Are you pups ready???

Friday, October 26, 2007

OMD...I'm so sorry I've been out of touch, but as you know Mom sent me off to prison this week (aka the Wag), but Aire Ruby is ready to go to the Howl-o-Ween Barkday Pawty. We're stocking it with yummy snackies and lots of great toys for our trip to Salem. If you don't see your name on the reservation list, have no fear, I'll still be there to pick you up...I just haven't had a chance to update the reservation system (no access in prison). Here I am in my costume getting ready to go...Look, up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a bat, it's AireRuby!!!!

So let me fill you in on what was up with me since my Nanny's visit. OK, so Mom had to go to Portland for some work stuff (sorry Bella...she really should have come to visit you!!!). But before we talk about Portland, let me tell you about the horrible, painful things I had to endure.

So my Nanny left to go back to New Jersey (land of the Newfs) at some undogly hour in the morning...which meant Mom had to get up even earlier. I figured I'd just get to sleep in but NOOOOOO I had to get up and go. The good thing was I got to bark 'bye' to my Nanny, bad news is I was than whisked off to prison/Wag.

Now normally there are lots of things going on when I go to the Wag...people to pet me, butts to sniff, but not at 5:00 AM!!!!! No no no, there was just one girl (who was very nice) BUT my Mom just up and left me!!! I just cried and cried. How could she do that too me? I didn't want to eat, didn't want to play...I just wanted my Mom. I guess after a while I realized she wasn't coming back and just resigned myself. As you can see, I did get an EXCELLENT report card and even made a new friend...

See...I'm 'such a good girl!'. I'm 'So much fun!'. Woo Hoo! I think I like those Wag girls!!! Anyhowl...I did have fun, but not after first being traumatized by Mom abandoning me!!! But unfortunately a little 'secret' got out about me to my Mom. For some strange reason, my Mom asked the Wag girl (I can't remember her name) if I slept on a bed or not (since we all know about my 'bed')...well, they told her that the very first time I visited, I ate my bed - NO, not the whole thing...just some stuffy-stuff. So now I just get blankies...just like home. Fortunately I think my Mom was still guilty about abandoning me and just laughed about it.

OK, now about Portland...I didn't get all the details about Mom's trip, but she really liked it there. She got to visit my Auntie Deb for a little bit, met a bassett/blue heeler named Elvis and a little Toffee-like doggin who didn't like to walk on a leash and just got dragged. But most of her time was spent's the picture of the parking lot of the building she was visiting...don't the leaves look cool????
Oh and she went to this restaurant (which she said was really yummy) which had a very interesting drink on the you know which one I'm talking about???
We got home really late last night and just went right to bed...Mom was really tired and so was I and I needed my sleep to get ready for the big weekend. So that's it...I'm back and ready to catch up on everypuppies bloggies!!! I missed you guys...oh, and I guess I'll see you soon, right? Look up in the might be me!!!


39 Responses to "Are you pups ready???"

Randi said... 5:02 PM

Hi Ruby...sorry you were in prison! that sucks....I'd like to reserve a seat on Air Ruby for the Pawty coming up..Dont' know what I'll dress up as yet....I have to think about it...

Love & Licks,

Emily and Ike said... 5:20 PM

I can't wait for the party!
I need to post a pic of me in my costume!
PS - Thank Dog you're back!

Jessica said... 6:42 PM

Good to have you back. Our costumes are on and we are ready!!! See you soon....

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Kirby said... 6:52 PM

Hi Ruby,

So glad that you're back! I've spent some time in prison, ooopps, I mean I've been boarded, but I didn't get a cool report card like you did. Mom did get to watch me on the webcam, and she laughed each time another dog tried to hump me. he he he! Did your mom try the rubytini? It sounds supper yummy. Hope you had a good time at the party!

Your pal,

Agatha and Archie said... 7:10 PM

Oh a chic they named it after you!! We want to reserve too on Air Ruby even though we live a few towns over because WE LOVE AIR RUBY and it is Soooo much fun!!Can't wait!! LOv eA+A

Juno said... 7:30 PM

Ruby, sorry to hear that you were in prison but as a matter of fact Wag sounds good. :)
Rubytini!! My mom was so excited to see this name!!!

I will be on board soon! I am a pink witch. I can't wait to catch up with you at the pawty!

Momo xoxo

Lorenza said... 7:56 PM

Hi, Ruby
As always you were a good girl there at Wags!
Rubitini! Sounds interesting. Did your mom have one??
I am ready too! I will be waiting for you!

Bella the Boxer said... 8:10 PM

Wow, you Mom went to Olea? My parents haven't even been there yet. They say that the next time she goes to Portland she should bring you along and come visit us!!

xoxo - Bella

Asta said... 10:17 PM

RubyWelcome back!!! Stanley is coming with me to the pawty..
but befowe you get upset..
he's going with you to the wedding pawty OK???
so pleez pick us up and I'd like some Rubitinis pleez!
we have lots to catch up on..I can hawdsly wait
smoochie kisses

Faya said... 10:47 PM

Ruby can I have a seat on air Ruby even if I am in Switzerland ? ...ok I'll wait and see....
Kisses, Faya
PS : I am happy that you are out of jail..
PS2: This time I will travel with my dictionary !

Noah the Airedale said... 12:06 AM

Glad your survived your spell in prison. That drink list sounds very nice, did your mum have the Rubytini....hee hee. Bet she did!

See you soon, we're looking out for aire-ruby!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Stanley said... 12:23 AM


I'm not surprised the WAG girls thought you were a lot of fun! *I* could have told them that. (Want me to make up a GooberStan Girlfriend report card? Sounds kind of sexist, I know, but I can tell you now you'd pass and have lots of extra credit to spare)!

I forgot to tell you in your last post that I believe that while you are NOT a drama queen, you ARE very dramatic, and striking!!

My girl saw a pup who looked very much like you when she was in Florida. The pup's name was Roxie, and she was at Suki's fave dogpark. Roxie was a cutie, but not nearly as distinctive as you(though she was a brindle Boston girl).

Can't wait for the pawty! See you on the plane, chica o' mine!

Goober love & smooches,

Hammer said... 12:26 AM

Hi Ruby
You won't forget to pick me up to go to the pawty tonite, will you ?? I live in Oz.
Love from Hammer

Kien said... 1:57 AM

Oh Ruby.. am so ready with my ghostly costume.. remember to pick me up too ya!.. thanks a million..


Simba and Jazzi said... 2:15 AM

Mummy likes the sound of those cocktails. What a great report card, well done you. Watch out for the bats.

Simba xx

Duke said... 2:53 AM

We're so glad you got released from prison so you wouldn't have to miss the pawty! It wouldn't nearly be as much fun without you! We're ready and waitin' for Aire Ruby! Please leave the bats home, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber said... 3:54 AM

Hello Ruby, I am so exicted for the pawty!! I would like to reserve a seat on your flight too!! I will wear sumthing relli flashy.. you will get to see me for sure.
Glad that you are out from prison! Thr Rubytini sounds catchy. I will definitelty want to have one..


Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 3:55 AM

Hey Ruby, I'm ready and waiting in my costume for AireRuby. Can I order a Rubytini to have on the flight please? J x

Bella said... 6:38 AM

sounds like you & your mum have been really busy !!
How kewl to have a drink named after you the 'Rubytini" - maybe we will have some at the pawty.

Sophie Brador said... 6:40 AM

Hey Ruby, I don't know. Wag kind of looks pretty great. I wish my mom would leave me there. I would so totally play with you. Well, okay, I might just lay there and ignore you while you play, but I would be enjoying every minute of it.


Amber-Mae said... 7:25 AM

Oh, I'm sooo ready! What time are you gonna fetch me tonite? Wow! What an excellent report card Ruby. Ofcoirse you're fun! Hehehe...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

PreciOus said... 9:10 AM

Hi Ruby!

I'm all ready to go! See you in awhile!


Casper and pals said... 10:55 AM

Hi Ruby, is there enough room on Aire Ruby for all 4 of us? Casper, Nikki, Buddy, Winnie

Anonymous said... 11:16 AM

sorry I am annoying mouse tonight, my Jeannie cannot log in properly.....

hey, Rubytini, make mine a double, and please dont forget to call into my back garden to pick me up, cos otherwise I will not get to the Pawty, I have forgotten where the pawty is...........

Those darn Rubytinis are so blinking strong Ruby! Ruby ruby ruby!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 5:03 PM

MMMM...we'll have 4 rubitinis for Koob, Scruff, Dunstan and me...Oh, thankyou...they are delisssh!!

Um...perhaps I may need to use the facilities if I drink much more of these!

Lciacaee whatever.

Anonymous said... 5:16 PM

humm... a Rubytini huh! Now that sounds interesting. I sure hope they don't put you in a glass and serve that as a drink! ha rooo

Patience-please said... 7:02 PM

We think we're missing the party because our Servant is new to all this. But we didn't want you to think we were rude. We would be there sniffing all the butts and peeing on everything and doing all the other politeness, but our Servant didn't know how to get us there.
Good Help is soooo hard to find.

out of it in Kentucky-
the Whippet Waggle

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 10:12 PM

Well, there are no costumes big enough for us, but we'd still like to go. Did you hear Nooks got his TDI? Cassidy is coming home this week and Ruby is back! A great week!

Anonymous said... 10:47 PM

Sorry you had to go to prison - at least you made a new friend though!!

We're glad you and your mum are back :)


Joe Stains said... 10:38 AM

Ruby I think you were probably just making sure that dog bed was stuffed with quality materials, you never know about strange places. thanks again for picking us up!

Martha said... 2:31 PM

I think Wag looks like fun! I hope there is still room for me for the Halloween bash! Love, Martha

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 3:53 PM

At least you finally be home with your mom even though she be a meanie!!

Four Pugz

wally said... 4:33 PM

Glad you are reunited with your mom! And I will have three Rubytinis, please!!!


Poppy said... 6:55 PM

Rubytini! And a Cosmogranate too. Is that made of part Tadpole, I wonder?


Girl Girl Hamster said... 8:47 PM

Oh no, you went to prison Ruby? Well at least the girls there are fun. A Rubytini? I'm sure it's yummy and cute like you

~ Girl girl

the Corgi Girls said... 12:40 AM

Impressive report card Ruby!

M & I

umekotyan said... 5:35 AM

Good evening ruby.
I went to travel the flower, and came back.

And, Halloween is also near.
It gets excited by a happy flight.

from loved ume tyan

Clover said... 7:37 AM

Hi Ruby!
We missed you! Sorry that you had to stay in prison, but it's cool that you met a new friend, and that the girls said you were fun and good!!
Love Clover xo

Toby said... 7:42 AM

Hi Ruby,
Im glad your back! Looks like you were a very good girl in prison! The fall leaves are so neat looking. I love running around in the leaves..wish I had more of them here!

Love Toby