Oh and I promise to post about all my barkday adventures, but not today...I'm going to follow my guest pup pal and nap! Hope you have a nice Sleepy Sunday!
Hi! My name is Ruby. I am a Boston Terrorist (oops, I mean Terrier) who loves to run, play in mud and eat snackies.
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7:43 AM | 26 Belly Rubs
Oh what a lovely picture. Sophie is as beautiful as ever.
Ruby Bug!
I was hoping for a photo of your sweet sleepy face, but Sophie's is pretty darn cute, so I can't fault you for posting it. She's chic even when she sleeps, isn't she?
Goober love & smooches,
She looks very restful. Almost as restful as you do on a Sunday.
Hi Ruby
Sorry use did not gets use Barkday gifts yets, but Nanny finally cames home, I sore missed her.
Well now, Nanny read use blog that Auntie Michele wrotes and was blubbering all overs the place, she is such a softee, like in the ice cweam. I sore had a gweat times with use at the pawty, but whys did use fall asneep, was it that stuff in the bottle? Hopes use headaches is gone, I gwad Asta is homes I missed her soooo mush.
Nanny is going to takes a nap since she was weading blogs all nite, so I going with hers.
Sophie is pwetty when she sneeps.
Hugs, Bellyrubs,Smoochies
pee-ess Nanny is goings to mail use pressie tomorrow, so bees on the looks out.
Sophie is a beautiful girl - no doubt about it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That was vewy genewous of you to give the pictoowe to Sophie..she is a bootiful giwl no doubt about it..hope youw sneep is full of ice dweams...
my pawents took me evewywhewe..one time they did leave me in the woom while they went to a mooseum,and one indoow dinnew, but just a couple of houws..the west of the time we wewe togefew
smoochie kisses
It is so Ruby of you to share the spotlight with that pretty Sophie!
Hope you are doing well and resting a bit yourself!
Love & Macky kisses!!!!!
Hi, Ruby!
I can't see the picture!
Happy sleepy sunday!
Kisses and hugs
All dogs are great! Stopping by to see how are things. Can't wait to read about your bark day.
You made quite an excellent choice for this sleepy Sunday. A beautiful choice, a pretty choice, a smart choice....
sweet dreams, everypup...
Hey Ms. Ruby, I hear you just had a birthday... Hope it was a SUPER DUPER happy one!!!
Big Aire Kisses,
She's a bootiful girl...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Sophina La Bador is just is too cute for words in that pic!
Love & Licks,
ps..I kinda think she may have hidden a cookie between the cushions on the sly.... just maybe....
Please be so kind to come by our blog, there is a party invitation and an award for you!
Hi Ruby B. Thanks for the ride to the pawty...we got home just in time for our fabulous weekend of peanut butter kongs and animal planet.
It was cold and wet here all weekend, so I napped a lot, too. Sophie is bootiful and she even matches the color of her blanket! I hope your Sleepy Sunday was restful, too, Ruby Bleu.
Sowwy I had you wowwied about the gelato..it pays to go all the way to the end, hehehe
Hope youw having a gweat day!
smoochie kisses
Sophie certainly is beautiful when she sleeps! She's beautiful even when she's awake!
Sorry I'm late Ruby, but...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you had a GRRRReat one!
The Party is on, drop by anytime, we have "Lizards - ALL You Can Eat"! And lots of fun.
What have you been up too? You look worn out.
Simba x
She does look like sleeping beauty!
Toodle pipHarry x
What a great girl to spotlight! Sophie is stunning when she sleeps.
She is such a pretty girl. Mom loves it when we sleep then we are not getting into any trouble..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Oh... I think Joey would LOVE this photo
~ Girl girl
Thank you so much for coming to our blogoversary party and celebrate with us! It wouldn't have been as much fun without you - and we hope you had a great time too and not too much of a hang-over, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!