Still here...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Yes, I'm still here, but as you can see I've been really busy...really, I have. The prezzies, the snackies, the playing, the much to do, so little time. I promise I'll tell you all about my Christmas soon. Oh and also about my new be continued...


28 Responses to "Still here..."

Anonymous said... 8:17 PM

WOW! I'm totally hanging on to hear about everything!

Lorenza said... 8:31 PM

Hi, Ruby.
Looks like you have been very busy and having great time.
I will be waiting for your next post!
Rest a lot!
Take care

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 8:55 PM

Hi Ruby!!!!

So what's a nemesis? Is it fun...something good to eat? Can you smoke it? Hmm......

We'll awaiting ur next post!


Emily and Ike said... 9:44 PM

Crazy times here too!

leah said... 12:14 AM

you look so cute all snuggly-wuggly in your penguin blankey! hope you're safe there -- this new nemesis sounds pretty scary...

Joe Stains said... 12:19 AM

uh oh, this is a cliff hanger!!

Duke said... 2:33 AM

We can't imagine what this nemesis can be! You're our hero, Ruby! You fly jets!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said... 4:25 AM

Oh no, a nemesis!! What a way to bring down a wonderful time!

Harry said... 5:15 AM

Sounds like you're as busy as us. We have finally got around to looking at the computer!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Ivy said... 5:19 AM

hey hey ruby! that is a reelly cute pickture of you - and you look so warm and snuggly in it too!

i cant wait to hear about your new nemesis... i dont know wut it is but if it is evil i bet a skwerrel is behind it. oh, or maybe a C-A-T! an evil c-a-t is trying to beat my baby benjamin in his first photo contest! grrrrrrr... darn c-a-t-s!

umekotyan said... 5:36 AM

Good evening ruby.
...a wonderful sleeping face it...
...seem busy.. ..busy I, too...

Thank you for one year for this year and.
The false start of ruby was wonderful time. :)
It was happy, and ..event.. held out.
Happiness prays to your family for the coming thing.
Please spend a wonderful New Year.

from loved ume tyan

Amber-Mae said... 5:41 AM

Ruby, glad to hear that you're ok. I can't wait to see all the loverly pressies you got for X'mas!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Mack said... 6:06 AM

Okay don't worry Ruby. Whoever is your nemsisisis better beware cause the Mackman knows Tae Kwan Do!

PeeS: you look soooooo loverly in your bwankie!

Love ya,

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 6:25 AM

Oh no, you have a nemesis! Can't wait to find out more.... J x

Gus said... 7:04 AM

Nope, sorry Ruby. Just Checked and Teka is still here. So you can't have a nemesis. I've still got it!


Peanut said... 7:32 AM

Oh that doesn't sound good. Not good at all.

Petra said... 10:56 AM

I'm glad to hear you've been having a fun and busy Christmas, Ruby.

And I'm also glad to know I'm not alone in wondering what a nemesis is.

What's up?

Anonymous said... 11:23 AM

Wooo Ruby... cool sheets! Mom almost bought those from Target!!!


Jake of Florida said... 2:29 PM

Hey Ruby,

We're missing the egret-cam we hired to track the folks over Christmas. If you see a duolicitous creature by the name of E.C. Bird, would you tell him he's in BIG TROUBLE unless he contacts us toute de suite?? He's not the nemesis you've been speaking of, is he?

Jessica said... 3:11 PM

You look so comfy and cute in that blankie. We are sure all those naps are keeping you really busy.

We can't wait to hear what the news is.

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Anonymous said... 3:34 PM

I bet your nemesis is that Wii your mom got.

Sophia is not to happy with the Wii either.

I pee mailed you some photos

Love hugs and belly rubs


Pee-ess Happy 2008

Asta said... 7:34 PM

Oh Ruby
Do tell
I'm on pins and needles and they'we uncomfowtable
smoochie kisses

Urban Smoothie Read said... 11:20 PM

u seems rather knock-out there...

we can't wait 2 hear about ur christmas pawty...

Anonymous said... 11:42 PM

Ruby you are so cute! Can't wait to hear more about your Christmas - sounds like it was a very busy day for you!


the Corgi Girls said... 3:02 AM


Come on, come all...

To the Corgi Lounge New Year's Eve into the New Year!

(sleepovers welcome)

Stanley said... 3:38 AM

Ruby Bug!

Nemesis? Just give me the details and I will take them out. No questions asked. (See? That's how much power you hold in your paws.)

Don't leave us hangin, girl!

Goober love,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 8:05 AM

oh sweet Ruby, you look as tired as i feel!

We sympathise, we are suffering from an overload of pressies, eating, drinking and fun too.

I have mentioned you in my poem today.

I wondered if you are going to The Corgi Girls New Year pawty,

can I beg a lift please if you are operating New Year Schedules, otherwise it is a sleepover, and I need to be back for Scottish Hogmany whatever the cocktails may be!

love and licks, from Marvin xxxxx
pee ess Jeannie says to tell your Mama, "next time you are in bonnie Scotland, we will take you to the Real Glasgow - it is the bestest fun ever!" apparently your Mama commented on my Jeannie's blog about Glasgow, who knows what these hoooomans are barking about!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said... 8:06 AM

oh and here is wishing you a Guid New Year!