Trooper Ruby Bleu reporting for duty!
Supreme Commander Stormy of the AO4 set forth our first mission for 2008 - it's a mission of the utmost importance and one long overdue...

The orders for the mission are simple...
" whatever it takes to locate Beau, and return him to his family!"
Beau has been missing from his family for a really long time - 5 whole years!!! He needs to get home! His family really misses him. For those of you who don't know Beau's story, you can check out his website and also visit his brother Hammer who has been diligently trying to get the word out!
Me, I'm just trying to do my part by spreading the web word...I'm also training for my mission...
Here I am looking for clues...ummm mud

On perimeter patrol

And here I am doing some 'undercover' work!
You don't need to be a member of the AO4 to take part in this mission...all you need is a
mission kit and be willing to spread the word! Here's to bringing Beau home!!! W00t!
Oh Ruby,
That picture of you in that combat helmet makes my eyes even more buggy than normal!
Wouldn't it just be the best year ever if Beau were to come home in 2008??
Love ya,
We have checked out Beau's page and it is very sad. We will do our part. We don't have the helmets yet but we will be on patrol..
Sloppy kisses,
Gus and Louie
We can't wear our helmets, Ruby! We don't have photoshop but we still plan on doing our part too!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That is a very important mission and we are doing our part! Have a very Happy New Year Miss Ruby!
Ozzie & Rocky
I really really hope we can be successful. You look great in your helmet, but stay out of that mud because it leads to BATHS.
Hey Ruby, I really hope that 2008 is the year in which Beau is finally found. My paws are crossed. J x
Wouldn't that be the coolest way to start 2008???? We're reporting for duty.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
You look so at home in that helmet. ...makes me feel a little wiggly thinking of you on a secret mission!
We have been praying & hoping that Beau gets home ever since we joined DWB & heard his story! Let's hope this is the year!
Goober love,
Oh, Ruby, that helmet makes your teeth sparkle!
I'm with you on hoping and praying that Beau is found this year, even if I don't have a helmet and my teeth don't sparke.
Maya and Kena reporting fur duty!!
We are in the mission too Ruby!!
Glad to know you are!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
What a cute picture of you with your helmet on! I feel so bad for Beau's family! I bet Beau is missing them SO much too!
If I see Beau, I'll let you know!
Love, Herc
Hi Ruby
Good luck on that mission.We hope Beau comes home
Yeah Ruby, Supreme Commander Stormy's mission is pawsome. Let's all put our paws together to make it a success. :)
~ Girl girl
Hi, Ruby
We all want Beau to come home soon!
This mission is such a brilliant idea - I'm going to get onto it on the weekend.
Thats a really good mission.
Simba xx
happy new year ruby
Beau of hammer is to want you to be found early by me.
from loved ume tyan
oh this is a wonderful post, dear sweet Ruby!
We too hope so much for Beau to be reunited with his Mama and Fur Family.
I am a trooper with the AO4 and I will do my very best to help find him, even though I am such a long, long way away!
My Jeannie loves the pic with you in your helmet, our edition of Photo Shop (one is called Adobe Photo Shop and the other is NTL Photo Maker) but neither one will let her import the helmet photo she saved off the Mission Kit.
So although I am a trooper, I am naked in the head department!!!!!!
lotsa loyal licks, Ruby!
Let us hope this is the Year Beau comes Home!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx in Snowy Scotland yay!
ruby, don't drink the dirty water. i pass you my coke instead. lol
wet wet licks
Oh, I wanna join the army too so that I can help out too!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Ruby!
Happy new year! I missed you too! It is nice to be back to my blogging again.
Thanks for posting about this mission, I am going to look in to it!
Love Clover xo
We are so sorry Beau is missing, and for so long. We hope he is healthy, where ever he is. We will go read about him.
Thanks for visiting. Sorry it took mom so long to get back to you, she has been very busy (doing nothing) and now she is very busy back at work. We will make her be better.
OUTstanding, Ruby! We WILL be successful; I just know it!
Play bows,
PS: You look mighty cute in your helmet!
Who knew that being a good twoopew gets youw boys all wiggly inide, you do look pawsome!
It's so cold hewe that undewcovew wowk sounds gweat..but sewiously, Ruby,I do wish we could finallu get Beau home!!Austwalia is so faw, I don't know what we can do???
smoochie kisses
hurray! i hope that beau gets found soon. i feel so sorry for his peepol and for hammer! i rated his you-tube video 5 stars and made it a favorite to help get the word out too!
luv ivy
woofies Ruby, me not a member of the troopers yet, but me iz wiff u all on dis gots all da stuffs on me bloggy, jus has to furgure outs how to get my helment on sooo far from austwrailia, but Beau cood b anywheres...sooo me searchin high and low in NC fur him...
b safe,
pp's bring Beau home in 2008!!!!
Thanks for informing us. We will get the mission kit and join this mission.
Boy n Baby
Good work getting the word out. That helmut looks great. I'll look around here.
Hello Ruby!.. eerr.. based on ur last picture.. are u already tired of searching or doing 'undercover' work there.. hehehe..
anyway.. way to go trooper ruby bleu!!
We're always on the look out for Beau even though we don't have helmets and aren't troopers we'll do what we can and always be on the alert.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi Ruby Bleu
Thank you very much for your bootiful post and for joining the mission to find Beau. We are so grateful. We will succeed coz Stormy is the Supreme Commander.
After all the agony mum went through fitting our helmets, she is more than happy to help with helmet fitting. Mume ended up using Fireworks and it was simple. We don't have Photoshop. Please email mum on if she can help.
Enjoy your weekend.
Love from Hammer
PS I'm on patrol 24/7 now.
Good work, Ruby. I hope they find Beau soon! We're on patrol in St. Paul and Minneapolis!
I hope you don't get swept away in the big Sacramento rain storm! Stay warm and dry.
Suki Sumo
You awe so bootiful and as faw as I knoe giwls awen't supposed to have beawds..I can tell you Mommi would not be please to have a beawd,heheh,smoochie kisses