Let's Play Tag...

Sunday, May 06, 2007

It took a while, but Mom was finally able to get a picture of me upside down. Suki tagged me last week and she was tagged by Ronin. The tag game is played by posting a picture, in this round, in an upside down position and than you tag 3 other pups. So Joe Stains (and Doofus, if you want Joe) , Asta (Up Over) and Tadpole - Tag Your It (and in Taddy's case, he really is It!)

Here I am, in all my glory...not sure if I'm scratching my back or waiting for a belly rub...probably waiting for a belly rub.

While Dodger was visiting I tagged him too. But the frog wasn't interested.


17 Responses to "Let's Play Tag..."

Anonymous said... 5:28 PM

Wow Ruby! That is a great Reverse Froggie Doggie there! You are so cute!!!
Hugs, Sitka

Suki & Joey said... 6:05 PM

Woohoo, Ruby! Thanks for playing :)
Very cute pics!

Puggy kisses

P.S. No, we're not going to make it to Portland on time for the Pug Crawl. We'll have to go next year. Stoopid house...stoopid bad market. I'm beginning to wonder if we'll ever leave Florida!

Joe Stains said... 7:38 PM

this might be hard, I HATE being upside down! Mom might have to look in her vast picture archives

Anonymous said... 8:35 PM

Cute pictures!!! Mom can never get me in pictures like that!

Boo Casanova said... 9:01 PM

oops! i hope i won't be tag coz i hardly find a upside down photo of me!

wet wet licks


Emily and Ike said... 9:50 PM

Cute belly!

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:23 AM

ahh look at you with your little paws in the air. So sweet.

Simba xxx

Fu Fu said... 1:54 AM

Hee, you still look very cute upside down Ruby

~ fufu

Duke said... 2:40 AM

Now don't you find that upsidedown position just the BEST!!! Love the picture!

Love ya lots,

Ronin_The_Pug said... 4:19 AM

Hihihi!!! You look so funny and cute! Puggy kisses!

Peanut said... 5:13 AM

Ah belly rubs are good good. that is a nice picture of you.

Duke and Gidget said... 9:11 AM

Belly Rubs are the best! You sure are a cutie Ruby!

~Pug Hugs~

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 9:55 AM

Cool photos. Suki tagged me too, so I must do my post. Easy for me as I always sleep upside down,

Oscar x

Ferndoggle said... 10:52 AM

Ahhhhhh...nothin' like a good backscratch, eh??? Great pics!


Lorenza said... 11:16 AM

Great picture whatever you were doing.

Tadpole said... 12:55 PM

Oooh, I've been tagged!!! And I don't think my girl has a picture of me upside down, so I'll have to do some posing tonight!

Anonymous said... 12:56 PM

AHA HA HA!!! Everyone should call him IT!!!!!

PS - that is a lovely picture of you. :-)

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