football????
- Sleepy Sunday #1
- Baby it's Wet and Cold and Windy Outside...
- Special Mission...
- Happy New Year!!!
Thank you, I just helped Opal with her 1st. Post. She is really nervous about this new adventure since she is not a great writer or story teller, she wants your advice so please give her a shout via the thing called a cell phone.
Love, hugs, belly rubs and smoochies
Hi Ruby!
You look so peaceful! Makes me wanna go and start my AB (after-breakfast) nap.
Rest well and don't forget to call your nanny!
Love and sugars,
Hey there Ruby!
Oooh.... an auntie! How cool!! We're going to go visit her bloggie!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
You sure look sweet snoozin, Ruby! We'll be checking out Opal! Thanks for telling us about her!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Looks like you are having quite a nice nap! I think I'll go take one!
Lucky you! A new Auntie! I'm going to visit her blog, too.
woofies Ruby, congrats on u new auntie...me will visit her too...u lookies sooo peaceful in dat pictur...
b safe,
Ruby -
You look so cute - I wish it was quiet enough to nap here! We also have to book a flight on Aire Ruby - we are sure our Patriots will be at the SUper Bowl!
My mom had doggies named after women authors, now she has moved on to nautical names because we have a boat! Humans - they are so odd!
Love, Dory the LabraDory
Have a great Sunday!
I am going to visit Opal right now!
Kisses and hugs
We love that picture of you with one eyeball open.
We make sure we visit Opal.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Thanks for sharing the info about Opal, I'll have to check out her blog!
Your pal,
Hi, we will go visit Opal in just a minute, but muzzer wants to tell you that she met a cute little boston girl at the a/p today who is named Molly Bee, and she is sweet like you.
You will have to tell us how to get to Opals!! LoveA+A
Congrats to Ruby's nanny on getting herself a new best friend!
Oh Ruby, you must be so excited to have another pup to play with... Ruby, Opal... Can't wait for an Emerald and Diamond to join your clan.. a very precious group of gals!
Hi Ruby,
Hope you're not too sleepy to play with Opal....We'll have gto visit Opal's bloggy.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hey Ruby! we saw you at Macks and thought we would say hello! You look so much fun! We love Bostons!
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx
We've just been to visit and say hi, so thanks for the heads up..And we'll add her to our list...
Hi Ruby!
I love your sleepy Sunday pictures. I am excited for the party in Jamaica! Please sign me up. It is really cold here and I could use some sun and some swimming! My mom keeps talking about taking a holiday lately - are humans allowed to come?
Love Clover xo
Woot Ruby! I would like reservations to Gus and Joe's Superbowl party AND Koobie's V-Day Party as well!
I checked the RSVP list for Tia's pawty, and I think you have everyone. I will double check again later.
Sleeping with one eye open is a good idea! In that way, you can sleep but the same time, you can watch out for pesky rats crawling here & there in the house.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
we added opals blog to our subscriptions!
Opal is such a nice name. We will go and visit her now.
Boy n Baby
Congwatulations on youw aunt Opal!
You have to help Nanny fix it so we can click on hew name and answewe hew...but fiwst get some good west sleepyhead
smoochie kisses
Hey, R-Bug!
How does your mama feel about getting a new sister? (And is she a real pug or did you say she was on wheels?)
I'll have to go check her out.
Now, you, go back to sleep. Dream of us in a puppy pile snoring away together!
Goober love & smooches,
all of a sudden...wheely is the trend..
i think we couldn't miss it though...
Woooo Hooo! We'll go say hello. Sleepy Sundays are the bestest kind.
sherman, Penny & Lola
That is so exciting about your new auntie!!
Can't wait to check out her blog once she starts.
Woh a new doggie blogger. That's pawsome. ;)
~ Girl girl
My auntie dogs are Ruby and Pearl - I like to try to fight them.
I wish you wewwe hewe with us..I told Lola too..the giwls just shoed up..it wasn't a planned thing,othewise I would cewtainly have sent you and invitation...Maybe in the spwing we can do it again and you could come???
We miss you
smoochie kisses
I needed some good news to cheer me up and this is it! I'll bet you are going to be bestest of friends with wheely puggy Opal, Ruby!
Wheely pug? Does that mean she pops wheelies on her bike?