I HATE Mondays!

Monday, June 18, 2007

In the immortal words of the Carpenters*,
'Rainy days and Mondays always get me down...'
OK, so it isn't raining, but it's like a gazillion degrees out. This means, no park and no long walkie because Mom's afraid my brain will melt like Tanner's. I actually think it's because she's too lazy!

Now Monday's are bad to begin with because it means I'm back in my kitchen prison and Mom goes to work, but as far as Monday's go...this was the WORST!!!! For starters guess who DIDN'T come home for lunch? Yep, Mom...which means no walkie and no snackie and no kiss. What's worse is that Mom didn't even send Auntie Yvette over! Can you believe that? So you know what happened? Yup, I peepee'd on the floor! I'm so ashamed...I haven't done that in a while but what choice did I have???

If that's not enough there was a knock on the door. I think it was Mr. Mailman. Suki said Mr. Mailman might be bringing me a special package today. I'm not sure if that is what it was, but by the time Mom finally got home from work the office at our apartment was closed. So I don't know if Mr. Mailman was bringing me Suki's package and now I have to wait until tomorrow to find out. That just make me mad!!!

So as you can see, it was a bad day all around. I think I'll just go and pout for awhile...

* Apologies for the cheesy 70's reference. Gives you an idea of what I'm up against in my choice of music. Oh sure you thought going to The Police concert made Mom all cool, right. Nope, she listens to cheesy 70's music too...also gives you an idea of how old she really is!


28 Responses to "I HATE Mondays!"

The Army of Four said... 6:56 PM

It rained here. Maybe we got your rain?
That stinks that nobody came home to see you. :( How lonely! Do you get to watch TV or anything?
Hey, you look REALLY fast in that video!!! I just now saw it.
Play bows,

Stanley said... 7:28 PM

Ruby Girl!

I'm sorry about your pee accident. What's a pup to do? You can't hold it forever.

On a brighter note, even though you're pouting, you still look mighty fetching in your photo. The light really shows off your brindleness (is that a word?).

Goob kisses,

Bogart H. Devil said... 7:53 PM

My mom got the cheesy 70s reference... she must be pretty old too!

You do look very fetching in that last photo...


Lorenza said... 8:03 PM

Hi, Ruby.
Sure it was a bad day for you. I like your pouting picture!
I don't like weekdays because my mom is at her office, but at least I stay with my grandparents during the day.
Have a good night

Emily and Ike said... 8:10 PM

Yeah, Ruby, I got locked up today too. Yesterday, my mom wouldn't take down the gate so I could check the cat dishes so I hosed the couch. Oops.

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said... 8:36 PM

Poor Ruby. So many things are wrong with Mondays but your day really stunk. What's with the old moms and that music? Our mom just read it and moved right along. We think she knew what you were talking about too. We hope your Tuesday is better!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

Anonymous said... 9:47 PM

Awe, cheer up Ruby. My monday was bad too, It rained and I woke up with a sore paw and now I have to go to the doctor tomorrow........but that means my mom will be home with me all day!

Let's hear it for a Terrific Tuesday! Whooot!


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 11:29 PM

We have had sun in Scotland Ruby! I hate being in kitchen prison, ain't there nothin' in there you can chew up real good just to get your revenge?

Jeannie says nothin' wrong with 70s music......she says its the best, but she hasn't got any taste!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx you look so blue in that picture!

Ronin_The_Pug said... 11:29 PM

Oh I totally understand you Ruby! Here is so hot too! On Friday it rained really badly but on Saturday the hot weather came back! And yesterday was so bad! And today are 95 degrees F... And they say that the next days it will be worse... :(

Unknown said... 11:32 PM

oh Ruby... boy you do look pretty pissed. I don't blame ya! where did you get your cute yellow faces? So adorable!!


Boo Casanova said... 11:51 PM

oops! i think it is right for you to pee pee in the kitchen. teach your mom a lesson - don't change the routine! hehehe.

ruby's mom: sorry about that.

wet wet licks


Amber-Mae said... 12:51 AM

I'm sorry that you're having a bad Monday... Whose Monday is ever good? Not me, not even my mommy! Well, good thing you peed in the kitchen. Hope that taught her a lesson & that she makes sure that she always brings you out for your poo pee walk. I hope the puddle was BIG! Sometimes we doggies need to teach our hoomans...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:02 AM

The sun is shining here for now, but we are supposed to be getting the rain back later. I'm going to build and ark.

Simba xx

Girl Girl Hamster said... 1:19 AM

Oh.. I hope you get better weather soon. Melting hot doesn't sound fun

~ girl girl

Duke said... 2:35 AM

Shoot Ruby! Monday could have been a whole lot more fun if you had a package to open! I hope it comes today!

Love ya lots,

wally said... 3:06 AM

Wow, that is one angry face! I'd hate to be on your side.

Mondays stink.


Peanut said... 3:44 AM

Oh my how could your mom not at least send your aunt over. That is cruel and unusual punishment and you should report them.

Puiq said... 3:56 AM

Ruby I totally understand how pissed off you were - I hate Monday's too. Especially now when it's so cold in Melbourne. I just crawl under mummy and daddy's bed spread and sleep/pout under there until they come home :-}

Gwyn Valentine said... 3:59 AM

My Mum used to play The Carpenters when she leaves me alone in the room. It is supposed to calm me down. Sure enough it didn't. Rainy Days & Mondays and Hurting each other are on the playlist... so tell me how does it help?


Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 4:29 AM

Your fur looks pretty in your pouty photo. Hope mum picks up your parcel today. Humans, they're so hard to train!

Oscar x

Ferndoggle said... 5:48 AM

Ruby, we hate Mondays too. We wish Mom would stay home & play with us all week.

It's been SO hot here too & we would actually like some rain. Usually we hate it but we have all this cool dirt in the yard & Mom just scrubbed the the entire kitchen floor (by hand). It really needs some muddy paw prints to make it feel like home!

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 6:14 AM

Sorry you had a bads Monday. Maybe it be better today. xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket

Suki & Joey said... 7:39 AM

Oh, man, Ruby, sounds like you had a TERRIBLE day yesterday :(

Sorry you couldn't get the package, but hopefully you'll get it today. Maybe it'll cheer you up! And I hate rainy days, too, but Mom likes them. I guess we're moving to the right part of the country, huh? Hee-hee!

Puggy kisses

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 9:36 AM

Ooooo you look a bit scary in the last photo. Are you giving your Mum the evil eye? J x

Tadpole said... 9:47 AM

That is an AWESOME pout, Ruby. I'm sure your mom will never do that again after seeing how sad it made you (well, that and having to clean up your pee-pee...).

e said... 10:44 PM

yeah... I hate mondays too. My two fave people are gone...

Anonymous said... 7:42 PM

The Howl-o-Ween Pawty will be located at:

C and J Feed Store
2653 Aurora Rd
Melbourne, FL 32935

The event is from 1pm-5pm

Please forward this as many friends as you can! Pets are desperately in need of Forever Homes! If we network together, we can lower the over populated animals in our county!

Want to make flyers and hand out! I need all the volunteers I can get to get the word out! Copy and paste the following and take them to work, send out in e-mails etc!

This Saturday, October 25th
1 pm-5pm
C&J Feed Store
2653 Aurora Road
Melbourne, Fl 32935
(321) 254-9930

1st Annual

Come and Party with Your Pet!

* adoptable Pets will be on site!
*Pet Costume Contest
*Free treats
*Free Prize giveaways
* one Free Pet and Family Portrait!
(One free picture per family when you, YOUR CHILD, or
your pet comes dressed in a, costume)
Photography by: Space Coast Image
Studio and Location Photography!

*All dogs must be on a leash. All family house pets will be allowed. Bring cats, birds, rodents, reptiles, amphibians, etc., in their cages or kennels. Owners will be responsible for their pets and their pets actions inside and outside C&J Feed Store. Visit Space Coast Image’s Photo Gallery! www.SpaceCoastimage.com

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