Give Kisses...

Friday, December 07, 2007

So one of the things my Mom does every morning is say "Give Kisses" to me! Of course I LOVE to do that. Well I found out from Asta's fabulous pawty last night AND from Butchy and Snickers bloggy today there is this special green stuff called 'Miss my Toe' that every time you stand under it you can get kisses! Isn't that GREAT??? Now this only happens at Christmas time, which I pawsonally think is very silly, but it is still wonderful idea. Especially if it means I can get kisses from my Stanny and Marvin and Wally and Tadpole and Joe and Joey and Butchy and Harry and Chance and Mitch and Ike and Tucker and Sherman and Boo...oh I could go on and on and on...

Oh and I'm at 30 cards as of last night!!! This is really turning out to be the best Christmas ever!!!


34 Responses to "Give Kisses..."

The Brat Pack said... 1:54 PM

Oh, Ruby...I'd kiss ya till you couldn't see straight!

Hubba Hubba

Balboa said... 2:02 PM

ha ha ha, I accidently kissed you on the eye, ha ha ha


I had a blast last night, I'm still trying to recover from all that partying.

Frenchie SNorts

Anonymous said... 4:26 PM


I sent you a kiss, even though I am sure you rather have them from all your boyfriends.

Were is my card?

Hubs and bellyrubs

Duke said... 4:37 PM

My kiss somehow didn't make it onto your face, Ruby! I feel really bad about this! I love you, Ruby!

Yer friend,

Joe Stains said... 5:46 PM

We loove that kissing thing!!!

we sent our cards out today!

Kapp pack said... 7:21 PM

We got your card today! Thanks!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

Goofy said... 7:27 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Goofy said... 7:29 PM

since balboa kissed your left eye, i gonna kiss your right eye!!! fun!!!

Lizzy said... 7:46 PM

I gave you a kiss! I gotta get a mistletoe on my blog, I wanna see how many girls like me, he he.


Anonymous said... 8:25 PM

Oooooh, I love me some kissin'!

Lorenza said... 8:50 PM

Hi, Ruby
I left you a kiss too! An ear kiss!
Enjoy your weekend

Randi said... 8:56 PM

Oh Ruby! You look so sweet with all those kisses on your cheeks!

Love & Licks,

Amber-Mae said... 11:03 PM

I gave you a kiss right between your eyes! Wow, at 30 cards already? Me only 16. I hope I can just as much as you do! Hope our card will reach you soon too.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:43 AM

I left you a kiss. It great getting all these cards, I love it.

Simba x

Anonymous said... 3:37 AM

Ruby I'd love to give you kisses too - you are so cute!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 5:54 AM

Hey Ruby, I left a smackeroony right on your nose! Thanks for your lovely card, it arrived this morning! J x

T-man Angel said... 11:46 AM

Hi Ruby!! Thanks for the Christmas card!! I also enjoyed your Ruby stamp on the envelope :)

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 2:43 PM

Sweet kisses yet again Ruby, Ruby, Ruby!

love from Marvin The Scotsman Dog (only one at Asta's Pawty in a kilt!!!!)


pee ess tell your Mama, my Jeannie got her email about the clever blog stuff, she has not had time to put it into practice cos of something called Christmas Shopping, but she much appreciates your Mama's time and help, hope to do something in the Xmas Howladay. Thank you!

xxxxx The Marvin Boy xxxxx

Ralph said... 3:51 PM

Smooch, smoooooooooch!


Noah the Airedale said... 9:29 PM

We gave you a big fat Aussie kiss Ruby.
Wow 30 cards, that's fantastic.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Petra said... 11:49 AM

Smack, smack, smack! I don't have Miss my Toe at my house; you're so lucky that you do.

Jessica said... 1:50 PM

Lots and lots of kisses for Ruby!!!

We love your Xmas card!! You are beautiful in that picture...we loved the blue.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 2:15 PM

Sounds like a wonderful party. Louie and I would love those kisses too...

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 3:51 PM

Big newfie smoocheroonies!

Jake of Florida said... 5:57 PM

Dear Ruby,

Was it something I said that kept you from kissing me at Asta's party? I saw all those other guys you were giving smooches to and I felt a little sad that I wasn't lucky enough to get one. If I bring my own "miss my toe" to the next party, do I have a chance??????


Kirby said... 8:01 PM

Hi Ruby,

I'd give you a big old smacking kiss under the mistletoe!! You are such a cutie! BTW: I'm in for the flight to Butchy and Snickers, I could probably catch a ride to Iowa, but I think it's more fun to fly Aire Ruby!!

Your pal,

Luckie Girl said... 9:53 PM

MUACK!! :) Just a kiss for you my friend!

the many Bs said... 10:26 PM

Hi Ruby, **smooch smooch** that's from Brody - blush.

we got your card. thanks. it's the prettiest bluest card we've ever seen and you do look quite kissable on it! **smack** (Brody again)


Girl Girl Hamster said... 11:45 PM

Would you mind a kiss from a hamster girl? I would love to give you a kiss and a hug Ruby. :)

I wanna make reservation with Aire Ruby to Butchy & Snicker's Ice Skating Pawty. :)

~ Girl girl

Harry said... 1:17 AM

I hope you like my kissy Ruby. Wow, 30 cards! You're going to need several card wreaths!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Xsara and Tani said... 3:07 AM

A kiss from Xsara: SMACK!

Anonymous said... 8:02 AM

Kiss from Remmy. See you at the dog park

Clover said... 8:11 AM

Hi Ruby!
I love this kissy thing too!! I kissed you on your forehead. Thanks for the kiss on my blog! And please say thanks to your Nanny for kissing me too. :)
Love Clover xo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 7:20 PM

Hey Ruby!!! Got ur card...thanks sooooooooooo much...u are soooo bootiful!

Scruffy left u a huge kissie...I think he likes you!

We need 2 seats as of now for the pawty...Seymour has been under the weather for some reason...

Can't wait to fly with you again!!!
