Sorry for the blurry photo, but you get the point. For the last week, Mom has noticed this krustiness at the corner of my mouth. At first she thought I was getting lazy and not washing my face after I ate (silly woman) so she washed my face...but it didn't go away. Than she noticed one day it was krusty and the next pimply.
Mom finally had enough and as usual made me go to the vet. I feel fine, but she's such a worry wart. So off to the vet I go and guess what??? They really don't know what it is!!! They think it might be an infection so I am now on antibiotics for 2 weeks...YES, 2 WEEKS!!!!! If it doesn't clear up by then they are going to do a bio-popsy which doesn't sound good at all...so cross your paws I don't have to do that!!! And here I wanted to be all pretty for my Nanny's visit...hopefully Nanny will still think I'm cute.
Oh and Mom, is this your idea of a joke?
Ha!-ha! (pointing finger ala Nelson) :-)
The Fleas
The humans are such freaks. Whenever us dogs get a teenty tiny little medical problem they're all freaked out and running us to the V.E.T. Ugh. We hope the meds work so you don't have to go back!!!
Wiley & Fievel
Oh no! Sorry about that owie, Ruby. Hope it goes away soon. But while you have it, I hope you get lots of extra snackies and things.
Love Clover xo
P.S. Thanks for sharing your ideas for saving the environment. I really love the picture of you with the ladybug. :)
BOLBOL!! Poor you..
And thanks fur the comment on our post of having fun in the rain! You wouldn't believe how mad mommy was...hehe
Ouch! That looks super ouchy! Our Mom worries about every single little thing too. Hoomans need to relax!
Hope it clears up on it's own.
Hi Ruby,
Oh I'm sorry Ruby about your mouth - that's no fun!
Thank you for voting for me! If elected Chin of the year I promise to never answer my cell phone during a speech or make a loud cackle laugh or wake up stinky and snorey. I will just be a perfect angel of a Chin as always.
Hey Ruby,
I hope you don't look like Krusty the Clown for long! Feel better...
Your new friend,
Ah humans...as soon as something special appeart....direct to the vet.... well I hope it doesn't hurt and it will desapear soon...
Kisses, Faya
Oh ruby, I had some weirdo bumps on my face before and they just fell off BUT Mom made me go to the vet too! silly humans just LOVE spending money!
Ruby, I think maybe you are more like Bleeding Gums Murphy. I hope you feel better soon. Make sure you get some extra treats!
Your friend, Lenny
I sure hope your krusties go away, Ruby! I've heard that biopopsies are no fun at all! Maybe some strawberry flavored Chapstick will work for you?!
Love ya lots,
Very cool crust. Battle scares are cool.
Sorry about the crusty! Gross!
AireRuby will be flying to a destination wedding to a town called
You can Google Maps it.
Does it hurt Ruby? It looks like it might hurt. I had a pimple on my chin once, and my mama showed it to everyone. I was mortified.
Krusty or not, I think you are always fantabulously bootiful! AireZen and extra goober smooches for your owie. Hope it clears up extra fast & NEVER dares to come back.
Only 9 days til my sissy's here! WooHoo!
Goob love & healing smooches,
Your Stanny
You are still cute, I hope the owie gets better real soon, tell your Mom to back off already with the Vet.
So I get to go to the BT Halloween day on Sunday, promise me you won't play in any mud, I really detest mud. Hope hoomans don't have to dress up, cause I don't want to wear one.
See you Thursday
Love hugs and belly rubs
*paws crossed*
And that's just mean of your mommy to be making fun of you!
Oooh, that does look a bit sore you poor poppet. I'll keep my paws crossed that the tablets work. Oh, and Nanny will love you regardless!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
What a question..of couwse Nanny will love you!!!you awe totaly adowable ouchy ow not! And you heawd Stanley , you awe BOOotiful!! youw Mommi is mean and not funny to make you into kwusty.
Instead she should apply libewal amounts of ice cweam and kissies
smoochie ones fwom me!
hope the medcine helps soon!
Asta youw giwlfwiend
Hi, Ruby
I really hope that is not painful for you! I have my paws crossed to make it go away soon! Sure the meds will make you feel better.
Your Nanny loves you krusty or not!
Have a good night
Hey, when you post the flight itinerary and reservation list - let everyone know that they are invited - I'm even ok with cats coming. You might need to get an Air Bus.
Oh Ruby.. hope those yuckies krusty.. or whatever is it.. will go away.. after the antibiotics.. meanwhile.. enjoy yrself with ur nanny visit..
Ha ha ha... Oh Ruby, you do look funny... but I hope the crusty stuff will go away!
Hi Ruby,
Oh, I hope the pills clear up your krustys. Don't want you to have a bio-popsy. That don't sound like too much fun. I am in love with my vet, so if you want a second opinion and have time to visit Chicago, I highly recommend her. Hope everything clears up nicely and nanny will love you no matter what!
Your pal,
I hope it gets bettre soon. It does not look FUNNY at all. Your Mom certainly has a warp sense of humour.
Ruby you are cuter than krusty!
A little bit funny? No, not funny at all. Snigger, snigger.
Simba x
Antibiotics for 2 weeks? That is sooo not cool! How did you get that krusty in the 1st place? Your poor lip. I hope it will go off soon.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
That looks sore Ruby - I hope it goes away soon.
oh poor Ruby! I am sorry I have neglected commenting the last few days, so I was upset to read of your problem.
You are beautiful to me! I am sure your Nanny will love you too!
take care, sweet one.
love and licks, your friend, Marvin xxxxx
ps thanks again for nominating me for Awesome Blog Award!
Ruby, we've our paws crossed for you matie. Hopefully it's nothing and you'll get rid of rotten ol' Krusty in no time.
Take it easy.
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Oh dear.. I hope that krust will go off soon. That's not nice to make fun of you
~ Girl girl
Don't worry, girl, you still look bootiful! :)
I can't wait to hear about your nanny's visit! I hope she brings you lots of snackies and pressies!
Oh, and the hope that memin (that's what Ava calls "medicine"!) isn't too yucky.
Puggy kisses
Oh Ruby I hope your sore will get better. This happened to one of my mammas dogs years ago, before she went "all green", and it turned out that it was a reaction to pesticide that had been spread on the lawn by a lawn fixing company.
Everything from what our mamma s wash the floor with to the soap they use in the dishwasher can cause big trouble for our mammas AND us. Most mammas does not know how seriously bad the toxic chemicals really are ( cause no one tells them, and OMdog, you would think that the big companies like proctor and Gamble/Johnson and Johnson, palmolive to mention just a few, would NOT use these dangerous toxins in their products, but they do cause it is cheap preservatives) that are found in 99% of all supermarket/k-mart/wallmart/drugstores..etc.
Unless mammas buy from companies that specifically use no toxic or bad chemcials...the products will have chemicals like formaldehyde/phosphate.dioxin/ammonia/bleach...etc
Even Tide detergent is full of phosphate and formyldehyde that causes all sort of diseases, including cancer, and think about this...where does all of it go, it goes from our dishwashers, waasher machines, showers and baths, down the drains, and into the soil, into the rivers, and to the oceans, and from there the chemicals hurt fish and wild life all through the world...( when scientists test the water in the rivers and oceans, they find lots of pesticide, and toxic chemicals in the water)
I get kind of RABID mad at companies that care more about $$ than everyones health!!
SOooooo. the best thing to do is to stop buying from them and switch to a company that does not use any of these chemicals....
( and more and more companies are entering the markets now that are much safer)
My mamma has been a customer for years and she loves them, cause they are cheap too ;O)...just tell her if you like to try, cause she can hook you up with whole sale prices..:O)))
Check this out too....
Sending you lotsa love and hugs to heal your krusty...
Sir Loveyoualot
I think the link was cut off in my comment, here it is again...
AWw..I hope the krusty stuff goes away! Im on antibiotics right now too for 10 days for Giardia!..this is the 2nd round of medicine cause it didn't go away the firs time!..I hate takin meds..I hope your better than I am!
Love Toby
Hey Ruby, sorry to hear about your Krustiness. Hope it goes away soon. J x