Stanny, I wanted to write you a song, but nothing could compare to what I'm sure will be the Grammy (not that Grammie) nominated standard you wrote me. You'll just have to settle with a this...
Stanny,I hope you pups can make your way over to the official blog of Gooberstan to wish their wonderful and handsome leader a very Happy Barkday! Also, bark ya at the chat pawty!!! W00t!
You are one of the bestest boyfriends a girl could ever ask for. I hope you have the bestest day and that I have the honor and privilege of many more years of being one (the only cute Boston one) of your girlpups. Happy Barkday my sweet handsome boy!Love Always, your Ruby Bug XXXOOOXXXOOO
We wish Stanny a Happy Happy Birthday too!!!
Also we want ON for the upcoming flights! Count us in!
Sophie and Dixie
Count me in for Putter & Willow, it was nice chatting with you.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
pee-ess going to GooberStan now
Stanley is the sweetest boy ever, Ruby!
Sign me and Mitch up for both of your upcoming flights too, please!
It was great chatting with you!
Love ya lots,
Woot woot!
We'll go right now and wish him happy barkday!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Happy Birthday to Stanerooni!
Thanks for letting us know Ruby! I will head on over to his site and wish him a wonderful happy birthday.
It sure was nice chatting with you last night Ruby!
Love ya,
your Macky
Stan is one lucky dale for sure! we will hop on over and wish him a happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to Stanley! I just got back from barking him a birthday bark on his blog. I hope he has a great one!
And I hope you're also having a grrrrEAT weekend, Ruby!
Happy Birthday to Stan!
Kisses and hugs
You are one lucky gal and he is one lucky guy.
I hope Stanley had a superdooper barkday! J x
Thank you in the chat.
It was possible to talk, and I was happy. :)
from loved ume tyan
We hope Stanley will have a great birthday.
Boy n Baby
Barkdays are special, and I hope Stanny your Manny has a pawesome day.
Your Rubiness!!
You warm my heart and make me wiggle all over with love! I'm a little late getting over here (still recovering from my birthday), but that was one of the BEST birthday wishes I goob like me could hope for.
You are my sweetie pup, my Ruby Bug, the Rubinator of my heart.
Goober love & birthday smooches back at ya,