about the Fall???
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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Sleepy Sunday #15
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Thank you for all the wonderful barkday wishes!!! I've had such a fun weekend with my Mom, and Auntie Yvette came to visit me too - W00t!!! See that adorable blue bunny that I'm snuggling with??? That's one of the many wonderful things my Macky sent me for my special day - I'll be posting all about them sometime this week - he's just so generous...I woof you my Macky!!!
Have a great sleepy Sunday!!!!
7:24 AM | 6 Belly Rubs
Hard to believe...
Friday, April 09, 2010
That Ruby is 4 today...and that I've survived (so far) being her Mom! Also that I've actually maintained a blog for 3 years and 540 posts. I'm not sure which is more amazing!!!
It's really hard to remember my life without Ruby...and that's a good thing. It's so nice to come home after a long day at the office to see her bouncy self. The madness of the day just melts away when I look into those big brown eyes. I know I'm probably imagining it, but she seems genuinely happy to see me when I get home and not because there are snackies in her future either. Honestly, she just makes me happy. Even when she's doing something she's not supposed to be doing which being a Boston Terror is quite often!
I've been working a lot lately...more than I really want to and I struggle knowing that Ruby is home by herself all day. But she is so good. No messes, no acting out (mostly). I'm grateful for my best friend Yvette, who from the first day I brought Ruby home, has been there to swoop in to check on Ruby when I can't. I worry that I'm not being fair to Ruby and just being selfish. But I just can't imagine not coming home to her. Plus Yvette reminds me that if I didn't work, I wouldn't be able to keep Ruby living in the style she has become so accustomed to - LOL.
I'd like to take this opportunity to again thank all our blogging friends. My life (and Ruby's) has been truly enriched getting to know you and I really do count you all as my friends. Even though I'm, I mean Ruby, isn't blogging as often, I know you are all still out there and even if I can't visit or comment everyday, I'm, I mean we, are always thinking of you. And as stressful as it will probably be for me to leave Ruby this July, I can't tell you how excited I am that I'm going to get to finally meet some of you in person! I really can't wait!
So here is to another year (and hopefully many many more) with by beautiful pupgirl and another year (and hopefully many many more) of blogging. As Ruby would say...W00t - W00t - W00t!!!
12:00 AM | 15 Belly Rubs
Sleepy Sunday #14
Sunday, April 04, 2010
And a very happy barkday to my handsome Scottish friend Marvin - W00t!!!
6:56 AM | 5 Belly Rubs