Gifts from the East...

Saturday, June 30, 2007

What is that I hear? Oh, a knock on the door...

Ruby: Who is it??? Oh, Mr. Mailman!!! Hi! Do you have something for me?
Mr. Mailman: Why yes Ruby...I come bearing gifts from the East!
Ruby: Gifts from the East??? Hmmm....who could that be from...

OH - MY - DOG!!!
*Snif, snif, snif* I think I smell Nanook!!!
Um, I have no thumbs, can you please put the camera down and help me open this?
Look at this haul!!! I must be dreaming!!!
Going right to the good stuff...Zuke's!!! Yipee!!!
Pink, and purple and green...oh my!
Hey, I can floss my teefies with this AND play too!
This is Nanook's can't tell from here, but it was HUGE! I think his paw is the size of my head!!!

Thanks Nanook and Pooka for the pawsomest prezzie ever!!! I don't have a picture, but I took the fishy and ran under the bed with it...I named him Nemo...I love him!

Lots of Licks, Ruby


17 Responses to "Gifts from the East..."

Stanley said... 9:31 PM


Today must be the day for Nanook & Pooka's prezzies. They timed that well. They are such big-hearted boys, and have such great taste in doggie gifts. Enjoy! (They must really love you).

About me and Asta... we're still pups, we love each other, she loves lots of other pupboys, lots of them love her, and I love other pupgirls (hint), and I don't know if any others love me. I'm just keeping it real, you know?

Just so you know, I think of you & Suki as two of my specialest girlpups! You're funny, bootiful, and always tell me the truth. No game-playing. Just good lovin'. I run to your blogs whenever the pooter comes on to see what ya been up to. (I didn't tell Suki all of this, but hopefully, she knows that you guys are special to me. Feel free to pass this along to her.)

I'm done writing my book for tonight. Bootiful sweet dreams to you, Ruby Girl!

Goober love & kisses,

Lorenza said... 9:35 PM

Hi, Ruby.
Nice presents from your friends!
Sure you like them a lot!

Boo Casanova said... 11:18 PM

yeah ruby, i bet nanook's paw is as big as your head or my head. he's huge!

btw, nice pressie you got there.

wet wet licks


Amber-Mae said... 12:05 AM

Lovely lovely pressies from Nanook & Pooka... His paw print is really HUMONGOUS! I don't think mine's as big as his... Hehehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said... 2:47 AM

Awesome gifts from Nanook and Pooka! I think we can tell which toy is your very favorite!

Love ya lots,

wally said... 5:22 AM

Oh man--great stuff! We can have matching Zuke's breath!


Duke said... 5:37 AM

Hey Ruby,
If your mom really wants to do a felted bag check out this link:

Once she knits one bag, she'll be hooked - trust me! My mom knit every single night for 2 years! That's how she wore out her wrist!

Love ya lots,

Suki & Joey said... 5:47 AM

Oooh, girlfriend, did you see what Stan wrote? He hinted at the same thing on my blog...we're such good friends that we could share him, right! He's pretty cute ;)

Those pressies ROCK! My Mom still needs to buy pressies for Nanook and Pooka. I think she's nervous because she doesn't know what to get for such big boys!

Puggy kisses

P.S. Next thing you know we'll be moving to Utah! LOL!

Peanut said... 8:08 AM

Another Nanook pressie. man they send good ones.

Nessa Happens said... 8:50 AM

Hey Ruby! I posted today pictures of us getting our pressie from you! Thank you thank you! We love it...You are a very generous pup pal!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 4:51 AM

Hey Ruby, what pawsome presents. That fishy looks great fun, I know Nanook has one already.

Oscar x

Ferndoggle said... 5:21 AM

You got the Motherload Ruby! What great pressies.


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 5:49 AM

Wowzer, what great prezzies!! Hopes you had a great weekend.

xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket

ToFFee said... 8:07 AM

presies! lotsa pressies!

Hope you had fun with them.. Nanook and Pooka are vewy nice to send those!


Tadpole said... 9:12 AM

Whoa - if anyone deserves such incredibly wonderful pressies, it's YOU, Ruby Bleu Cube! ;-)

Duke and Gidget said... 11:12 AM

What awesome prezzies Ruby. We bet you'll have lots of fun with all that cool stuff. You lucky girl!

~Pug Hugs~

Anonymous said... 3:57 PM

Wow Ruby!!! Those are awesome pressies!!! Hey those big flecy things are fun!! I see you got a fish too. I saw Nanook holding one on his blog today.
