Day 10

Sunday, December 23, 2007

On the tenth post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...

Someone special coming to spend Christmas time with Me!!!
(oh and Mom too...)

Well we're coming around the home stretch on posts here...made it to the double digits - w00t! Today I want to share with you something I'm so VERY excitered about...maybe even more excitered than Santa Paws visiting (Ruby's Mom: Ruby, are you sure about that? Santa Paws might be bringing you some prezzies...). My Auntie Kathy is coming to visit me!!!! W00t-W00t!!!

I've never met Auntie Kathy before, but I've barked to her on the phone and gotten prezzies from her and she even helped me shop for a mother's day card this year. Auntie Kathy lives in New Jersey and is my Mom's most-bestest friend in the world! They met 147 million-trillion-matt dillon years ago at college. She is coming to visit me (Ruby's Mom: Us) for a whole week during Christmas - W00t!

Here's a picture of Auntie Kathy and Mom from a long time ago - like a real, real, real, real, real long, long, long, long, long time ago. When they were much, much, much, much, much younger. (Ruby's Mom: Ruby - remember speed dial???)

Here's another picture from when they visited Colorado or something...Mom's not in the picture...

And because this is my blog here's a picture of me...
I'm waiting very patiently for Auntie Kathy to arrive. Hey Mom, where is she? Oh, not until tonight...I guess I'll just wait right here by the door for her!


21 Responses to "Day 10"

Urban Smoothie Read said... 7:19 AM

sent my christmas greeting to ur aunt kathy...

wish her a pawsome christmas day n new year

Peanut said... 8:23 AM

Have a great time with your aunt kathy

Headgirl said... 9:18 AM

Hi Ruby!
You're going great guns on your 12 day post.
Sounds as though you'll be extra spoilt with Aunty Kathy around!

Pats & pets

Joe Stains said... 9:45 AM

how cool is that. I bet they will sit around and talk about when lectricity and cars were invented. I hope she brings you some prezzies!!

Petra said... 1:01 PM

Oh, Ruby, how can you stand all of this excitment? Your Aunt Kathy is sure going to have fun with you. And she's almost as pretty as you are!

Mack said... 1:14 PM

Don't you just love when friends come over and bring you pressies?? Say hi to your auntie Kathy and mom for me.
I know auntie will give you lots of belly rub-downs and kisses. Have fun!
PS: Ask your auntie if she will throw that tennis ball for you!

Anonymous said... 2:20 PM

Hi Ruby. I can tell how excited you are to finally meet your Aunt Kathy! I know you will have fun if she and your mom don't sit around and talk too much!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Anonymous said... 3:30 PM

HOW EXCITERING for you!!!!! A whole WEEK of belly rubs and treat-giving!

Bella the Boxer said... 6:48 PM

Ooooh, she looks like a very nice Auntie! I'm sure she is going to spoil you for a whole week. Have lots of fun together, Ruby!

xoxo - Bella

Emily and Ike said... 6:52 PM

Isn't it so excitering to have guests?!?!

Gus said... 6:53 PM

She looks super fun. I can tell from her smile that she will give great scritchies.


The Brat Pack said... 8:05 PM

Mom has lots of really really old friends that come around and gives us things so it's cool.

That's a smashing picture of you, Miss Ruby!


Lorenza said... 8:33 PM

Hi, Ruby
Sure you are happy having your Auntie Kathy there at your home for a whole week! Let us know how it goes ok?
Have a good night

Jen and Suki said... 9:09 PM

Hmm I smell EXTRA PRESSIES! Hoorah! I hope you're having fun, Ruby!

Stanley said... 10:49 PM

Ruby Bug!

THANK YOU for posting at least 1 photo of you, my buggette! I loved seeing a photo of your mama, even if it WAS a bajillion mattdillon years ago.

Aunty Kathy is bootiful like you said, and she looks like she's good for several good booty scritches, belly rubs, and maybe lots of snuggles too. Be sure to give her (and your mama) some goober smooches for me!

Gooberlicious lovin' & smooches for YOU,
Your Stanny

fee said... 10:51 PM

merry christmas, ruby! may the day be filled with love, peace and much feasting for you and your family!


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 11:48 PM

Wishing you a Merry Christmas.

xoxoFour Pugz

Amber-Mae said... 12:21 AM

Oh, how exciting it must be for ya! I hope your Auntie Kathy will bring some goodies for ya...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said... 2:19 AM

I just know your Auntie Kathy will arrive with some presents just for you Ruby!


Duke said... 2:31 AM

Have a great time with Auntie Kathy, Ruby!
Merry Christmas to all of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Harry said... 6:17 AM

I bet Auntie Kathy will spoil you rotten!

A very Happy Christmas to you and mum!

Toodle pip,
Harry x