I wanted to take this opportunity to wish my beautiful girl a very happy 2nd birthday! I'm so sad that I can't be with her today, but she is is very good 'paws' with her Auntie Yvette. Oh and going to parties in NYC! She leads such an exciting life!
It seems like only yesterday when Auntie Yvette and I traveled to San Francisco to pick Ruby up. I don't think I've ever been so nervous in all my life. I had no idea at the time that this little 4lb bundle of energy would bring so much joy (and some times frustration ;) to my life.

My family and friends tease me that I have 'commitment' issues...well, bringing Ruby into my life was a huge change for me. It took me a really long time to commit to getting a dog. I always had so many excuses, but any time I was with any of my friends pups I just lit up, was so relaxed and happy (yes, I'm a much better around dogs than people - guess that's why I'm still single - LOL). When I finally took the plunge and got Ruby it was amazing how my life changed. I was suddenly responsible for more than myself! It was such a foreign concept to me. It really changed the way I structured my day, how much I worked, how I spent my money. And now when I look back, I just can't imagine my life without her! I know this all sounds corny...but for me, getting this crazy little pup was truly life altering! I just love her so!!!
Not only is today Ruby's day, but it is also our 1 year blogiversary! If you would have asked me a year ago if I still would be blogging I would have said "probably not". But just like with Ruby, I made a commitment and what started as 'something fun to do' has really impacted my life. It has brought me closer to my Mom (she now has a blog with her pup too!) and it has helped me (and Ruby of course) make some very special and what I hope lasting friendships around the world. It is so nice to know I'm not the only crazy dog person out there!!!
So on behalf of Miss Ruby Bleu- the birthday girl, I thank all of you for being part of our lives. It truly brightens my day to read your comments. And thank you for letting us share in your lives too! We are truly honored.
I'm sure Ruby will blog later this week about her birthday adventures! I know from a very reliable source there will be some surprise celebrating for her...plus I do need to make it up to her since I'm away.
I'll leave you with one of my favorite pictures of her...Happy Birthday my Happy Girl! I woof you!!!

Aw, how cute, Ruby's mama! Happy blogiversary! And a huge Happy Birthday to Ruby too! We love you guys!
Love Clover xo
Happiest Barkday to my dearest, special, beautiful - Ruby Bleu! I hope that you have the most wonderful 2nd barkday and we wuff you heaps!! Two years ago, you came into this world and made it a much more beautiful place with your presence.. *muack*
Hi Michele!
When I read your post re Ruby, I found a kindred spirit.
I feel EXACTLY like you did, before Ruby, which is why I continue to procrastinate about having my own dog.
I live doggy life through my DWB friends, who like you say are amazing, and I include you & Ruby among them, hence the Barkday post, even though we don't touch base with each other that frequently.
I hope eventually to take the plunge - your tale spures me on.
Best wishes.
And, of course, pats & pets to the Barkday girl Ruby
Happy Birthday Ruby! And happy dog getting/life changing day to Ruby's mom!
Ruby's Momma,
Hi, Mack here. I'm so glad you have this little precious gem and share her with the world. We sure love her!
Sugars momma!
And Happy Bloggaversary!!
Oh Michele, you made Motch's eyes wet when she read your tribute to Ruby Bleu. She feels just like you do about me and the dogs in her life. We with furskin love unconditionally, we are constant companions, we (usually) just want to please those who love and care for us, we ask so little and give so much. Motch says we are one of God's special gifts!
May you have many long and wonderful years with Ruby, our birthday girl. She was an adorable puppy and is now a beautiful 2-year-old!
Happy Birthday Ruby Bleu!
Sooooo cute !!!! Happy Birthday Ruby Bleu ... I hope you will have a nice day and a lot of surprises !
Kisses, Faya
Happy Birthday Ruby!!! Many licks from Meimei and Miko (and they may sneak in a butt sniff too)
happy Birthday Ruby. and Happy Blogversary also.
Happy birthday Ruby!!!!
Let's all have Frosty Paws ice cream in honor of lovely Miss Ruby's birthday!
Rubes, you were a Diva even as a 4 lbs tyke! Happy Barkday and way to change your Mom's life for the better!
Happy birthday Ruby! That is such a cute story.
Oh Ruby...you WERE so adorable as a tiny pup....we loved ur mom's post!!!!! Happiest 2nd Barkday, EVER!!!!!
Um...to Ruby's Mom...
We will be flyin' Ruby back from New York. We suggest a couple of pain killers and perhaps some hair of the dog. She might be sleepin' for a while.
We're takin' very good care of Aire Ruby!!!!
What a wonderful birthday post! You're both so lucky to have each other.
Happy Barkday Pretty Girl!
We love you both!
The Brat Pack & Maryann
You made mom all teary-eyed, Ruby's mom with that wonderful tribute! Happy birthday to your baby girl! We love that last picture of her!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
woofies and burfs ruby, we wish u a very happy barkday and bloggieversary...haff many, many more...and rubys mom, dat wuz so verwy nice of u to tribute ruby..she iz one of a kind...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
Happy Barkday, Ruby! And Happy Blogiversary! Maybe you can celebrate your barkday after you rest up from the pawty in NYC.
Poppy & Penny
Aw, we're all misty eyed here. I'm certain Ruby is basking in all that love.
Happy birthday Ruby!!!
Toodle pip
Harry x
You awe bootiful inside and out!!!
I love you and am so glad youw my fwiend!!!
Happy Birfday to you!!!!!!!!!
Love and smoochie kisses fwom a jetlagged Asta
Happy Happy Birthday to you.......
Happy Happy Birthday to you.......
Happy Happy Birthday to you.......
Happy Happy birthday Ruby! And many congratulations to you and your mom for your happy life together and your one-year blogiversary.
Your friend, Lenny
Hi Ruby. You are as cute as a button! What your Mama wrote got my Mama all teary. Mamas are so mushy ... it's those hormone thingies. Anyway, I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday and hope all your dreams come true !!
Chef xox
Ruby, we admire your pup picture!!!
Happy Happy Barkday!!!
hugs and kisses..
Momo & Pinot
Happy Barkday to you and Happy Blogaversary, too!
You are a real gem, Ryby! I'm glad we're friend.
Do I know your grandma's dog and grandma?
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess You really had a great time at the pawty in NY. I won't tell your mom what happened. Not me. I won't say a word.
Happy BarkDay Ruby, HOpe you had a wonderful celebration!!!
Frenchie Snorts
P.S. That is one terrific smile!
Happy Birthday, Ruby, from Tai in Thailand! Our Tai remembers what it was like to be 2. He's now the ripe ol' age of 4-1/2 but still acts like a pup.
Happy birthday, Ruby! Here's to MANY many more!
Happy Birthday to Ruby! and Happy Blogoversary too!
You did a great post! My mom says she knows how you feel!
Thanks for being part of our lifes too!
Kisses and hugs
Happy BARKDAY RUBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND Happy Blogoversary! We are so lucky to know you and your MOm!
Happy Barkday Ruby!!... and are so loved by people around you.. Happy Barkday!!...
A very happy Barkday to Ruby. Hope you get cake.
Simba x
Love and snarfles,
Napoleon & Rukia
Hope you had a very Happy Barkday Miss Ruby:)
Grammie feels the same about all of us and even the CATS. She is always saying that she would rather go home and spend time with her dogs than most humans she knows.
Hi Ruby (and Ruby's Mom)
Was just over at Macks place so thought I would stop by to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a very happy doggy love day to you Rubys Mom.
Mum is sniffing like a big girls blouse at your post.. ok ok.. i confess it made me a bit teary too.
Have a lovely day pretty girl,
Ben xxxx
Happy Barkday Ruby!!!!
Ruby...it absolutely wasn't ur fault about the um "state" you were in when Scruffy had to fly AireRuby. You drank TWO of the bottles I mixed up for Dexter, Mango's bro...I had mistakenly put the concentrate in them that I was using for TEN PurrGrrRitas...so needless to say, um..you and Dexter got well...trashed. Yep...that's the word alright.
You are the most responsible Girl...I don't want you to think that you and Mack and Stanley were drinking excessively Tuesday night. (Supressed giggle.) Boy, those boyz are completely snickerbottoms over ya, Ruby....maybe you can give me some hints...I can't get Archie to stop bein' so shy and KISS ME. Sigh...
Lakie barkies!!
Congratulations on ruby and the birthday on the birthday of blog.
A wonderful smile : ..lovely... :)
from loved ume tyan
Happy birthda'versary Ruby! You are now an official doggie teenager...
Hey Ruuubalooo,
I would be honoured if you used my pic on a Sleepy Sunday post. I'm so excited about the possibility, I'm even sleeping right now!
happy barkday ruby!
Hi 2 year and 2 day old Ruby Bleu!
Yes, of course you can use my sleepy picture. Maybe your mom can even doctor it up & put you in that blanket beside me!
What a lovely post. We really enjoyed reading it. Happy blogiversary and happy 2nd barkday Ruby. Big hugs from your dale pals down under.
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Happy Burpday RUUUUUUUUUUUUUBY! Your ma sure does love you. Can't really blame her, eh?
Awww.... that was SOOO sweet! Happy Birthday Ruby!
Oh RUBY! You are the apple of your MAMA's EYE!
She loves you lots & lots & lots! & I can certainly see why! You are the most adorable 2 year old ever!
Love & Licks,
That was such a sweet post. I know what you mean - dogs become such a huge part of our lives and change us for the better. You and Ruby are lucky to have each other! Happy Birthday and anniversary to you both! : )
Frannie (Wiley & Fievel's mom)
You and your Mama always make us smile...so THANK YOU for your great blog, and we hope you'll be posting for many more years.
Happy Barkday, Ruby.
Lots of love and good wishes.
xoxo - Bella
Hey Ruby and Mama,
Happy Brthday and anniversary! Sounds like you were made for each other, ain't life grand sometimes?
Wiry wags, Eric