Sorry for yet another cheesy song reference...I really need to get a new playlist going on my iPod! But actually today is SOOOO much better than yesterday mainly because my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Suki, sent me some prezzies!!! She (and her Mom Katy) are just the most pawsomest!!!! So let me give you the play-by-play...
Here I am inspecting the box...

What's this? A purse...every pup about town needs one and this one talks too!!! It's says 'I love you'..and I love you too Suki!!!

OMdOGGY...snackies! They smelled so good. I actually ran under the table to try and open up the bag - hee, hee, hee. Mom didn't like that much because she didn't want me to spoil my dinner. But if they taste as good as they smell I'll be in snackie heaven!!!
Oh how I wish there was smell-er-net so you pups could smell these things!

I also got a really cool AquaPal toy that you fill with water and when you chew on it water squirts out!!! I've already had Mom fill it up and put it in the freezer for tomorrow! That will really come in handy since it's like a million-zillion degrees out!!!

I can't wait until tomorrow to play with you my little AquaPal!
Can you see how happy I am??? I hardly smile for pictures, but I'm so happy I couldn't resist!!! Look at all my great things!!! Oh, one last shot...
I also got a really pretty pink blankie! It's bootiful!!! Since I don't have a bed anymore this will keep me comfy AND warm. Suki, you are always so thoughtful!!!

Oh, I'm so glad you liked everything. I thought that Aqua Ball looked so cool, and I figured it would come in handy in the terrible heat you guys have there (just like we do here, I bet).
My Mom was worried that your Mom would HATE the purse, because she says it's a little obnoxious, but I knew YOU would like it! Hee-hee :)
I hope the blankie keeps you nice and warm, too!
Puggy kisses
Suki sent you lots of presents!!
She is so nice.
Sure you liked all them!!
That ball looks so fun to play with.
Have a good night
Very nice pressies!
I wuv the squirty thingie! I would need one due o the heat wave here.. imagine it gets high as 50C even at night =(
*sigh* I hope it gets colder..
This is such a cute story!!! You look so happy.
oh Ruby, You look so happy. Suki is a cool doggy. Let us know how that aqua pal went.
That suki is soo nice! I like that aqua thing because its 200 billion degrees here in the desert! I will have to make Mom go find us a couple!
What great presents, must be love.
Simba xx
Woh you sure look very happy there smiling with your presents. :) Suki sure is a great friend for sending you all those cool gifts
~ girl girl
Wow, what great presents. You are so lucky to have a cool BFF like Suki.
You can squirt mum with your new toy if she leaves you alone all day again, hehehe!
Oscar x
That aqua pal toy looks like lots of fun! Make sure you report back on how much you loved it, okay?
Suki and her mom are so thoughtful! What nice gifts!
Love ya lots,
Hey the Aqua Ball looks like a lot of FUN! You can add water in it too? Woah! That would be even more fun, with water! I bet water will squirt out when you try to bite it. Eeehehehe, make sure it doesn't squirt at your face Ruby! Have fun playing with it...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I NEED one of those aqua NOW!! Wonder if they come in pink????
Hi Ruby,
U look realyl happy with your new gifts!
Suki is such a darling to send you so many stuffs!
Cool is necessary also for my Japan.
It is useful.
Wonderful present from suki
from loved ume tyan
Wow, Suki sure be thoughtful. Glads you like your prezzies. We loved your smiling picture. xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket
dog look at that smile ruby. you really have one bootiful smile. i love everything pink but why aren't the aqua pals in pink too? i bet suki would love to get a pink one for ya.
wet wet licks
Where do I get on the prezzie wagon?
Oh I need one of those Aqua Pals. I am sending mom out on a mission to find one.
All your presents were way cool.
Suki must LOVE you tons!! That aqua thing is way to cool. I want one too!!!
Those are nice presents! I like the food treats. :)
Wow Ruby, you got some pawsome prezzies. That Suki sure is a good friend!
~Pug Hugs~
Oh you look SO CUTE with all your pressies and looking at Suki's card!!! What a lucky girl to have such a good friend like her. :-)
My girl thought about getting one of those balls for me but didn't know if they would hold up (we're rather "harsh" on toys...). Let me know how you like it! It looks like SO MUCH FUN!
That looks like a lot of fun,Ruby.
My mommy said she loves reading your blog especially when you exaggerate and your mommy tells the truth....
Wow--that's very sweet of your BFF! The card looks like a fat Suki!
Wow, what fun! Hey, you look real pretty in pink. Oh.. that's a cheesy thing to say, isn't it?
That squirty ball thing looks cool. It's a bazillion degrees here, too. I should get one and squirt Dave or Amber! Ha roo roo roo! Or Mom or Dad! Ha roooo! Not Stormy, though. I'm playful, not unintelligent.
Play bows,
Hey Ruby,
Suki really knows you well...she chose wonderful stuffs for you and I had fun just looking at you open the package.
PS : I don't think I've never seen ya that happy in a pikcture before!! LOL!
Wow, what cool gifts you got. Suki knows how to pick'em.
That blanket looks really warm and cozy.
Frenchie Snorts
So nice of Suki to send you those great presents:) I like that aqua toy, does it squeak too?
BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)
Woo Ruby!
Oh we both are so lucky to have Suki as our friend. She picks out the BEST pressies, doesn't she? Oh, that water toy.. Mom and Dad saw it at the store! Please let me know how you like it. They thought about getting it for me!