Have you missed me????

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I've missed all of you so much!!!! Between Mom working and then her abandoning me to visit with my friends pawrents (and Asta, Princess Stella, Petey and Duffy)...I feel like I've been gone FUREVER!!!! I hope you guys haven't furgotten about me!!!! Mom says the next few weeks are going to be CRAZY, but she promises she'll help me post after our special visitor arrives at the beginning of August...I wonder who is coming to see me???



8 Responses to "Have you missed me????"

Mack said... 8:13 AM

I wish it was me!

And I have missed you SO much.


Peppy Sheppys said... 8:31 AM

ROOOOOOOOOOOOOBY! Is it US? Are we coming to visit because we never get to do anything fun and it would be about time!

Happy sleepy Sunday!

Sheps w/Pep and Otis

Lorenza said... 9:40 AM

Hi, Ruby!
I know your mom and your auntie had a pawesome time there!
Who is you special visitor?? Do I have to wait to know until August??
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said... 10:22 AM

I HAVE missed you..I was specially miffed that you didn't get to come in wound fowm to visit me I sent you special kissies wif youw mom though..
Ouw whole life is cwazy..hehehehe
happy snoozing
smoochie kisses

Duke said... 12:36 PM

OH NO! Are you going to hold us in suspense forever, Ruby! But we need to know who is coming to see you now!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

C.l.o.v.e.r. said... 2:33 PM

Hi Ruby!
I missed you! I hope you and Mom have a good few weeks even if they are crazy. Can't wait to hear who your visitor is! I wish it was me!

Dexter said... 4:22 PM

Are you nuts? Of course i have missed you. Oh Ruby! How nice to see your little face again. Hope that Mom will be able to simmer down a bit and spend more time with you.


Simba and Jazzi said... 12:30 AM

oh a visitor how exciting! We can't wait to find out who it is.

Simba and Jazzi x