Chat Pawty is Tomorrow - W00T!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hey Pups...
I can't tell you how excitered I am about the DWB 2nd Anniversary Chat Pawty starting tomorrow! I have been thinking about it all week! The thought of getting to chat with all my blogging buddies is almost too much to handle!!! I can't hold it in...I just have to do it...ok here it comes - W00T!!!

Last year was soooo much fun!!! And that was when I was kinda new to DWB. I remember chatting with Sophie and fact if memory serves me correctly Joe & Tanner had their video camera up and running too! I sure hope you all are going to be able to join the fun! And I hope my two handsome boyfriends will be my dates for the event...(don't worry Asta, of course I'll be sharing!)


Unfortunately I won't be able to chat until Friday evening CA time...Mom said no chatting without an adult present. I have no idea what she's getting at! Anyhowl...can't wait to bark at you all tomorrow! W00T!


18 Responses to "Chat Pawty is Tomorrow - W00T!!!"

Duke said... 11:47 AM

We most probably won't be able to chat till early evening either, Ruby because mom is bogged down with yard work!
We hope we get to chat with you!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said... 12:06 PM

Woot! we are excited too. We will be on and off as much as we can, muzzer says maybe we can check first thing in the morning, but then again at night. Wahooey. See ya there


Mack said... 3:05 PM

Now I'm blushing!!!!

Wow that sounds like a lot of fun!

I'll have to email them to get the top secret info!

Can't wait to chat with ya Rubes!!


Joe Stains said... 4:43 PM

Mom will have to see about the camera, she got that new Vista computer and didn't install the camera software, I will make sure she gets that running!

Lizzy said... 5:01 PM

Oh good, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who's getting so excited about the chat party! I can't believe it starts tomorrow already!

Hopefully I'll see ya there!


Stanley said... 5:22 PM

Hey, Ruby Bug!

We are going to be gone on Friday and early Saturday without a pooter, so I'll be able to chat with you on Sat.

See you there sweet thing!

Goober love & smooches,

Emily and Ike said... 6:44 PM

Woot, woot, woot!

Lorenza said... 7:38 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Sure it will be fun!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said... 8:26 PM

OMdoG! I almost forgot about it! I hope I won't miss any of you in the chat room. See you there!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Asta said... 11:45 PM

I'll be thewe off and on..I'm vewy excited too!!! I wemembew last yeaw..I was soo new and hawdly knew anyone, but what fun!!!
Talk to you soon sweetie
love and smoochie kisses
pee essRuby, do you think you could advewtise a flight fow Willow and Puttew's Birfday pawty in austwalia on May 19 and 20?
I told them I would help owganise it..thanks !!!XOXOXOXOXO

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:39 AM

I hope to meet up with some of my friends there.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said... 2:29 AM

Yeah. I hope I'll get to chat with you Ruby

~ Girl girl

BenTheRotti said... 5:16 AM

I'm all excited too.. but with the time difference I'm not sure if i will make it. I'm not allowed to chat without an adult present too so it means keeping Mum awake!! I will try my best though :)

Ben xxxx

Clover said... 5:26 AM

OMD! I have never been to a chat pawty before ... I am going to see if mom will help me chat maybe tonight or tomorrow too!!!
I hope we can chat together!
Love Clover xo

Pug(s) and Bugg said... 6:00 AM


Pearl and Opal got us to check out your page! We love it! Can't wait to take Aire Ruby soon.

Come check out our new blog too!

Sophie and Dixie

Petra said... 11:55 AM

This is new to me, so I'll have to see if I can figure out how to be a part of the chattery, too. It sounds like fun!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 6:50 PM

Hey Ruby girl...

We just tried to log on to chat, but we can't get into the site much less the door to the chat room. I think they know that Scruffy smells.....

Sooooo glad ur liked ur barkday package...I of course picked it out...the boyz wanted to give you old stinky bones they'd dug up in the yard. I tried to 'splain u'd get ur nails dirty...they are soo dumb....

Hope to chat soon!!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 4:23 AM

It was pawsome chatting to you yesterday, Ruby. Hope to catch you today too! J x