I pledge allegiance...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hey Everydoggie and Girl Girl...

Thanks for all the great words of encouragement on the Joey situation...I'm feeling so much better now. You pups always set me straight. I was kinda worried about Joey, but everydoggie was right, I went home with my Mom, not Joey. I think I'll keep him around as a friend...but that's it. He's NOT coming home with us...not ever.

Now on to some wonderful news...Fei and Eve reached their goal of 25 DWB'ers for their pledge - Woo Hoo!!! My Mom and I also pledged so I thought I would tell you about the organization that we donated to. It's called Wonder Dog Rescue...how fitting, right? I'm Wonder Ruby, they are Wonder Dogs...I'm a Boston Terrier...they rescue Boston Terriers...you get the picture.

Wonder Dog Rescue is located in San Francisco (can you believe there is no BT rescue in Sacramento!). Although they specialize in BTs, if they have the space they will take any doggie in need. Here's what they do...

We are a dedicated volunteer group working primarily out of the San Francisco Bay Area. We've saved blind and deaf dogs, puppies as young as two weeks and seniors as old as 15! Each animal has so much to offer... and we learn so much by opening our hearts to these deserving companions.

When a dog comes into rescue he or she is evaluated carefully. Some dogs have particular needs, and receive medical care or behavior modification. We work with each dog, giving them the love and structure they need to move onward.

Dogs stay in foster homes until they are matched with their ideal family. We want these adoptions to be life long, and take this very seriously!

I love that...they want their adoptions to be life long!!! Isn't that the way it should be???

When me and my Mom learned that the pledge had been successful, Mom went right over to the Wonder Dog web site, whipped out the magical plastic card she has, and made our pledge. But Mom thought it was really important that Wonder Dog knew WHY we had donated. So my smartie-pants Mom sent a really nice email to them. She was kinda worried they would think she was a little crazy because she said that I had a blog (now why would THAT be crazy - look at how many of us doggies have blogs! ). But the nice lady from Wonder Dog wrote back at how appreciative she was and how cool it was that we all had blogs. She even sent me this really cool thank you card...

Make sure you go check the card out...the doggie talks and his eyes follow you...kinda creepy - but very cool!

Anyhowl...I'm very happy that we were able to help...even if it was just a little. Mom said that she would stay in touch with the Wonder Dog lady, Linda (I think I'll just call her Wonder Linda!) and help when we can. I'm so glad there are very kind and generous people out there who are willing to help all these poor pups. Thanks Fei and Eve for thinking of such a great thing to do!


27 Responses to "I pledge allegiance..."

Anonymous said... 5:53 PM

Oh my DOG! That card is awesome!!! Did you notice that it will cross it's eyes? If you put your curser between the eyes, they will cross for a split second. Way to go for donating to the rescue. You are soooo cool!


Luckie Girl said... 6:10 PM

Hey Ruby ~
I think it's great your Mom told Wonder Linda you had a blog. :) That is one cool looking card! It's always nice to be able to help in any way....

e said... 7:56 PM

Hi Ruby
Thank you so much for sharing with us about Wonder Dog Rescue.
I LOVED that card. Super cool.

By the way, Ruby, could you send me an email with your snail mail address?

I'd like to send you something from Japan!


Bentley and Niko said... 9:53 PM

You should tell them they should sell T-Shirts and buttons because that logo is really cool and it would help advertise and raise money! I could even help I run a CafePress shop and know how to set them up!

Toby said... 10:01 PM

Ruby, you and your Mommy are such sweeties!! Donating to sick and homeless doggys is such a super cause. Mommy and I go to the store and buy doggy food to give to the shelters. No dog should go hungry, right?

That card is sweet!! We watched it 3 times...


wonder dog rescue said... 10:56 PM

Howdy! I'm glad you like the card and I think that your blog is amazing... (your tekno skills are superb!) thanks so much for donating to rescue... it makes a huge difference... really.
Linda & the wonder-dawgs...

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:22 AM

What a great card.

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 1:22 AM

I think you were destined to help out Wonder Dog Rescue, well done!

Oscar x

fee said... 3:04 AM

aww, you're so sweet, ruby. it's awfully generous of you to make a donation to the rescue.

Katherine and Pippa said... 3:49 AM

It's always cool to help rescue places - they always seem to be full of unwanted dogs.....

So they need us to help in whatever ways we can.

Well done to your mom


Frasier said... 7:28 AM

You guys are super nice.
About our blogs my mommy does not tell people because she thinks that they will think that she is obsessed with me(so whats wrong with that)but my daddy tells everyone about it!!!
But my mommy wants to write a childrens book one day with a Jack russell in it so this is great practise and she meets nice people.

Unknown said... 7:52 AM

Dearest Ruby,
Tell your Mom I belong to MUSH (it has nothing to do with soft food). Malamute Rescue -
I take in Malamute dogs, to save them from the kennel (when they can't find a home for them) and help place them to good families. Malamutes are difficult to place because they are so BIG and require lots of space to run and play.
Anyway- I thought your card was super cool, just like you!


Duke said... 9:29 AM

What an awesome card Ruby! Bless you and your mom for being involved!

Love ya lots,

Tadpole said... 9:44 AM

Hmmm... that card reminds me of Fig. Kinda scary....

But yay for helping other doggins!

Anonymous said... 9:46 AM

What an awesome card and an awesome Rescue and an awesome idea!!! I love it!

Lorenza said... 9:52 AM

Hi, Ruby.
Helping other doggies in need is always great. You and your mom are so kind!
I like your card. Its very funny.
Have a nice day

coco said... 3:31 PM

you are absolutely inpsiring, ruby. i support you entirely in your efforts to help bostons and other doggins, and admire your canine-itarianism.

i wonder if there's a yorkie rescue somewhere - it's probably connected to some howllywood rescue efforts - you know, to save all the poor babies that get adopted by the starlettes who just want them for accessories. there's a lot of that going around.

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 7:43 PM

We and your mom be pawsome helping out the pups in need. That card be so cool.

xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket

Lorenza said... 7:51 PM

Hi, Ruby.
I hope you don't mind but I tagged you!

Kien said... 12:31 AM

oh ruby.. you n your mom are such a great supporter to those unfortunate pups n dogs.. they really need more people n doggie like you all.. Do keep it up!

Golden Rossi

Girl Girl Hamster said... 2:36 AM

That's a fun card. hee hee
Good job on helping on the dog rescue. :)

~ girl girl

wally said... 2:40 AM

Whoa--that logo is the coolest thing ever! It's like your superhero symbol.

The Boston's voice on the card kind of creeped me out. And he knows so much about you!


Amber-Mae said... 4:20 AM

Hey the card is CUTE! Hugs to your & your mom.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Gwyn Valentine said... 4:34 AM

Hi Ruby,
Its really nice of your mum to help out at a rescue centre. Doggies need people like you mum :)

Balboa said... 4:53 AM

WOW, that is an awesome card. That was so nice of them.

It makes you feel good to know that you helped doggies who need help.

Frenchie Snorts

Stanley said... 5:57 PM


Those folks from Boston Terrier Rescue make it look like every Boston is a super hero! (Little do they know....)

You and your mama are so sweet. You are bootiful inside and out and I love you, girlie!

Stay cool in Sac City.

Goober kisses,

Stanley said... 5:58 PM

Pee Ess,

That talking card was FREAKISH! Scared the pee-willy out of me!

Your Goober,