A few of you have commented about my crazy ears...they are great, aren't they? With Bostons, either their ears naturally get pointy or you have to pin them up (using bobby pins I guess). Well my Mom, being a little odd herself thought is was SOOOOOO cute that my ears pointed in opposite directions that she just hoped, from when I was a wee little puppy, that they stayed that way...and guess what, they did!!! I think it makes me really special because we haven't seen any other Bostons have ears like that.

Tomorrow, my Mom's friend Susan is coming to visit from Connecticut. I'm so excited to meet her. Mom says she asks about me all the time and the last time she visited (even though I didn't get to meet her --- Why Mom, why?) she got me this really cool shirt. I was too little when I first got it, but it fits me fine now. I think all I need is Ike's skull and crossbones bandanna and I'll be a real Rockstar Chick!
Are you ready to rock 'n' roll???
Oh, and I almost forgot - the hesosigh-sompthin-sompthin (Ruby's Mom: Histiocytoma, Ruby. Ruby: I know, I know) on my leg is almost all gone!!! YAY!!! No more owie bracelet at the park, actually I can go back to the park...I'm so excited!!!
Oh, and I almost forgot - the hesosigh-sompthin-sompthin (Ruby's Mom: Histiocytoma, Ruby. Ruby: I know, I know) on my leg is almost all gone!!! YAY!!! No more owie bracelet at the park, actually I can go back to the park...I'm so excited!!!
Oh a visit from a friend and you can go back to the bark park. Woo Hoo Ruby.
Wow, you look great in your new top Ruby!
Oscar x
I agree with your mom - funny ears are COOL! :)
I love the shirt, Ruby. I don't have any clothes anymore (I outgrew all of them) so I think it's time to go shopping! Oh, and Twix has a histiocytoma, too, but the vet says his isn't going to go away, but it's not cancerous, so that's good. I'm glad yours is going away! They sure are ugly things, and you are waaaaay too pretty to have one!
Puggy kisses
My mom's name is Susan and she's from CT too! Mom wishes that it was her that gets to meet you Ruby!
Love ya lots,
I agree--your ears rock! Glad your hysterectomy on your leg is almost gone so you can go bracelet-free at the park.
Hi Ruby cutie,
My Mummy didn't wear a hat cause her head's too big, heheheh, I sort of destroyed mine after the party, so next time I'll need a nes one...come visit me in NY next time you're near...I'm glad you get to go to the park again, have a great time...and oh ..your ears are boootiful
smoochie kisses Asta
Your ears are MUCH cooler than my sister's, Ruby! And you look awesome in your shirt - you could be in the Howling Jowls with that!
I love cheese too :)
As for your ears I love them! Oh, and that is great bling!
my girl LOVES your ears, ruby - she wanted mine to stay that way, but they grew pointy. :-) i'm usually not a big fan of clothes, but that's pretty kick-butt! looks good on you!
Woo Woo Ruby.. nice to meet you this past weekend! I am loving the Rocker shirt! You look awesome!
Hugs, Sitka
Nice shirt! I can't get Snickers to keep her clothes on. She likes to run out in the nude.
Sharon and Snickers
Hey Ruby, that is such a cool shirt you have.
~ fufu
You do rock as much as me.
PS - thanks for the nomination and I am so glad your bump went away.
I think your ears are supercute. J x
I like your shirt, Ruby. And I also have a histiocytoma on my back leg that is almost gone.
YAY we are so glad your leg is better. I love your shirt!
Cool shirt! Look at you little star! Isn't it fun when other humans ask your humans about you? And your humans brag about how cool you are! My humans do! That's funny! We are so happy that you are feeling a lot better!
love the top.
Simba xx
hey Ruby,
Glad you enjoyed the Pawty - it was lots of fun, wasn't it ?
Oh my gosh, Ruby! THANK YOU! You are so sweet to nominate me! :)
I bet if we ever met we would be BFF! Heehee! Actually, we're moving to Oregon as soon as our house sells, so maybe one day when we take a trip to Cali we could play! I'm already planning all of my west-coast playdates: Duke & Gidget, Winston, Sunshade, and now you!!
Thanks again, Ruby :)
Puggy kisses
Hey I had one of those owies on my toe too! Mom called me Tumor Toe. But it went away too!