Dona Nobis Pacem

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What is peace to me??? Well, a warm bed, cookies, a place to run and play and of course my Mom.
What is peace to my Mom??? Me napping like a good girl!
What is peace in the World??? Where every person and every doggie can feel safe and be loved as much as I am loved by my Mom.

Have a very peaceful day my doggie friends. Lots of Licks, Ruby


25 Responses to "Dona Nobis Pacem"

Asta said... 9:16 PM

I hope for Peace too Ruby, I even said it in Hungarian on my Blog,
I love your mening of Peace, thanks for being my friend

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 1:38 AM

Here, here!

Oscar x

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:42 AM

Well said.

Simba xx

Duke said... 2:43 AM

Excellent posting Ruby!

Love ya lots,

Ferndoggle said... 4:47 AM

Peace to you too Ruby!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Amber-Mae said... 5:20 AM

Ah.... World Peace!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lady Epiphany said... 6:16 AM

Beautiful post.

-Epiphany Alone

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 6:54 AM

Yay! Wonderful post Ruby! My feelings exactly!

love and happy licks, Marvin xxxxx Dogs For Peace!

The Rock Chick said... 7:46 AM

I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I’d like to hold in in my arms and keep it company
I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
And hear them echo through the hills
Ah, peace throughout the land.

Ruby, you are welcome to join in my choir!!! Peace to you :)

Jessica The Rock Chick

Gwyn Valentine said... 10:01 AM

Thats a nice entry!
May the peace be with you always :)

Dayngr said... 11:20 AM

You go Ruby! Come and check out my globe too.

Charlie said... 12:13 PM

We love that Peace Globe picture of you!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said... 12:47 PM

Grant Us Peace - "All You Need Is Love"
Sitting On The COUCH For Peace

Bud Weiser, WTIT said... 12:53 PM

May the warmth and spirit of this Peace Globe Day bring us all peace. You’re globe is beautiful.

From WTIT: the most peaceful Tape Radio Station ever…

Duke and Gidget said... 1:14 PM

Thanks Ruby, we hope you have a peaceful day too. Everyday!

~Pug Hugs~

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 1:36 PM

My sentiments exactly! J x

Lorenza said... 1:55 PM

Hi, Ruby.
I like your post a lot.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
Have a nice and peaceful day.

Wet-nosed said... 2:42 PM

*Turn* *Turn* *Turn* and you're WONDER RUBY!

Freda said... 9:25 PM

Hey Rubys,

Your Peace is betters than mine. I might just hikes up to your place. I'm hungrys.

Wuufs! (Peace!)


Travis Cody said... 10:01 PM

I'm cruising by from Mimi's. Happy Peace Globe Day.

Peace to you!

Ronin_The_Pug said... 12:38 AM

That is so cute, Ruby! Peace, Ruby!

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said... 4:43 AM

Ruby, I totally agree...well said little one:)

We finally added you to our links' list - mom can be a procrastinator...

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

Annelisa said... 6:19 AM

Excellent post, Ruby! Welcome to the first Blogblast for Peace!

Peace to you and yours, now and always!

Words that Flow

Forest Dogs said... 6:22 AM

We's sniffing round the Blogosphere with our mom, Annelisa, to find peace-lovers, and we's found you, Ruby!

Very nice Globe, we thinks. And we agree with what you said - peace is where every doggie (and hooman) can feel safe and loved!


Mimi Lenox said... 8:20 PM

Thanks for participating this year. It's been a fantastic experience. I hope you will continue to fly your peace globe.

Wonderful globe.
