Drumroll please...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Introducing...Wonder Ruby the Yarn Dog...

Yep, that's right. Has she no mercy? She can be vengeful, can't she...all because of that one little yarn 'mishap'. It wasn't expensive yarn, I was just helping and she actually just left the yarn there anyway! Anyhowl, this is what she made me...I'm a skein of yarn. It reallydoes frighten me what goes through that mind of hers. Here are a few more photos...

For those knitters out there like Dory and Maggie's Moms, my Mom said you'll appreciate the detail on the label? Yes, hand-wash, no bleach, lie flat to dry and no ironing. My Mom still giggles about this, I don't get it. Here's my favorite photo...

Think I look a little pissed-off in this? Well you'd be right. My Mom was SO excited about finishing the costume that she had to wake me up from a very lovely nap in the sun on the deck to model. Jeesh...can't a pup get a break at all?

Enough about me...now on to the REAL fun!!! The Sacramento Area Boston Terrier Social Club's (yep, I belong to a club!) monthly meetup! I haven't gone in a few months because we've been busy so not only was I excited to see all my BT friends, but it's Howl-o-Ween, and if I have to suffer in a silly costume, I need my friends to suffer too - hee hee hee!

Mom didn't get a lot of good pix because there was so much commotion going on, but here are a few...

If you can believe it, I didn't win the costume contest...no, my friend Lulu the 'Showgirl' won. Oh well, there's always next time...wait, what am I saying? Another costume??? Oh no....


22 Responses to "Drumroll please..."

Lorenza said... 7:52 PM

Hi, Ruby
Sure your mom is very creative! I like your costume! Too bad you did not win but sure you had a great day meeting all your friends there!
Have a good night

Poppy said... 8:12 PM

Wow! That is seriously one of the best costumes I have ever seen! You should have won--you were totally robbed!


Kirby said... 8:35 PM


You're mom really takes the costume thing seriously. I know you don't love the costume, but you do look great! Hope you don't have to weat it too many more times. Oh, and I think you should have at lease won the contest.

Your pal,

Unknown said... 11:15 PM

Ruby Red!!! Totally loved your pissed off look in the last pic.... count your blessings though, Showgirl Lulu looked like she had tougher luck. hehehheheh


Luckie Girl said... 11:57 PM

Hey Ruby,
Gee, at least your Mom is creative enuff to knit something..I can't say the same for mine. :P

Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:24 AM

Ruby, that's such a cute and funny costume. I can't believe you didn't win in that contest

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said... 1:00 AM

Hehehe, what a nice costume your mom made for you but too bad that you didn't win. Lulu's costume is really nice! Wow!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said... 2:55 AM

How creative, Ruby! Your costume is just adorable! I honestly think you should have won! Your mom found the PERFECT yarn!

Love ya lots,

Suki & Joey said... 6:08 AM

You deserved to win, Ruby.

I mean, I know Lulu is your friend and all, but I'm sure you can dig up some photos of her behaving badly at the last meetup, right? I heard she was in the back with a couple boy BTs and a bag of kibble. Get your paws on that evidence, pronto!

Puggy kisses

Ume said... 6:52 AM

the yarn costume was definitely one of its kind, Ruby! your Mom is so creative! but i can understand y u were pissed off.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 7:18 AM

Red is so totally your colour Ruby! In fact Ruby Red! ha ha ha!

I loved all those pictures, they were wonderful!

Especially your "pissed" off face one!

love and laughing licks, Marv xxxxx

Lenny said... 8:54 AM

Awesome costume, and your expression is priceless.

Your friend, Lenny

Ferndoggle said... 9:15 AM

Your costume is SO super Cute!! I totally can't believe you didn't win! What a rip off.

I hope my Mom didn't get any bright ideas from this post. I heard her mumbling someting about a tutu. Ack!


Clover said... 10:05 AM

Hi Ruby!
I really like your costume. I love the picture of you looking pissed (oops, is that a swear?!) ... I know you don't like it, but you look cute!! Good job Ruby's mama!!
Love Clover xo

Toby said... 10:49 AM

Your costume is sooo funny! My mommy just loves it! You look soo mad, I love the expression on your face! You should of won for most creative!

Love Toby

Asta said... 4:48 PM

Oh Ruby
My Mommi wants to go to the yawn stowe that sells skeins that look like you!! Wow you look gweat, but I do love youw pissed off look,heheheh
I think you should have won!
smoochie kisses

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 6:13 PM

Ruby! We always knew you could spin a mean yarn! When you're at the party all you had to do was click your heels together and say, I want to go home!

Noah the Airedale said... 7:26 PM

That jacket is fantastic matie. Sadly our pinkie is useless with knitting kneedles.

Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Puggle Preston said... 9:12 PM

hee..hee...sorry, ruby, I know you were upset about the yarn outfit but you were so cute and made my mommy and I giggle.


Unknown said... 9:05 AM

Wow that is such a funny costume, your Mom is creative. BUT I like the last picture that expresses your disdain for that thing. I would feel the same. I have no idea what torment awaits me for halloween.

Stanley said... 10:43 AM

Ruby Bug!!

I too love your fave pic of yourself... the pissed off one. You sure can work the camera, girl.

It's very considerate of you to allow your mama to have her crazy little whims occasionally. It probably keeps her from the loony bin, and she gets cute pics of you.

If that yarn were really for sale I'd take my girl's plastic and buy the whole lot!

Sorry I've been a little scarce. We're making sissy plans and getting the house all nice & clean so she can destroy it.

Goober love,

Jen and Suki said... 4:51 PM

OMD your costume is PAWSOME! That is so creative and you totally deserved to win. I think those judges were biased. Now if only my mommy would hurry up and come up with a costume for Pug-o-Weeeeen!