Can you believe it? Another pawty...oh I can't wait. I'm just a little worried tho'...I've never been camping before...what should I bring? Will it be cold? Will we have sleeping bags? Do I need to bring marshmallows? Decisions, Decisions.
Here I am in my fishing cap and vest...will this work? Is there gonna be fishing???

UPDATE: eTicket Confirmation List - Pups, there is still lots of room with lots of toys and snacks!!!
Oh man this is going to be the most fun party EVER! I can't wait to meet KoiWally.
Oh man! Why oh why do all these fun crazy parties happen when I'm busy somewhere else? Sigh... hopefully next time!
OMDog! That's The Mom's birthday! I'm soooo torn!
Placing a reservation for 2!! We can't wait,we have never been camping!! What do you wear??? Love A+A
I got a sleeping bag! And I'll roll on any fish you catch.
Oh Ruby! I can tell you what to bring. I am a camping expert! Most importantly, you need a nice big sleeping bag so that you have room for you and your Mommy. That way you will be nice and warm!
Hi, Ruby
This is going to be an awesome party!
You look so ready to go fishing!
I wll go with my pajama and my blankie! You know, those things that you need to sleep even when for a camping night!
Have a good night
Hey Ruby,
I'm going to need a ride to my kousin Butchy's campout and I'd like to make a reservation for AirRuby. Am I too late? Do you think you can pick me up?
And oil up your plane for another pawty. My birfday is on the 20th of this month and Amber's is soon after, so Scruffie and Lacie are planning a birthday Halloween costume party in Salem, Massachusetts. Everybody is invited. We'll tell you more about it later.
Koobuss Kisses,
pee ess I like your fishing outfit. You look like you really know what you're doing.
I luwve youw outfitWOW!!!can you show me how to fish??You look soo gweat!
i'd like to make a wesewvation pleez on that pawfect aiw Ruby aiweline!
I think my halo aweady felloff, hehehe
smoochie kisses
I think it's going to be another fun filled pawty. Have lotsa fun! I can't wait to see the piktures.
WHATSUUUUUUPPPPPPP One Ruby who is BLUE so maybe you are a sapphire or a TOPAZ or um maybe just a RUBY.
I guess that YOU can make an interview of ME, BUT I might not be so good at answering because sometimes I forget the questions and I GET like confuserest and then I don't know what the heck I am talking About and then I have to go find JOey and mess him up ok?
oh geez, I see what the doofus did while I was resting my eyes, I can't believe him!
Anyway, I want to reserve a spot on the plane and Mom said I HAVE to let Tanner come :(
woofies ruby!!! heehee lemme tells ya what i dones...i added u to my fends list..and wuz gonna catch up wiff u tonite..welllll it wouldnt workies...i had u in there as wonderfulruby instead of wasss soooo funnies...
b safe,
pp's i got u in der right nows...
pp's again can me have a ride to gooos tooo..
I'd love to fly air Ruby again. I'll book my ticket now.
Simba xx
Pawsome outfit Ruby!!
If you're coming past Australia on your way to the camp do you mind picking me up?? Do you take payment by way of bones or kibble??
Oh please, please - can we fly with you again, Ruby???? Your plane is so much fun! Do you have room for our extra suitcase that's filled with s'more ingredients?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh please resever a seat for me Ruby, you look ready for Camping. I'll go fishing with you. :)
~ Girl girl
Ruby Girl!
Put me downn for 1 seat. I want to fly Aire Ruby for all my flights.
Can't wait!
Goober love,
Pee Ess
You're going to love camping!
You look so cool in your fishing outfit. I don't like camping and I bet your Mom will not like it either, but, for you I am sure she will rough it.
If you catch some salmon please send me some, (filet and clean please)
14 days and counting
Love, hugs and belly rubs
pee-ess Saturday is the day Danny and I meet Nanook & Pooka
Happy time is impatient. :)
With wonderful friends.
from loved ume tyan
I would like to come too because I have been camping before and it is fun.
Mistress will let me go camping on my own although she doesn't let me go to those weekend rave-ups that seem to happen.
If you come past Gibraltar I would like a seat please.
Thanks Ruby
Ruby - you look great in your outfit!! All these doggies keep having parties, but I don't know all of them.... I have never been camping before! Hope you guys have a fun time!
Love Clover xo
ruby, i want in your air ruby please!
ruby, are we gonna be fishing or i should just bring myself now? i'm confuse.
wet wet licks
Hey Ruby! Can I catch a ride with you again? It was so much fun last time!
Your friend, Lenny
Marshmallows will be great! Then we can burn them over the fire...I think I'll bring over some of my hoomans famous Alfredo pasta. What do ya think?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
ooooh camping is supposed to be the bestest fun ever, Ruby! Although I have never been, mainly 'cos I am a dog who likes the more luxiourious life.....(if I could spell it!!)
I think you will look cool in the outfit in the picture, but you always look so cool!
love and laughing licks, Marvin xxxx
Hi Ruby,
Ive never been to a pawty..sounds like so much fun! I bet I would love camping..all the great smells of the outdoors.
You look great in your fishing outfit
Love Toby
Hee hee hee! Great picture, Ruby!
Hey Ruby, can I book a first class ticket on Air Ruby please? Looking forward to it already! J x
Ruby, we are SO THERE! Joey is real excited cuz he's never been camping before, either. Heck, neither have I! :)
Should I bring the carob-chocolate bars for the smores? And the marshmallows? And the wheat-free crackers (if such a thing exists)? Let me know!
Puggy kisses
Thanks for the note Ruby. You can call me Ralphie anytime.
I'm making a pals list and you're on there! yay!
woof woof
Book my flight Ruby! Penny's coming too! Sherman's already been's our turn.
Ruby: May I please book a seat on Air Ruby for Butchy's pawty this weekend? Gussie is making a stop in St. Louilis and I need more time to get ready.
I am not very big, and I will not have any baggage, cause Gussie is taking it all for me.
Teka Toy Dagger
ps. I would like to go on the return trip too.,
We cant wait for the pawty. We wonder who will end up in the Doggie jail...hehe
Boy n Baby
Just one more day to the pawty Ruby!! I am getting so excited cos I have never been to an overnight pawty before!! Can I book 3 tickets on Furs Class for GG, Moosie and myself??
i think u shld bring some chicken wings for BBQ
Ruby!! Ruby!!!!
I need a ride!! I love Air Ruby :)and I love Butchy :) I would love to join Butchy's birfday pawty. Can I still get a ticket?
I am still deciding what to wear coz I've never been camping. I am gonna post something on my blog tonight!
Have a good day!
Momo xoxo
Hi Ruby!
Butchy and Snickers invited me to their pawty! Yay!! Could I please book a ticket?
Love Clover xo
It followed a procedure for boarding now.
A wonderful seat of the airplane is expected.
from loved ume tyan
Ruby, Im in !!! I want to fly in your Air Ruby!!!
You look cool in your camping gear!
Hi Ruby!
Do you still have room on Aire Ruby for little me? I'll like to book a ticket too. Thanks! *Blush*
We love your fishing outfit!
G'day Ruby, Gosh we hope there is room for the 4 of us. We've been invited and would love some seats on air-ruby. Can u fit 4 airedales for australia? Thanks.
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
go ruby, it your birthday
were going to party like it your birthday
russy cent
Hi Rubye,
Is it too late to book a ride to Butchey's party? Scruffy & Lacie told us about it and Lorenza, Toby's girlfriend, says we should come. We would like to make some new friends and visit with everybody.
We could bring some BBQ bones and some "PUP CORN" for nibbleing around the campfire!!
Please say yes......Mona, Jacks, Toby and our little foster Evander too!!
ooooh hope I am not too late with this comment, although I commented before, I forgot to ask for a reservation Ruby!
Silly me!
Can you pick me up for the Pawty? You will have to wear sun goggles 'cos its very sunny here in bonnie Scotland at the moment!
I am off to choose my outfit now.
love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx
Am I too late to join the jet???