My First Day

Thursday, October 04, 2007

My bestest NYC gal-pup Asta tagged me last week to tell you pups about my first day home. Well let me tell you, what an exciting day THAT was.

So let's start by talking a little about my fur family...I was one of 6 puppies. Four boys and 2 girls. Here's a picture of me and my sister...

That's me on the left and and on the right, my sister --- let's call her Bat Girl because she kinda has a bat girl mask on, don't ya think??? Not to confuse you any, but this is my litter-sister. Sophia, my other fur sister was born a year earlier and lives in NJ with my Auntie Joey and cuzin Danny.

Anyhowl, my Mom decided even before I was born she wanted a girl puppy. Not exactly sure why...but I'm certainly glad she did. Also, my Mom never met me before I came to live with her. See I was born in Missouri and you all know we live in California. Boy, was my Mom brave to just pick me from a picture (fortunately I was a cute girl, huh?)...but she trusted my fur mom's Mom and also saw what a great pup Sophia was too. Here are a few more shots before I came to live with my Mom...

Now on to the big Mom was real nervous because little 4lb me had to fly all the way from Missouri to San Francisco all by myself. But I was a super brave girl and did a-OK!!! Here's me right off the plane...

That was the first day I met Auntie Yvette too...she came with my Mom to get me. Both of them couldn't believe how little I was. I slept in Auntie Yvette's arms the whole way home.

When we got home I immediately took a look around. Found my water dish...took a drink and than found my bed to rest...
I still have the blankie and that purple and green toy, but the elephant and my first bed are in stuffy heaven now.

Later in the day my Uncle Mark (Bob & Cooper's Dad) and my Granny-E (Uncle Mark's Mom) came to visit me. Guess I had just the right about of rest by the time they visited because I was up and ready to play. They said I was a feisty girl and that I was going to be a handful...boy were they right.

After they left it was just me and Mom alone for the first time. I think Mom was kinda nervous, but she didn't let on. We went for a little walkie outside so I could get a feel for my new 'hood...oh, and I met Dodger for the first time. He was the first doggie I ever met out side of my fur family. He's my bestest 'real doggie' friend.

One silly thing that my Mom forgot to do before she got me was to get a baby gate. She knew that I was going to stay in the kitchen area (aka Kitchen Prison) at bedtime and when Mom went to work, but for some reason she didn't get it before I arrived. So imagine first day home and I get to go to doggie Disneyland - PetCo!!! She held me in her arms the whole time but I could tell that this was going to be a place I would love when I got older!!!

After that little adventure we came home, I ate my dinner (I've always been a good eater), had another little walkie and than settled in for bed. I guess my Mom was worried I might be scared because she slept in the living room on the couch while I slept in my little bed in the kitchen. I don't remember this, but she said I didn't cry and I only got up once during the night to go pottie...what a good girl I was. Sleeping in my Kitchen Prison didn't about day 4, I started sleeping in Mom's bed and now it is MY bed - hee hee hee.

So that's it. Even though I sometimes give my Mom a hard time about stuff, I know what a lucky girl I am that she picked me!! OK, I wanna tag some pups for this because I think learning about your first day at home is I tag my BFF Suki (of course), Bernard and Luckie...tell us about your first day!!!


43 Responses to "My First Day"

Suki & Joey said... 4:28 PM

Oh, cool! What a pawsome first day home you had, Ruby. I can't wait to share mine :)

Hmmm...all the pictures of me the first couple of days are on the old computer, which is packed up. I guess I'll just steal some of my old ones from my first few posts...hehehe!

Puggy kisses

Unknown said... 4:39 PM

way to break her down and claim the bed. the big bed IS the boston terrier's natural habitat!

Bella the Boxer said... 4:58 PM

You were cute-as-a-button, Ruby (you still are!). Good job in making a space for yourself in the big bed. I still haven't succeeded with that one.

xoxo - Bella

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said... 5:56 PM

You were (and still are) ADORABLE Miss Ruby. Mom said your pictures gave her puppy fever (whatever that is...)

Ozzie & Rocky

Sir Chance-Lot said... 6:11 PM

Awwww I cant stop staring at your beautiful baby pics...hehe. Miss ya Ruby

Lorenza said... 7:33 PM

Hi, Ruby
You really are a brave girl! Flying alone is something that would make me feel nervous!
And you did not cry!!! You have been a good girl since the first day!
Thanks for sharing those first pictures of you!
Have a good night

Sophie Brador said... 8:12 PM

Woah Rubes! Look how super cute you were, yet still very serious and stoic. I was the same, I must say. Clearly, we are exactly alike.


Lacy said... 9:08 PM

woofies ruby!!! whats a brave little girlie u wuz, to come dat far by uself...u wuz a cutie then and u still r a cutie..we gonna have soooo muchies funs at dey camp out, u dids have room for me on air ruby didnt ya...heehee if u didnt me needs to start walkin now...

b safe,

Faya said... 10:42 PM

I love to watch the pictures of you puppy... you are so cute...
Kisses, Faya

Puggle Preston said... 11:52 PM

ohh...ruby, love the puppy pictures. sooooo cute! you were only 4 lb when you came to your mommy? that was very tiny! I was twice as heavy..hee hee.


Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:04 AM

You're such a cute puppy. And so brave to fly all the way to be in this great furever home with your mom now

~ Girl girl

Unknown said... 12:18 AM

i hope we are not toooo late, we are ready for camping! pleaaase pick us up!!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 12:22 AM

Hey Ruby, awwwwwwwww, you were so cute (and still are of course!) J x

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:58 AM

oooo look at the tiny little puppy. How sweet were you? Well you still are, but you know what I mean.

Simba x

Stanley said... 1:06 AM

Ruby Bug!

No WONDER you have your own aireline! You were an early flyer, and are now a pro. I've never flown anywhere by myself. Just Aire Ruby.

You were the most stinkin' cute pup in the whole world! What Sophie said is true, though. You look sweet but were a very serious little gal. You can just see the gears working in your little puppy head.

Thank you for sharing about your first day with your mama. She must have been so happy to finally meet you.

Goober love,

Amber-Mae said... 1:07 AM

Oh my my my, you were soooo cute Ruby! No wonder your hoomans picked you coz your cuteness was just sooo irresistible! Hehehe...Thanks for sharing the wonderful story about you.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Harry said... 1:25 AM

What a prefectly gorgeous little pup you were Ruby, now you're simply beautiful.

Toodle pip,

Harry x

P.S. Ma and pa have the beautiful photo you sent them on the fridge, swoon!

Duke said... 3:03 AM

What an adorable puppy you were, Ruby and how brave you were to fly in that big plane when you were so young! Now you have your own jet to fly puppies to loving arms!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said... 4:28 AM

Your puppy photos are sooo cute, why your Mom was nervous is beyond me, she always had doggies when she was a pup.

13 more days

Hugs and belly rubs


pee-ess tell Syanley I don't think a Newf would fit in my apartment

Clover said... 5:35 AM

Oh dog, Ruby you were (and are) soooo cute! Thanks for telling us that story, it was fun to read. I'm excited for the trip on Air Ruby - hope there is room for me!
Love Clover xo

Luckie Girl said... 5:47 AM

Hey Ruby,
You sure have grown a lot since then. hehee..
I had already done this tag when Reina tagged me awhile ago. :) hehe...

Anonymous said... 5:47 AM

Oh my goodness! You were so the cutest ever little puppy! You are still very cute (Stanley, this is not me trying to make a move on your girl, I am just giving her a compliment).

Thanks for still rooting for me! I need all the support I can get!


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 5:52 AM

I just loved that cute story about you and your Mum Ruby!

You were such a pretty pup, who could have resisted choosing you!

I am so glad you came to live with your Mum and took over her bed too!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Toby said... 7:46 AM

Ruby..oh my gosh you were sooo cute and tiny! I loved your puppy pictures! Sounds like you had a great first day at your new home!

Love Toby

Ferndoggle said... 8:25 AM

You were such a wee little munchkin, Ruby. What a great story.

My Mom picked me from a picture too...our Mom's have good intuition.


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 11:06 AM

Thanks for sharing your story. You be one brave little puppy plus very CUTE!!

xoxoFour Pugz

Anonymous said... 1:07 PM

Ruby! Tell your mom you guys should have stayed in Missouri then we could have been neighbors! That's where *I* live!

Juno said... 1:17 PM

OMD Ruby! Baby Ruby was sooo teeny tiny! :) I am glad that your mom had a good instinct :) and got you!!
My mom is still looking at your pup pictures and saying awwwww..

Momo xoxo

Frasier said... 1:56 PM

Oh Ruby
You are so cute.And tiny,I bet you would have fit in your mommys paLm !

Anonymous said... 3:11 PM

Ruby, you were one cute puppy! Thank you for sharing about your special first day.

Anonymous said... 3:48 PM

Oh my stars... you were so stinkin cute as a pup!! Well, you are still cute now, but what a cute pup!!! I loved hearing your story :)

Anonymous said... 4:13 PM

Ruby you were such a gorgeous little girl - and you grew up to be just as gorgeous now!!

I don't know who these humans think they are kidding by trying to make us pups sleep by ourselves - surely they all know by now that we ALWAYS win out in the end!!


Lizzy said... 5:41 PM

Oh wow, Ruby, you were SOOOOO cute! (And you still are, of course!) Thanks so much for sharing with us about your first day!


Huskee and Hershey said... 5:43 PM

You are a cutie Ruby *blush*... it's no wonder why your mom picked you!! My mom saw a boston pup at the pet shop for the first time in her life not too long ago and she could stop looking at him and laughing at his clownish antics!!

Moosie said... 5:50 PM

Hi Ruby,
My big brother Huskee told me what a cute pup you were and I just had to come over and see for myself.. OMdoG.. you really are the cuterest..

Boo Casanova said... 7:03 PM

hahaha ruby, the prison only lasted for 4 days huh. i need more time to convince my human tho. but with little dopey, they are more relax, he has started climbing to the first floor where the bedrooms are and dad even let him in to sleep in the room, IN MY BED! :(

wet wet licks


Kirby said... 8:35 PM

Hi Ruby,

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've heard so many good things about you. I'll have to book a trip on Aire Ruby for the next big party.

Your first day at home story is so sweet. You were such a brave girl flying across the country all by yourself. And how smart of you to get yourself into the humans bed. I think we are going to be GREAT friends!!

Your Pal,


Emily and Ike said... 8:45 PM

OMD - you were (and still are) adorable!

Agatha and Archie said... 5:10 PM

Are you the cutest puppy or what!!!!!!! Love A+A

Martha said... 3:27 AM

Ruby, you were an adorable puppy! I liked reading about your first day. Love, Martha

Jessica said... 10:54 AM

Oh Ruby....We LOVE happy stories like that. And yes, you are a lucky girl!! We can tell that you are really loved.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Koobuss said... 9:20 PM

WOW!! What a nice story, Ruby! How brave you were to fly by yourself all the way to San Francisco. Is that where you leaned to fly an airplane?

What a little cutie! Love your little curled-up picture.

Love and Koobus Kisses,

Asta said... 10:55 PM

Ruby Ruby
I'm so vewy behind! you wewe sooo adowable..not that you'we not supew adowable now,but what a little bwave dawling youwewe..such !
a little can aweady see how wondewful you became!

Ruby,,my pootew is still dead, but i bowwowed this..I miss you and want to thank you fow the pawfect wide..and you wewe such a good giwlfwiend to talk to at the pawty..I wish you lived closew..we could have slumbew pawties