So sad...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Me and Mom are so sad...we just read that dear handsome Thrawn has crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. As we all know Thrawn and his mom Maryann have been thru alot lately with his health. Thrawn was so lucky to have a family that loved him so much. Our love goes out to Samantha, Tucker, Dot, Bear and especially Maryann. We just know that Dakota is right there waiting for him at the bridge and the two of them will have lots of fun being together again.
Thrawn I will miss you and all your silly sarcasm!!!
Rest well dear boy...


17 Responses to "So sad..."

Tadpole said... 4:36 PM

my girl's eyes are leaking. and mine too.

Luckie Girl said... 5:25 PM

It's a sad day for us all. I know Maryann and the rest of the gang must be feeling so much worse. :(

Huskee and Hershey said... 5:38 PM

Oh noooo.. this is terrible. I am going over to give Maryann and the rest of the brat pack a hug.
By the way thanks for your offer to let Baby and I use Air Ruby!! I am sure we will need Air Ruby to fly all our guests in..

Lorenza said... 8:26 PM

Sure this is a very sad day.
We are praying for Thrawn and his family.

Girl Girl Hamster said... 8:31 PM

It sure is very sad. I will miss Thrawn with his handsome blue eyes

~ Girl girl

Snowball said... 8:43 PM

RIP, Thrawn.


Asta said... 9:24 PM

I'm so sad fow Thrawn's family..we send them our love and hope that they can find comfowt
smoochie kisses

Peanut said... 9:38 PM

Mom cries every time she sees another post about Thrawn. We are all very sad here.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 11:41 PM

Sad news. We're thinking of his family at this difficult time. J x

PreciOus said... 12:46 AM

Very sad news. I hope his family will find comfort in DWB's. *Hugs*

Run free, Thrawn.


Duke said... 2:26 AM

Our hearts are breaking for Maryann! This is just so sad.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said... 4:03 AM

We are very sad to hear about Thrawn and have passed our condolences to Maryann. It is a sad week.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Balboa said... 9:02 AM

our hearts go out to Maryann and her family. Thrawn passed with love in his heart and will bring that to the others at Rainbow Bridge.

Karen & Balboa

Stanley said... 12:16 AM


Thanks for doing this tribute to Thrawn. He was gorgeous and witty.

Run like the wind, buddy!


Anonymous said... 3:29 PM

Ruby, Mom is still having a hard time believing that he is gone. She keeps pinching herself to see if this is a dream.

The Brat Pack said... 10:40 PM

Thank you so much for thinking of us, it means the world. I don't know how I would have gotten through the last couple days without our friends.


The Brat Pack said... 10:40 PM

Thank you so much for thinking of us, it means the world. I don't know how I would have gotten through the last couple days without our friends.
