There's a tree in my HOUSE!!!!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

I know, can you believe it? I spent the day at my Auntie Yvette's yesterday and when I came home, found this...

It's my very own Christmas tree!!! I was so excited to see it. I had seen pictures on a bunch of your sites about it, but WOW, I never thought I'd get one of my very own. But wait...isn't something missing?

Mom explained that she wasn't quite done decorating yet, and that over the next few days she'd be finishing up and I could help her! Oh, look what else I found...

It's all my DWB Christmas cards - Woot!!! My Mom is just so creative...she's making them into a wreath over my fireplace. I got cards so far from Sitka & Tia, Chloe-Ricky-Lucy-Sophie & Teddy, Comet & BLU, Randi and my BFF Suki, Joey and her people pup sissies Yesenia and Ava!!! Thanks guys, I love them all and can't wait to finish up the wreath. I promise we will take more pictures when it is done.

Oh and I also made a new friend...
This is Chill E. Will and he is now living in the TV stand next to the DVD player. He is very stylish in his hat and scarf and I want him to me MINE!!!! This morning, after first barking at the tree (I was just saying good morning), Chill and I were roaching a bit (Ruby's Mom: You SO were not were chewing on him! Ruby: Was NOT! Ruby's Mom: Um, yes, you were and if you don't stop I will call Santa Paws!!!) but than Mom took him a way. I can tell, we will be good friends, scratch that, we will be VERY good friends.

So we still have some more work to do, but we'll post more pictures of all the decorations when we have them done...hopefully that will be sooner than the sweater - which as expected, still isn't done (Ruby's Mom: RUBY!!!!). But the booties are - buttons and all...


38 Responses to "There's a tree in my HOUSE!!!!"

Amber-Mae said... 9:08 AM

The tree is sooo purrrretty! Wow, already 5 cards? So fast! I hope mine will reach your place soon & safely.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lorenza said... 9:44 AM

Hi, Ruby
Your own tree!!! Are you going to help your mom with the ornaments?? Some of your toy would look nice there!
Your mom got a great idea for your cards! It will look great when its full of them!
Tell your mom the booties are beautiful!
Have a nice day

Anonymous said... 10:48 AM


Your tree is very pretty, is Mom putting the pretty ornaments on that I gave her? She knows which ones I am talking about.

So besides World Pizza oops (World Peace)homes for the homeless puppies of the world, good health and full tummies for all your DWB friends, what would you like> Maybe a new sweater, or a new stuffie or maybe a cousin pup! Let me know

Love hugs and belly rubs


2shibas said... 11:27 AM

Your very own tree?!?!?! Wow, Ruby! How did you swing that?

The booties look great! Did you help put on the buttons?

Wiley & Fievel

Duke said... 5:46 PM

Your tree is beautiful, Ruby and it'll be even prettier when you decorate it! Make sure you take a picture of it all finished, okay? The little booties are just adorable!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Tadpole said... 6:04 PM

ACK! What exciting times at your house!!! All we have up is one ornament - not even a tree yet. And guess what?! It's a BOSTON TERRIER ornament! I can't even believe I haven't seen a Crestie one yet!

Luckie Girl said... 6:05 PM

Hey Ruby,
Of course you were only roaching with your new friend. I know what a good girl you are.
:) PS : Those booties are really purty.

Anonymous said... 6:06 PM

Ruby! Are you getting a cousin pup for Christmas?!?! I hope you get a GOOD one like Petra, and not a freak of nature like others I won't name....

Peanut said... 6:45 PM

Hey I think Chill E Will wants to hang out with you and not in the tv stand. That is awful for the poor guy. That is a nice tree.

the Corgi Girls said... 6:55 PM

Great Tree Ruby! You going to make sure your parents decorate it right? BOL...

we started getting cards too, we're so excited, this is our first year!

M & I

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 8:03 PM

Pawsome tree Ruby. We can't wait to see it decorated. We be liking your new friend, very cute.

Four Pugz

Joe Stains said... 10:22 PM

nice tree!! the wreath idea is super, my Mom is not that creative.

Stanley said... 2:35 AM

Ruby Bug!!

Again. Those booties are so cute, but not nearly as cute as your brindle booty! (Your mama is very creative and artsy fartsy. I'm just fartsy.)

Miss you and can't wait to see you for Asta's pawty this week.

Goober love & smooches,

Boo Casanova said... 6:36 AM

ruby, is that a real tree? we don't get real tree here... wait, ikea does sell real tree tho.

that's one cute lil bootie you got there. finally, it's with buttons! sooooooooooo cute! are you going to show us when the owner wears it?

wet wet licks


Ferndoggle said... 6:45 AM

Apparently we're getting one of those trees too! Mom is a little nervous that Sherman is going to pee on it...we've never had a real tree before.

Those booties are precious!


Clover said... 7:18 AM

Hi Ruby!
Oh it must have been so fun roaching with Chill, (I believe you)- he looks like a fun friend!
Your tree looks great already, and I can't wait to get mine now too!
Love Clover xo
P.S. The booties are super cute!

Simba said... 8:43 AM

pawesome looking tree so far! We put ours up yesterday! I only managed to break one ornament when me and human dad were tail knocked off the tree.



Lenny said... 9:34 AM

Your wreath is so pretty, Ruby! What a nice idea! You should get a special card from me soon!

Your friend, Lenny

Anonymous said... 12:07 PM

What a great tree - we're sure it look amazing when it's all decorated!

We love your mum's idea for displaying your cards too.


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 12:30 PM

Ruby - first of all, your own pawsonel tree is amazing! Have you peed on it yet? I know I am a gentledog but I think every dog has a right to pee on what is theirs!

Secondly, you may have noticed we are not doing the Christmas Card Exchange this year, we did it last year, but it got rather overwhelming!

So I wanted you and your Mama (oh by the way thank you Ruby's Mama for your kind and very helpful email.....Jeannie is getting to grips with the whole flooble rooooble thing in the next few days!)....

well as I was barking.....I want to say, even if you dont get a DWB Christmas Card from me, you know I am wishing you good and happy Christmas and Happy Holiday thoughts from way over here in Bonnie and cold and quite snowy on the hills Scotland.

love and many licks, Marvin and love and light from Jeannie xxxxx

Noah the Airedale said... 3:07 PM

Ohhhh everyone's tree is up but ours. It looks very nice Ruby. Don't forget to christen it, if you know what I mean!!!! wink wink.

Hugs and tail wags

Anonymous said... 4:12 PM

Lookie Lookie! I see my card up there. Hey, where did your mom get the wreath thingy to put your cards on? That is a great idea!!!

Asta said... 4:39 PM

That is going to be a gowgeous twee when you get all youw decowations up! I love what youw Mom is doing with the chwissmuss cawds..that's pawsome..and boy awe those booties cute!
smoochie kisses

Kirby said... 7:42 PM

Hi Ruby,

Love the tree, can't wait to see what it looks like all done up! Isn't it so much fun getting all those Christmas cards? I'm beating mom and dad 10 to 1! He he he!

Your pal,

fee said... 11:19 PM

wow, i'm sure you'll have lots of fun once the ornaments are up, ruby! i love ornaments too!


Girl Girl Hamster said... 12:02 AM

Oh, I'm sure the tree will be decorated very nice soon. Chill E looks cool. I believe you that you're roaching with him

~ Girl girl

Harry said... 1:14 AM

The tree will look just fabulous I know it. I wish we could have one, but ma think Cassidy will be trying to eat it!

I think your card wreath will be very full before long!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Simba and Jazzi said... 2:30 AM

Thats not a tree, its an indoor toilet for dogs.

Simba xx

Emily and Ike said... 9:35 AM

OMG - I have gotten so many cards too and I wrote out all of them and my mom has been too lazy to buy stamps. WTF?

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 11:01 AM

Hey Ruby, wow, you got your own personal tree? There's not even a HINT of Xmas here yet! I love the wreath for the cards, such a good idea. You'll probably need about 10 though!!! Hehehe!
Forgot to reserve my place on AireRuby for Asta's pawty. Hope there's still room! J x

Lizzy said... 12:13 PM

That's a wonderful tree! But it not only needs decorations, it also needs a little doggie pee to mark is as a dog tree... He he.

Your mom is very creative! Lizzy never would have thought of making a Christmas card wreath. That's such a great idea! I can't wait to see what it looks like when all the cards are up.


Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said... 1:32 PM

We really like your tree and your new little friend. Mom hasn't got our tree out yet. We had so much fun playing with the skirt around the bottom last year! Can't wait!

Ozzie & Rocky

Petra said... 1:34 PM

You are one lucky girl, Ruby Bleu -- you have your very own tree!

We have a big one in my house, too, and we even have stockings hung on the fireplace. And there are 3 doggy stockings; I think one is for me, and the others are for my niece sweet Fig and my nephew timid Tad.

the many Bs said... 3:11 PM

Hey Ruby, that's a pawsome tree. we hope you find some presents under it for YOU from Santa Paws.


Ralph said... 8:53 PM

My mom likes the card wreath- very cool! You should send the Chill's scarf to Ike to keep him warm in the snow


Bella said... 10:43 PM

Hi Ruby - now that you have your own tree in the house are you gonna pee on it ?? :o
It's a very pretty looking tree.

Martha said... 2:04 PM

Your house looks very festive. I love your wreath. Love, Martha

The Brat Pack said... 9:30 PM

We love your wreath idea!
