OK, on to the big barkday...first off...thank you all for all the barkday wishes!!! They made me so very, very happy! I woof you guys! Oh and did you happen to see the song Stanny wrote for me...all I can say is WOW!
Well, you've all read about our pawty adventures...I was so surprised! Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan TOTALLY outdid themselves! WOW! I must admit that I did over do it just a bit...whatever Lacie put in that bottle totally hit me. Thank dogness Scruffy and Babystan were able to figure out how to fly Aire Ruby otherwise we would have had a problem. But rest assured for the next adventure I'll not be drinking anything that Lacie whips up (no offense Lacie).
So as you know, my mushy Mom was away on my barkday so aside from hanging with all you pups, kitties and hamsterriers, I stayed with my Auntie Yvette. We had SO much fun! We went and visited her Momma and Granny and sissies. I gots to play with her people pup Blake and I got TONS of these...
That's right I gots footie massages...my favorite! If I can be guaranteed non-stop footie massages Mom can go away anytime she wants! And you know what? Auntie Yvette taught her sissies Auntie Cheryl and Auntie Tricia to give me footie massages too! I am SO set! W00t! Thanks Auntie Yvette for letting me hang with you!!! I miss you already!
When Mom got home I FINALLY gots to open up my barkday pressies! W00t! Mom says I made out like a bandit...whatever THAT means. Look what my Mack gots me....
And this is what I gots from my Stanny...
Oh and yes, I am Goober Girl and proud of it!

He gots me my first snozzle...I haven't tried it yet, but I can't wait! Mom even got a pressie (why I'm not sure) from Stanny's girl Lisa...it was a bootiful blue bracelet with a little 'me' charm. She needs to take a picture of it so you can all see. At first I thought it was a new collar for me...but NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I tried to take it from Mom, but she was not happy about that. Whose barkday is it anyway??? Thank you so much my Stanny, Princess Stella and Mom sends a big TY to your Girl!
Last, but certainly not least, I got some yummy treats AND a corn shank, I mean cob, from Maggie & Mitch...yummo!!!
Oh and check this out...
My Mom gots this spoony-spoon-spoon with ME on it! Maggie & Mitch's Mom made this...she is so talented. Again, I thought it was my barkday, but I'll let it go. Thanks M&M&Mom!!!! W00t!
So...all and all, even with Mom gone, I had a pretty pawsome barkday! Thank you all so much! Thanks especially for being my friend...that's that's the bestest pressie I could ever wish for - W00t!
Wow, sooo many great prezzies & I like that Goober Girl bandanna! So cute! And the Ruby spoon M&M's mom made...Adorable! You have such great friends!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
What GREAT presents, holy cow. You even got a CORN SHANK! If you need shank forming lessons, let us know. We are so stoked we got to surprise you on your birthday!
Those are pawsome presents!
~ Girl girl
You hit the jackpot,Ruby! What nice pressies you got! Wait till you and your mom play with the udder tug together! You're going to love it! Your GooberGirl bandana is awesome!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your barkday continues, Nanny finally mailed use pressie on Wednesday so be on the lookout. You got some haul girl, and between Mack & Stanley use may be set forevers.
aaawww Ruby what a beautiful GooberGirl you are!! You are so lcky, all those gorgeous pressies!!!
Glad to hear you had a wonderful barkday
Love, Licks and Tail-Wags
Ben xxxxxx
I'm so glad you liked all your stuff, presh. The second picture of you with your Goober girl bandana on is absolutely mind boggling! You are such a beautiful girl, you know that Ruby!??
Have a great day playing with your pressies!
Wow Ruby! You totally made out like a bandit. Enjoy all of your presents...it looks like the celebration will continue all week long!!
Great presents for a great girl.
woofies and burfs Ruby, wowzers u gots a bunch of pressies and trweats..u deserve it all u iz shuch a good girl...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
You got some great stuff there, Ruby Bleu! That spoon reminds me of a brush handle that I like to chew...not that I want to give you any ideas.
What great presents you are very lucky. Foot rubs are great arent they!?
Simba xx
Great prezzies Ruby and you look all loved up in the bandana!
Wiry wags, Eric x
Whoa, you must have had an awesome barkday! I like footie massages too, ooooh they feel so good!
Man, you got a ton of cool stuff! I must say, I'm just a little jealous. Okay, a LOT jealous. But your the birthday gal, so I suppose you deserve the presents!
Hope you have a fabulous day,
Hi, Ruby!
Sure it was nice to get foot massages from everyone there with your Auntie!
I am sure you will enjoy all your nice presents!
Kisses and hugs
Amazing presents Ruby. I wouldn't know which one to play with first! Glad you had a great day.
Your friend,
Wow! We're both quite impressed...nice haul!
Wags - Chris & Mackenzie
Wow wee check out all those great gifts. You're a lucky puppootee Ruby. How did Stanley get the word Goober on that packet of dog treats...that boy is amazing!
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hey Ruby,
I didn't even know Stanley has a factory making treats! LOL!
Those are some great pressies. I bet you'll have more coming in.
Those are great pressies Ruby! (I have got something for you but mom's been very busy with the new house so she hasn't gone to the post office yet.. if I am lucky, you may receive your present before Christmas or something..) Hehehe..
Good evening ruby.
It is a wonderful present.
Gorgeous time is the enjoyment of the present. :)
from loved ume tyan
Ruby - You sure cleaned up from your party. Look at all those cool presents. Watch out for the corn cob shank. Don't want to be sticking it in anybody...
Hi Ruby,
What a great stash of barkday pressies!! You deserve them all.
Jake and Just Harry
Oh wow look at all those presents.
Aw, you getted some lovely presents, and mummy too! The spoon be so cool.
Cassidy x
Hi Ruby!
Wow!! Those belly rubs look really good!!
And you got tons of cool prezzies!! Pawsome!!
We're glad to know you had a good time!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Happy barkday, Ruby! Congrats on all the presents! Hope you enjoy them!
Hey Ruby, what pawsome gifts! J x
Hey Ruby! What awesome gifts! Have you eaten all those treats yet? The look fabulous! You look smashing in your bandana from your Goober-love..ooohh, Stanley and Ruby!
Love, Herc
Hey Ruby! What awesome gifts! Have you eaten all those treats yet? The look fabulous! You look smashing in your bandana from your Goober-love..ooohh, Stanley and Ruby!
Love, Herc
Those are awesome gifts!
Boy n Baby
What a fab birthday!
Wow Ruby! You sure got some pawsome gifts! We are so jealous of the spoon that woo got from M&M and their mom!
Oh Ruby...I love that Goobergirl bandana....so thoughtful of Stanny!!!
And a corncob...we love ours...ya got a lota cool things Girlie!!
Our package is zoomin' its way towards you....
Love ya lots!
Next semester in nursin' school, I'll be doin' Maternal and Child Health...so...I'll be learnin' to mix bottles...hmm...I thought my baby bottle process was fab...it was just a small error in judgement to mix up the dogtini concentrate with the baby formula!!! OOOOPSIE!!