OMD...I'm so sorry I've been out of touch, but as you know Mom sent me off to prison this week (aka the
Wag), but Aire Ruby is ready to go to the
Howl-o-Ween Barkday Pawty. We're stocking it with yummy snackies and lots of great toys for our trip to Salem. If you don't see your name on the
reservation list, have no fear, I'll still be there to pick you up...I just haven't had a chance to update the reservation system (no access in prison). Here I am in my costume getting ready to go...Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a bat, it's AireRuby!!!!
So let me fill you in on what was up with me since my Nanny's visit. OK, so Mom had to go to
Portland for some work stuff (sorry
Bella...she really should have come to visit you!!!). But before we talk about Portland, let me tell you about the horrible, painful things I had to endure.
So my Nanny left to go back to New Jersey (land of the
Newfs) at some undogly hour in the morning...which meant Mom had to get up even earlier. I figured I'd just get to sleep in but NOOOOOO I had to get up and go. The good thing was I got to bark 'bye' to my Nanny, bad news is I was than whisked off to prison/Wag.
Now normally there are lots of things going on when I go to the Wag...people to pet me, butts to sniff, but not at 5:00 AM!!!!! No no no, there was just one girl (who was very nice) BUT my Mom just up and left me!!! I just cried and cried. How could she do that too me? I didn't want to eat, didn't want to play...I just wanted my Mom. I guess after a while I realized she wasn't coming back and just resigned myself. As you can see, I did get an EXCELLENT report card and even made a new friend...

See...I'm 'such a good girl!'. I'm 'So much fun!'. Woo Hoo! I think I like those Wag girls!!! Anyhowl...I did have fun, but not after first being traumatized by Mom abandoning me!!! But unfortunately a little 'secret' got out about me to my Mom. For some strange reason, my Mom asked the Wag girl (I can't remember her name) if I slept on a bed or not (since we all know about my '
bed')...well, they told her that the very first time I visited, I ate my bed - NO, not the whole thing...just some stuffy-stuff. So now I just get blankies...just like home. Fortunately I think my Mom was still guilty about abandoning me and just laughed about it.
OK, now about Portland...I didn't get all the details about Mom's trip, but she really liked it there. She got to visit my Auntie Deb for a little bit, met a bassett/blue heeler named Elvis and a little
Toffee-like doggin who didn't like to walk on a leash and just got dragged. But most of her time was spent working...here's the picture of the parking lot of the building she was visiting...don't the leaves look cool????

Oh and she went to this restaurant (which she said was really yummy) which had a very interesting drink on the menu...do you know which one I'm talking about???

We got home really late last night and just went right to bed...Mom was really tired and so was I and I needed my sleep to get ready for the big weekend. So that's it...I'm back and ready to catch up on everypuppies bloggies!!! I missed you guys...oh, and I guess I'll see you soon, right? Look up in the sky...it might be me!!!