Special Day...

Friday, June 08, 2007

So today is a VERY special day. It is one year ago today - June 8th - that I came to live with my Mom, Michele. My how time flies!!! I can hardly believe it!!! Last year, my Mom and my Auntie Yvette (you know, the person who gives me the great footie massages) went all the way to San Francisco to pick me up from the airport. I was only 8 weeks old and it was real scawie. But I was a strong girl even then.

Here's a picture of me right when I got off the airplane...

Can you believe how little I was??? I was only 4 lbs! My kennel was the smallest of all the doggies who came in that day.

My Mom was real nervous...I could tell, but she did fine. And Auntie Yvette was a big help! It was a long ride home and I just slept in Auntie Yvette's lap...that was nice. Ahhhhh....

Mom was really prepared for me to come home. I guess she was planning for my arrival for a VERY long time. I had lots of toys, yummy snackies and a nice comfy bed which I went right to (and yes eventually ate - hee, hee, hee).

It took a little while for me to teach my Mom all she needed know about taking care of me...but she got the hang of it eventually. She's smart that way.

I had five other brothers and sisters my Mom could have picked. I am so happy and lucky she picked me!!!


31 Responses to "Special Day..."

Balboa said... 6:19 AM

You were such a cute baby, I bet as soon as your mommy saw you she fell in love. I'm glad you found your forever mommy.

Frenchie Snorts

Ben & Darling said... 6:29 AM

Ruby baby, you are super cute!!!

Im glad you found your mommy...I love my family too eventhough I always complaint bout my mom. hehe

Happy 1st anniversary RUby

umekotyan said... 6:50 AM

Lovely puppy. It is pretty.
And, the ruby today exists. :)

from loved ume tyan

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 7:30 AM

Aw, happy going home day little Ruby. Fancy going on a plane all on your own aty 8 week old, what a brave girl!

Oscar x

Boo Casanova said... 7:32 AM

oh ruby, you are so tiny. when mom got me, i was around your 4lbs weight too. i think slightly lighter. can u believe that? they all so gentle with me. now i'm just too heavy.

happy anniversary.

wet wet licks


Gwyn Valentine said... 8:25 AM

Hi Ruby,
You look sooooooooo adorable when you were young. U still look great!
Looks like mummy made a wise choice in picking you!

FleasGang said... 8:35 AM

Oh Ruby. You were so small. we bet that plane ride was scary. Your mom and aunt really lucked out picking you! Happy adoption day!!

The FleasGang

Frasier said... 8:43 AM

Hi Ruby
You were so precious,you still are!My mommy was "Awwwing and Ohing"looking at your pics

Ferndoggle said... 8:58 AM

Ruby you were so little! You've grown up to be such a beauty too. Happy Gotcha Day! Boy did you ever luck out!!

Hope you get lots & lots of COOKIES!


Simba and Jazzi said... 9:14 AM

You arrived by plane how cool! Happy Gotcha day.

Simba xx

Unknown said... 10:54 AM

Ruby! You are one special lady. Happy 1 year anniversary, will you guys be celebrating today? I am happy to be able to have you as a friend!


Bernard Hinault Lilje said... 11:06 AM

Happy Home Day!! I know your mommie loves more than mine loves me-- she makes you homemade dinner and treats---you are lucky-- geez!


Tadpole said... 12:14 PM

Oh goodness - you flew in a PLANE to your mom?!?! I think I would have had a heart attack and died right then and there of fear....

Anonymous said... 12:15 PM

Woot! Congrats, Ruby! My girl only picked me out of 3 - me and my brother and sister - but our girls sure know how to pick the good ones, huh?! :-)

Suki & Joey said... 2:06 PM

OMG, Ruby, how adorable were you?!? Well, now you're beautiful!

I lovelovelove those pics and now my mom says she wants a brindle boston with cute ears just like you! :)

Puggy kisses
P.S. Great minds TOTALLY think alike! Hehehe!

Peanut said... 5:30 PM

happy homecoming anniversary Ruby. Your mom is very lucky to have you and you are lucky to have her.

Anonymous said... 5:40 PM

4 lbs Ruby?? Wow! I think my foot weighs more than that.......BOL!

You were such a cute baby, you can easily see why you grew up to be so beautiful now!

Happy Anniversary Day!


Anonymous said... 6:29 PM

Super super cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Look at those precious eyes! Mama just want to jump into the screen and give you a hug but I told her to control herself! I am happy that your with a loving and sweet family!

Asta said... 8:38 PM

Oh Ruby, happy anniversarary!
How wonderfully lucky to get picked by your Mommy, You started out totally adorable, and look at you now even more so!
That must have taken a lot of couwage to fly when you were so tiny, sooo glad it was a happy ending
love you lots
smoochie kissesAsta
I don't know how long it takes pizza boxes to fly, I hope they get it soon

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 9:32 PM

Awww,Rudy, you are so cute. xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket

Duke said... 2:40 AM

What an adorable puppy you were Ruby!
Happy Anniversary day! Did you do anything special?

Love ya lots,

Amber-Mae said... 5:29 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber-Mae said... 5:29 AM

Oh my god, you were such a wee cuuuuuuttttiiiiieeeee! How can we not resist that face. How can your hoomans not resist your face Ruby? No wonder they adopted you... You're just lovely! Have a great weekend!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 8:09 AM

Hey Ruby, Hope you enjoyed your special day! J X

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said... 2:12 PM

G'day Ruby,
Happy belated adoption day. You look so cute. I also flew on a plane to my mum when I was 8 weeks old!
xxx Asta down under

Stanley said... 3:20 PM

Ruby Red! (just thought I'd try another color with your name).

Baby Ruby was adorable. No wonder you are now a bootiful big girl! My girl wouldn't leave your page for the longest time. She was transfixed by your baby photos (she's a sucker for a puppy). I think you had her hypnotised for awhile.

Love you, girl!

wally said... 5:21 PM

I feel so bad I missed your burpday! You should e-mail Boo to get your burpday added to the DwB calendar. You were a very pretty baby and grew up the same! Good job picking your Mom. She seems to be the pick of the litter--obvious, since she chose you!


Lorenza said... 6:08 PM

Hi, Ruby.
I love all those pictures of you at 8 weeks old.
You were and are a beatufiful girl.
Happy adoption day!
Luckie you, luckie your mom.
Have a nice day

Joe Stains said... 7:26 PM

omdog you were SO tiny and cute! not that you arent cute now but you know what I mean. happy one year anniversary!

Bella said... 8:51 PM

Happy first anniversary with your forever family !!!
You really were a tiny little one weren't you - but soooo very cute !!!
Happy Days

Anonymous said... 2:06 PM

aww... you were so cute as a pup and so tiny!!! Well, you are still beautiful now sweet Ruby!