Aire Ruby is pleased to announce it is now taking reservations for
Gus & Joe's SuperBowl Extravaganza Weekend!

Now I don't know much about footyball except what Joe and Wally talk about, but I know this is going to be one pawasome event. I mean, how could it not be considering who our hosts are? And the thought of a half-time show with Teka and Tanner...I mean even if you're not a footyball fan you can't possibly miss that, could you?
So if you are interested in attending, leave me a comment. As always, Aire Ruby will be stocked with the finest snackies available. And on this flight we will be screening
Puppy Bowl IV on the new, giant, HDTV, flat-screen TeeVee that Aire Ruby got as a Christmas prezzie!!!
So even if you don't like footyball...come on and enjoy the fun!!! Woot!!!
I would like a wesewvation fow one pleez..this sounds like a gweat weekend..would you like me to bwing anything in addition to youw aweady pawfectly stocked flight??OOOh O loove Puppy bowl..that will be fun..I weally don't knw footyball eithew, but he company and entewtainment will cewtainly make it a pawsome weekend
smoochie kisses
May I go please? I'll bring some yummy home made dog biscuits that mom got for me at First Monday!
Thanks for posting. We have a lot of people interested, and are gonna cross post the information
Well of COURSE sign us up!!!!!! We have a HUGE interst in this Super Bowl!!!!!( can we bring anything for the plane???) Love A+A
Hi, Ruby!
I don't know much about football either but sure is fun to have a party to be all together again!
I'd love to go!
Don't forget to pick up me and Flash. Hey can I sit by Penny? :)
Hi Ruby, Please reserve a seat for me too. This party is too good to be missed!
I dont know much about footieball but a pawty always sounds fun. :)
~ Girl girl
ruby, 2 seats for me and MooMoo please! yeah, i don't understand football too. but i love pawty!
wet wet licks
All this football means nothing to me, but good luck to your team.
Simba x
Dad says that we can't reply to the invitation until we see if the Giants are in the superbowl. He'll need us at home to cheer them on but we want to pawty, Ruby!! We're so torn but we have to listen to our dad!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I don't know anything about football but I am always up for a Pawty!
I will be packing my suitcase and looking out for Aire Ruby!
love from Lounge Lizard Marvin xxxxx
I want to go to the party too, you know I love football.
Plus I need a puppy bowl fix!
Hugs, belly rubs, smoochies too
I am no fan of football nor any hooman sports but I wouldn't want to miss this pawty! So, count me in!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wonder Rubes:
Could you please swing over to Texas and pick me up? And could I please sit in Nanny's lap for the flight?
She is so cool.
PeeS: I can bring snackies if you want.
I'll be there, Ruby! My dad grumbles something about his team, the @!%%@%#$*( Raiders, being not so good but whatever. Love, Martha
Motch is going to be on a cruise (going without hoo, sob!) so I can't make it to the superbowl party unless I can go with Fig & Tad. Cross your fingers, that they'll let me tag along with them.
Hi Ruby,
Can we book 4 tickets please. We've never been to a footy game before sounds like it could be fun.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
We love football. Mom and Dad are hoping that the Packer's make it.
Mitch and Maggie we want your Giant to beat the Cowgirls. Even though we live in Texas we do NOT like them..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
A party with Joe? You bet I'm going. Although things might get a bit tricky if all the boys I flirt with are there, like Wally and Pippa and Bear and Canyon and oh boy. I might be in trouble.
I know you're filling up fast, but can we make two tentative reservations. As you may have heard, if E.C. Bird shows up after Sam found him in Houston and shipped him home, we may negotiate a deal where he flies us to the Super Bowl in compensation for all the emotional distress and fish he cost us when he stood us up over Christmas.
We'll let you know soon.
Sounds like lots and lots of fun!!
Jake and Just Harry
woofies Ruby, may me haff one ticket luvs feetballs...
b safe,
I am actually going to miss flying to the event!
I can't wait..I am vewy excited about this pawty! I hope you have wested up and awe weady fow all these wesewvations
smoochie kisses
Come check out our blog!
You got an award!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hey Ruby, can I please make my reservation? I know NOTHING about football, but the food sounds too good to miss! J x
You're very welcome Ruby!!
Your blog always rubs its happiness onto us!! (Hee hee..did that make sense?)
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Hi Ruby!
I would like to come to the footyball pawty. I hope it is ok, I don't know Gus & Joe, but this would be a great opportunity to meet more doggie bloggers! Plus, you know me, I love a good pawty!
Love Clover xo
sounds like fun...
pacco de mongrel wanna to be there too...
I am making reservations for my 2 sisters, Katie and Zorra. I shall already be in the area, but my sister won't. They are excited to fly as always, Aire Ruby.
Silly me!! I know Joe! But not Gus, I hope that I won't be crashing still...
Love Clover xo
Ruby Bug!
You are so good to all of us dogs! Definitely put me & Stella down for 2 seats. She can sit with Petra and Cassidy in the back, but I'd like to ride with you. Will you be flying and will you need a copilot?
Goober love & white hot smooches,
Tell Mack I would love to have him sit on my lap.
Love, hugs, smoochies and belly rubs
wow..this certainly looks like quite the pawty...and if it is a football pawty we need some sexy ...I MJ am putting myself out there to be head if any of your girls wanna cheerleed with me....let me know..ummm fellas..what colour pom poms do we need.....
I hadn't heard about this but now I'm crazy for it! I gotta see me some "Puppy Bowl" action...!
Is there still room for me? If yes, count me in...I've decided to run away from home because my Mom is the meanest Mom on the Planet! She banned me from the living room sofa!!!
xoxo - Bella
Please let me make my reservation for the Super Bowl trip! My name is Koobuss and I want to go to Gus and Joe's Pawty. I live in eastern Pennsylvania, across the state from Scruffy, Lacie, BabyStan, Dewey, and Asta Marie. You can pick us all up.
On Valentine's Day I am hosting a ski pawty at a romantic Pocono Mountain Resort, Mount Hairy Lodge.
I'd like to book AireRuby for that date to bring all the guests. It's going to be a blast. See my blog for info.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,