YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (favorite stuffie + tail characteristic)
Gorilla Nubbin
YOUR GANGSTER NAME: (favorite kong-filler + favorite cookie)
PB Salmon
YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color + favorite animal species)
Pink Hooman
YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name + city where you were born)
Bleu St. Louis (not exactly sure name of town I was born, but it's real close to St. Louis)

SUPERHERO NAME: (“The” + 2nd favorite color + favorite drink)
The Brown Water (ewwwww, I'll stick with Wonder Ruby, thank you very much!!!)
NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)
Joseph ??? (I only have one grandfather, I don't have a daddy - waaaaaaaaahhh)
STRIPPER NAME: (your favorite scent + favorite treat)
Peanut Butter (I'm a simple girl...both are my favorites!)
WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother’s & father’s middle names)
Again, what's with the father questions - waaaaaaaahhh. Oh and my Mom refuses to tell me her middle name. I must look into that!!!
TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME: (your vet’narin’s last name + a major city that starts with the same letter)
Harris Hartford
SPY NAME: (your favorite season/holiday + favorite flower)
Autumn Tulip (Now THAT sounds more like a stripper name, don't you think?)
CARTOON NAME: (favorite fruit + article of clothing you’re wearing right now + “ie” or “y”)
Peaches Furry
HIPPY NAME: (What you ate for breakfast + your favorite plant)
Kibble Grass
YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME: (“The” + Your favorite hobby + favorite weather element + “Tour”)
The Running Sunshine Tour (Sounds so very 70's)
Well THAT was fun...all except for the part of me not having a daddy - waaaaaaaaahhhh (Ruby's Mom: Ruby, stop that!) OK, OK...special shout-out to Auntie Yvette's people pup's his barkday today, oh and don't forget to make reservations for Blue's Pawty and the big Wedding extravaganza!!!
Woofers, Ruby, very cool answers!! We would like reservations on Air Ruby for Suki's Disney World Bash.
Four Pugz
That picture of you is hilarious! My mommy's friend has a boston named Yoda! ha ha..
Peanut Butter sounds like an okay stripper name to me! :-)
Happy birthday, Blake!
Love ya lots,
Hey Gorilla Nubbins, Wicked costume! I think you're ready for your Running Sunshine Tour.
Hey Ruby! Dads are overrated. MOMS RULE! And I'm not just trying to get snacks. Honest. (But I'd better get some).
ps. Yoda Ruby nice she is.
pps. See you at the weddin'!
Hi Ruby! Sorry I haven't been able to visit your blog for a long time. I've got lots of blogs to catch up on! Hehe.
G'day Ruby,
Don't be upset about the dad thing matie. A great mum is all you need.
Oh before we forget, can we book four seats for Blues Graveyard Pawty please.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Hi Ruby,
Love your rockstar tour name, it does sound so very 70's. I'm so sorry you seem sad bout not having a daddy, but in my house daddy is the rule maker and mommy is a marshmellow, so hopefully, you don't have to follow any rules!
Your pal,
Hi Ruby. Take it from me, Dad's are somewhat over rated, except they warm up the bed just fine.
I don't have a dad either, but I share Gussies with him. (my GRANDHUMAN!) That's how I know about warming the bed.
Me and Gussie want to got to Bleu's party. Muzzer said we had to PICK and couldn't go to all of them, so .......(we picked the one fartherest away.) Gussie wants to be seated next to Miss Snickers please.
Teka Toy
Hi, Ruby
This is a fun game. I like your answers, specially your spy name and your cartoon name!
I have the same "problem" with the dad's answers but... as long as I have my mom I don't care about a dad!
Suki's party will be great! Of course I want to be there.
Have a good night
Hello Ruby, Blue sent us over to make arrangements to go to her pawty. We are new to this group and have never flown before. It will be my 2 sisters and I.
Oh, btw, we don't have a father, either. I enjoy being the man of the house, myself. No one listens to me much either.
Hi Ruby,
I really like your Cartoon name!! Hello Peaches Furry...
There were some great answers there! Love your Star Wars name and your Hippy name particularly!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Some strange and funny names there.
Simba xx
Hahhahahahah! Funny names Ruuubyyyy!
Oh Oh! Don't forget about me for Suki's DisneyWorld Barkday Bash!
I can't wait!
Hee your stripper name sounds so yummy
~ Girl Girl
I just loved that pic of you as Yoda Ruby - it's too funny!
Your names are great as well.
The Brown Water??? Double Ewwww! You make an excellent Yoda...very wise.
I love all of your names, but I think I'll stick with Ruby Bug!
Goob love & extra smooches,
Wizard outfit, Harry Potter or what!!
I particularly like the four ear effect.
Charlie Boy