Day 12

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

On the twelfth post of Christmas I'm going to share with thee...

Merry Christmas from Mom & Me!!!

We want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
May your day be filled with love, laughter, lots of snackies, prezzies and a belly rub or two!

Thanks for taking this twelve day journey with me. I'll be back tomorrow to post all about what Santa Paws brought me (and yes, there's a pile o' prezzies with my name on them - w00t!!!).

Lots of Licks, Ruby


33 Responses to "Day 12"

Mack said... 6:48 AM

You deserve a lot of pressies girl!
Me & my mom send love and belly rub-downs your way.
Christmas sugars,

Gus said... 7:21 AM

merry christmas Ruby, mom and all
thanks for bringing a bit of lite to our lives.


Peanut said... 7:27 AM

Merry Christmas Ruby.

The Army of Four said... 7:46 AM

Merry Christmas, Ruby!

Frasier said... 8:01 AM

Merry Christmas Ruby

The Brat Pack said... 9:07 AM

Merry Christmas Ruby!

We love ya,
The Brat Pack

Noah the Airedale said... 1:02 PM

Thanks for sharing the 12 days of Christmas with us Ruby. Can't wait to see what Santa brought you.
A merry Christmas to you and Michele.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Jen and Suki said... 2:00 PM

Merry Christmas, Ruby girl! Thanks for sharing the 12 days of Christmas with us... We enjoyed them a lot! I hope you get lots of toys and treats from Santa Paws today.

Holiday puggy kisses,
Suki Sumo

Martha said... 2:09 PM

You look so pretty in your collar! Merry Christmas! Love, Martha

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 2:41 PM

oh Ruby! Just popped by, to say, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and thank you for being such a special Aire Ruby Pal this year....

You have flown me to places beyond my boy dreams!

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, here is to more special Ruby - Marvin - Michele - Jeannie blogging.

love and much light,

Marvin and Jeannie xxxxxxxxxx

Duke said... 4:11 PM

Merry Christmas, Ruby! We can't wait to see what Santa brought you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

wally said... 4:14 PM

Merry Christmas Ruby! I can't wait to see your pile of prezzies (now tell your ma that you need a new bed to pile up all your new stuff!)


Jessica said... 5:45 PM

Merry Christmas Dear Sweet Wonderful Ruby! And to Michelle too.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Bella the Boxer said... 6:14 PM

Merry Christmas, Ruby...hope you get lots of snackies.

xoxo - Bella

Lorenza said... 7:37 PM

Merry Christmas Ruby and Mom!
Kisses and hugs

Myeo said... 7:46 PM

Merry Christmas Ruby & Family!

Boy n Baby

Anonymous said... 8:19 PM

A very Merry Christmas to you and your humans Ruby - we really enjoyed your 12 days of Christmas!


Bogart H. Devil said... 8:28 PM

Merry Christmas pretty Ruby!!!!


Amber-Mae said... 12:55 AM

Merry X'mas to you too Ruby!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Goofy said... 3:03 AM

merry christmas ruby!!!!

umekotyan said... 5:33 AM

Merry Christmas ruby
Please spend wonderful time.

from loved ume tyan

Anonymous said... 6:02 AM

Woooo Ruby! MErry Christmas. We hope Santa Paws was good to you and mom!


Gus, Louie and Callie said... 7:51 AM

We hope you had a wonderful day too. Filled with family and friends and of course lots of treats...
Gus and Louie

Moco said... 8:44 AM

Merry Merry Christmas to you Ruby and may the New Year bring you many trips on Aire Ruby. Enjoy all your wonderful presents.

Anonymous said... 4:12 PM

You look great in yet another pretty collar Ruby! Can't wait to see your presents! Mine are up on my site.

Petra said... 6:02 PM

Merry Christmas, Ruby! I can't wait to read what's next; give us lots of pictures!

Ferndoggle said... 7:38 PM

Merry, Merry Christmas Ruby! Hope Santa treated you like the fabulous Diva you are!


Joe Stains said... 7:56 PM


2shibas said... 10:48 PM

Merry Christmas, Ruby!!!

Wiley & Fievel

Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:24 AM

Hope you had a pawsome xmas Ruby. :)

~ Girl girl

Liza said... 2:08 PM

Merry Christmas Ruby and Michele!!

Did we see that you left Santa Paws Lemon Cookies?

Excellent choice. We wish you a great 2008!!!

Love Dory

Lacy said... 4:33 PM

woofies Ruby and Michele!! me hopies u had a pawsome xmas day...heehee and u got lots of toys, dats grate...

b safe,

Stanley said... 3:36 AM

You, my Ruby Bug & Michelle, are two of the reasons I'm so thankful this year. I woof you both soooo much!

I haven't read ahead yet, and so I'm going to say I think you deserve all the prezzies you have time to open, girlie! I hope you enjoyed some good time with your mama.

Goober love & minty Christmas smooches,