1. Scruffy and Babystan are throwing a surprise 'Welcome Home' Asta pawty on April 7th & 8th. It's going to be in NYC at Asta's place. Shhhhh....it's a big surprise. Even from Lacie, and all our hoomans. If you want to go, please leave me a comment and I'll reserve you a spot on Aire Ruby.

2. Opal is having a Welcome Rollerskating pawty in New Joisey for my Auntie Pearl. This is not until May 26th, but you pups, hammies, kitties and wheelies should mark your calendars on that one too. Again leave a comment for me so I can save you a seat on Aire Ruby.
So that's it...don't forget to register for all the pawties. I'll be posting the reservation lists this weekend, ok. Oh and doesn't anyone want to play Paw it Forward with me??? It's ok if you don't, but I'd really like it if you would...
UPDATE: I have 3 pals to pay it forward too---W00t! Butchy & Snickers, Lola, and Peanut & Flash!!! I'm so excitered!!!
Thanks Ruby...we can always count on ya in a pinch....we need 3 spots...ooops...make that 5 spots...Gilbert and Sullivan, our wheelies are comin' too!!!!
For the Wheelie pawty...6 spots...us, 2 wheelies (G&S) and Foxy the puppet...he rocks.
Thank's so much for providing high quality transportation on Aire Ruby!!!!
Scruffy and Babystan
ME, ME, ME!!!! I'll play with you Ruby.
Sign us up for the pawties Ruby. Me likes the sound of the rollerblading, wheeee!
Cassidy x
Just poppin' in to give some belly rubs, miss Ruby Bleuskies!
Y'know Mack talks about you all the time. <3
~Mack's Cousin Katie
Signs me and Opal up for the party at Asta's pwease.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
pee-ess Nanny said you won't get your barkday gift till she gets homes from vacashun.
I wanna party too! Sign me up for all the fun!!
Sorry your mom won't be there on your 2nd barkday, but I bet you & Auntie Yvette will celebrate big time!
It is so sad we don't live closer together - I would LOVE for your to spend those 4 days with me. We would have so much fun going on walkies, playing soccer with mom, gnawing on bullysticks side by side, etc, etc, ETC!
PS: Be looking for a little something from me & Mom!
Love ya,
Ruby please reserve a spot for me and a spot in cargo for Teka. Also room for Toasted Ravioli an other stuff muzzer is sending in a locked box!
OMG, we can't believe your mom would leave you on one of the most important days of the entire year! We hope that Auntie Yvette shows you the BEST time and makes your mom feel guilty!
We're going to find our own transportation to Asta's seeing as we only live 2 hours away from her! Putter is coming with us too! See you at Asta's real soon, Ruby!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Ruby sign us up for both parties. We can't wait. Glad you get to be with Auntie Yvette since your mom is leaving you on those important dates. How can she do that? Oh and we would love to play paw it forward with you. We figured some other doggies would sign up but since they didn't it's their lose. So count us in. :)
Hey, Ruby Girl!
Bummer about your mama leaving, but that just means 2 birthday celebrations ~ one with Auntie Yvette & one with your mama when she gets back!
If you would, please put us down for 2 seats for the party at Asta's. Stella & I will definitely be coming.
Watch the mail soon. Something will be wingin' its way from GooberStan.
Goober love & smooches,
Her Ruby, its Eric.Don't know what route you plan to take to go to NYC Is it too far for you to fly to the UK to pick me up for the party :(? best not go to the new Terminal 5 at Heathrow though as there is all sorts of hold ups there and might not get to the party at all...
Wiry Wags Eric x
I'm in too for all the pawties!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Ruby -
Scruffy and Babystan sent me your way for reservations to the surprise pawty. I think I might need to reserve a whole aisle for my most large and handsome self (my pee-wee brother will fit under the seat).
Yes and Yes! I want to go to BOTH parties, Miss Ruby Bleu!
I am sorry that your mom won't be with you on these very important days, but thank dogness for Aunt Yvette who loves you, too. And I'm sure your mom will bring you back all kinds of prezzies to make up for her absence when she returns.
I'm ready to join in on any party! Reserve me a seat, please.
Hi Ruby!
Please sign me up for both pawties! :) Sorry to hear your mom is leaving you, I bet she wouldn't if she didn't have to for work... I know you will have tons of fun with your auntie!!
Love Clover xo
Sign the doof and I up for both parties! Hanging with Auntie Yvette sounds pretty ok to me!!
woofies and burfs Ms Ruby, can u sign us up fur 2 seats...ms lacylulu wont need one, she can fly wiff her wings...and dat iz pawsome u gits to spend time wiff aunty yvette..me sorrwy u mama iz gonna b away...but ur aunty will spoil u wiff treats and stuffs...
b safe,
rocky and bear and angel lacylulu ;)
I would love to go to the parties. I don't get out much and would love to see NY and visit with Asta. The guys can stay home this time.
Happy Birthday to you. No matter where you spend it.
Hi, Ruby!
I want to go to the parties too! Pleaaaase!!!
I am sure your Auntie Yvette will make your birthday a very special day!
Kisses and hugs
Ruby you paw thing being abandoned on your barkday. At least you've got your Auntie Yvette to keep you company.
Also could you put Willow, Tess, Lucy and I down for both pawties please. We'd love a lift on aire-ruby. Thanks a bunch.
Noah xx
So many partys, what to wear, what to wear?
Simba xx
Good evening ruby.
It is a project of a wonderful party.
A happy meeting : from the party. :)
from loved ume tyan
Hi, Ruby -
Can you reserve two spots for Kaci and I for both parties? Thanks and we can't wait to meet you!
Love -
Hey Ruby,
We just read about the surprise pawty for Asta -- and Mom said we can go!!! WOOT!!
We'll be bringing eggplant pawmagiana -- and perhaps some pawsta.
Will you reserve two spots for us??
Thanks pal!!
Jake and Just Harry
Hello Ruby, we would love to sign up for Asta's surpwise pawty!!! Can you please reserve two seats??
Momo & Pinot
I am Fenway and I jump for pure joy. My first ever pawty and I'm only 6 1/2 months old. Wow, how did I ever get so lucky.
Truth be told, I was never in lockdown for chewing up mom & dad's delicious feather comforter. NO ONE can stay mad cause of my ultimate cuteness and winning smile. Plus, I am really an affable pup who loves to please humans.
So definitely count me in for the pawty.
By the way, I am going to train with Jane today. She runs The Dog Shop in Georgetown and I have huge respect for her. In fact, I call her G.I. Jane. She's kind but there's something about her that makes me do her bidding. I walk nicely, turn on a dime and look like a show dog.
Speaking of show dogs, I am going in a big important show in 2 weeks. I haven't decided yet whether or not I am going to embarrass my owner. What do you think I should do?
I luv roller skating!!!! I can't wait to go!! Please reserve a spot for me!! Thank You, Ruby!!
Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess I just loved Pearl's Easter outfit.
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby....please reserve 3 spots for the terriers in the Burgh and not the ones at Lacies place either. We would love to welcome Asta home from scenic Rome and travel a mile in Aire Ruby style......
Belly rubs,
Dewey Dewster here.......
I can't believe your mom is ditching you on such important occasions!
Hiya Ruby darling!
I hope you're having fun at your Aunty Yvette's place.
Could I book a seat too for both pawties...I hope it's not too late for Asta's
Wat's Paw It Forward. I would like to play too. I'll go ask mummy now.
Sign us up dearest Ruby!!!!!! Ciao Bella!!!!! Love A+A
We hope it is not too late but can you pick us up to Asta'a pawty?
Boy n Baby