OMD I'm famerous!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hey Pups...
I'm back home from my mini-vacay with Auntie Yvette. I have a lot to post about later this weekend, but I just had to do a quick post about the fact that I am famerous!!! - W00t!

My hooman pal Blue found one of my Sleepy Sunday pictures here. Thanks Blue for finding this and letting me know. I'm just so excited!!! It's a great way to end my barkday week!!!

So check back this weekend...I can't wait to tell you all about my visit with Auntie Yvette, and my Surprise Pawty (not that I remember all that much - but shhhhh, don't let Mom know) and of course my prezzies! Oh and speaking of my Mom...I have to say I just read her 'tribute' to me...WOW, even tough little me got a little misty over it, but again...shhhhh, don't let her know...I don't want to ruin my image!


17 Responses to "OMD I'm famerous!!!"

Lorenza said... 3:56 PM

We all know your are famous... and now you are mooooore famous! Congratulations!
I can't wait to hear about your party and your presents!
Sure you had a great time!
Kisses and hugs

Mack said... 4:18 PM

You are truly an internet supahstah!

I can't wait to hear all about your fun times with Aunty Yvette!

I know you are so glad momma is back though! I know she missed you too!

Were you surprised at your NYC pawty!??

Sugars and mucho love,

Duke said... 4:33 PM

How cool, Ruby! And to think that we knew you when!
We can't wait to hear all about your pawty and your pressies!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Brat Pack said... 4:57 PM

Too cool, but we already knew you were a star! We see a few of our other friends on there too!


The Brat Pack said... 5:03 PM

You're DOUBLE you are again! We just found another pic of you on that site from November! They posted my humiliating shower picture too!


Peanut said... 6:50 PM

Oh that is so neat you are famous famous famous. Glad you had fun with Auntie Yvette.

Joe Stains said... 8:21 PM

I am so proud to say I know you! that is SO cool! We are glad you are back!

Amber-Mae said... 9:54 PM

You sure ARE famous Ruby dear!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said... 10:42 PM

Your mum really loves you Ruby. What a great tribute to you.
Cant wait to hear all about your stay at Auntie Yvette's.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Stanley said... 11:08 PM

Ruby Bug!

Of COURSE you're famerous!

You've had yourself one very cool birthday week, and you get to start celebrating all over again now that your mama is back home! WooooOOoHoOOOOOo!!

Can't wait to see all the Auntie Yvette pics!!

Goober love & more birthday smooches,

Simba and Jazzi said... 12:43 AM

Fame at last, it was only a matter of time.

Simba x

Moco said... 11:20 AM

It is a pleasure to know someone so famous.

Asta said... 11:53 AM

I always knew you wewe famouwous!!! I'm glad the west of the wowld knows now too!
Can't wait to heaw about youw adventoowes at auntie yvette
smoochie kisses

Niamh said... 5:18 PM

You are famous and only 2 years old. That's great. Enjoy your presents.

Your friend,

Emily and Ike said... 10:43 PM

Have the pupparazzi been around yet?

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said... 7:32 AM

You Boston Terriers sure know how to pawty!

Petra said... 9:27 AM

Watch out, Ruby. Now that you are famerous, the media won't leave you alone!