Oh My dOG!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

I was surfing around YouTube and look what I found...

A shakeboarding Boston named Maui!!! I've seen Tyson, the skateboarding bulldog...but I just thought that was an urban legend and not real! I just can't believe it!!! Ike, Martha, Bruin, Joey & Tanner, Fig, Seadra, Bentley & Niko...what do you Bostons think? I don't think I'm brave enough for that...I'll stick to running!


19 Responses to "Oh My dOG!!!"

Joe Stains said... 7:51 PM

You know what I think, I think that my dad has a skateboard and I am going to go hide it because there is NO WAY I am going to do this!!!

Boo Casanova said... 7:58 PM

ruby, are you thinking to take up skateboarding too??

wet wet licks


Peanut said... 8:17 PM

hey neat but I don't think I would ever try that. My kid has a skateboard. Maybe I can get Flash on it and push him out into the street.

Urban Smoothie Read said... 8:38 PM

i watch tat skater bulldog b4 some time ago...n i think he's way 2 cool....

Bella said... 10:39 PM

ooohh looks scawey to me - are you gonna try it or maybe make up your own special trick to share with us.
ps the videos are working now

Ronin_The_Pug said... 11:02 PM

Well, well, well! That is very cool! Are you going to try it, Ruby? Oh you are brave! I tell you! You are a little warrior! Just like me!

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:12 AM

What a talented doggie. I might try roller skates.

Simba xx

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 1:44 AM

Wow, that look difficult, not sure I could manage that. My big paws are clumsy!

Oscar x

Duke said... 2:40 AM

I know for sure that I wouldn't try it cause I'm a woos with stuff like this!
Go for it Ruby! You don't strike me as the woos-type!

Love ya lots,

Amber-Mae said... 4:50 AM
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Amber-Mae said... 4:52 AM

Wa-hahahaha! That was cool! I don think I can shakeboard like him too... I'm too heavy & I think that skateboard will break if I get on it. Hehe!

P/S: I've voted for you, Ike & Martha today... Hope one of you three win!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ferndoggle said... 6:20 AM

Mom tried to get me to ride a skateboard and I wasn't going for it! Divas do NOT do skateboards!


umekotyan said... 7:10 AM

The surf is delicious.
Music suits the image.
It is a thing in ume tyan that cannot be done. :)

from loved ume tyan

Emily and Ike said... 8:51 AM

I'm the world's foremost couch surfer and I don't think I can fit skateboarder into my title.

Duke and Gidget said... 10:02 AM

We would love to try that...but we don't think our Mom would let us!

Anonymous said... 10:03 AM

I see no purpose in that. If I'm going to get something with wheels, it better be a stroller that my girl pushes me around in. That's one crazy Boston....

Emily and Ike said... 10:26 AM

Ruby - I'm gonna get really arrogant from you - wink, wink.

Lorenza said... 2:58 PM

That is so cool! I couldn't do that even in my dreams!

Stanley said... 7:31 PM

Ruby Bleu,

You are already a cool Boston girlpup. You don't need to prove anything to anyone.

That being said, I'm sure you could skateboard W-A-Y better than that Boston. He was a skateboard rider, but without his human sidekick it was a flat performance.

I can say, that I'm not getting on a skateboard any time soon.

Goob love,