A Special Barkday and Cookies NOT Baked for Me!
Hey Pups, Hammies and Coyotes...Welcome to Day 2 of my 12 Posts of Christmas! Let me start by wishing my very handsome, quasi-cousin pup Bob a very happy 3rd Barkday - w00t!
I love Bobbers (as I like to call him)! We have so much fun playing together. I love it when he chases me and lets me play bitey face with him. Let me tell you, it sure does scare the hoomans when we go at it because he is SOOOOO giant compared to me. But I know Bobbers loves me and would never ever hurt me...even when I try and steal his bone!
I love Bobbers (as I like to call him)! We have so much fun playing together. I love it when he chases me and lets me play bitey face with him. Let me tell you, it sure does scare the hoomans when we go at it because he is SOOOOO giant compared to me. But I know Bobbers loves me and would never ever hurt me...even when I try and steal his bone!
So today, Mom started baking. Baking like Dory's Mom. Normally when Mom bakes, it really excites me because usually she is baking for ME. But this time - NOT!!! She's baking Christmas cookies to give to all her friends and send off to Nanny and Auntie Joey and cousin Danny! How dare she not bake for me! Just look at all the cookies she concocting---she's even stolen some recipes from Dory's crazy cookie baking Mom!!!
Liza's Oh So Lemony Cookies...
Chai Shortbread...

Hi, Ruby
Your mom is as crazy as Dory's mom! But you have to admit that those cookies look yummy!
I hope she makes your salmon cookies to share with Santa! If not, you must tell him about her!
Have a good night
My mom says do you think your mom could send some of those lovely cookies to our house?
I hope your mum decides to bake you some cookies tomorrow - I'd be going crazy not being able to share any of those cookies they all look so delicious!!
Your mom's chocolate dipped pretzels look a whole lot better than my mom's did! Tell your mom to bite off the chocolate part and give you the pretzel part! Mom shared that way with us! I bet it smells wonderful at your house, Ruby!
Happy birthday to Bobbers!
oops! We forgot to sign our names!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Should have stayed in bed longer, huh! hehehe
Ruby Bug!
Give Bobbers a birthday smooch from me. He looks like a right majestic pup.
From what I hear, Santa Paws will eat just about anything you set out for him. If your mom doesn't have time to make you some of your fave salmon cookies, then maybe some of those lemon dealies will do. (What's her recipe for the lemon ones? They sound tasty_.
Thanks for hanging out with me at the party, even when I was puppy sitting Lacie & Scruffy's nameless Airecousin!
Goober love & smooches,
Hey Ruby, J1 is drooling here at the sound of the peanut butter/choc chip cookies. Thanks for posting the link to the recipe! J x
Hey Ruby! We got your beautiful Holiday card yesterday. You look so festive in your snow necklace! Your mom is really a meany for not baking for you. We think she'll be feeling pretty bad about neglecting you and make you your favorites! We saw our card on your wreath!! Is there really a wreath back there?!?! Our magic cold box is nearly covered with all the great cards! Have a safe and happy Holiday Season, Tasha & Eva.
Nanny is so silly, I just figured out what was wrong, I need to go to compooter school
Have fund baking and tell Mom to decorate thst tree, only 9 days till Santa Paws shows up and you don't want to be embaweesd with a nekid tree.
Love hugs and belly rubs
I'm pretty sure she is going to make some special cookies for you.
I got your card...thank you!
Chai cookies? They sound AMAZING. Our mouths are watering and we want some! Were you able to get any fall-out?
Wiley & Fievel
Awww, Bobbers sure was a cutey but now, he's grown up to be a handsome chap! The cookies & pretzels look yummy! My mommy gonna bake some stuff for X'mas too...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh those look so tasty, my mom likes the pretzels just like that!
pee-s we like the 12 posts of Christmas
Oh, Ruby! Come over hereand we'll give you some cookies! Actually, we're supposed to be moving there (Near there - Turlock, CA) if ajob comes through. Maybe we'll get to meet you!
Oh man, Ruby, your house must smell yummy! My Mom's a grinch this year; says she isn't going to bake anything because she & Dad are getting pudgy. But, I did catch her printing out the recipe for lemony cookies so maybe she's changed her mind...
xoxo - Bella
Hi Ruby! Looks like your mom is a good cooker, I want some of those cookies! They look yummy!
Those are some deeelicious looking cookies. I do know how you feel though, cause my mom does that to me all the time. What's up with those salmon cookies?? I want one NOW!Love ya, Mack T. Beans
We are drooling over these cookies !!Love A+A
Those cookies looks so GOOD!!!
Boy n Baby
Oh Ruby - my mom and I have been SO BAD about blogging and reading others' blogs! But this post really makes me drool... Slurp!