First we thought about all the songs with Ruby in the title, like The Rollings Stones, 'Ruby Tuesday'. I didn't like that song (Mick Jagger is kinda scawie to me), but it does make me think of hamburgers which is good. Than it was the Roisin Murphy song 'Ruby Blue'...which incidentally is what I was named after. Well, the song is catchy and you can totally dance to it, but the words aren't anything like me. So we thought about the new Ruby song my friend Marvin told me about by the Kaiser Chiefs. Again catchy...but I don't know. Maybe my theme song doesn't need to have Ruby in the title. So we thought some more...
Than Mom came up with this...
(inspired by Maneater)
Music by Darryl Hall and John Oats
Words by Mom
Ruby snacks day and night
But stays very lean and tight
All she'll do is chew, she's done it all before
Watching and waiting
She's sitting with you but her eyes are on the bully
So many have come to see
All her tricks that are very funny
Ruby is wild, a BT tamed by the shaking of a bag
Snackies only matter
If your looking for licks you'll get lots when shes done
Oh here she comes
Watch out bones she'll chew you up
Oh here she comes
She's a Snackeater
Oh here she comes
Watch out bones she'll chew you up
Oh here she comes
She's a Snackeater
Well, what do you think? I think Mom should stick to her day job otherwise she'll be like that bumble bee guy and make it on this list. I mean who still listens to those old guys anymore...that song was like from a million years ago. Hey, but I do love me my snackies...
I thought this was a hard tag, but I'm still going to tag some pups...let see, Joey, I'm gonna tag you for the first time! Woot! And my dear Miss Asta Up Over, my Stanny, Butchy & Snickers, Fig, Tadpole and my new friend Ralph. Sing it to me pups, sing it to me!!!
Great song Ruby! I do like that fun new Ruby song though. Ruby Ruby Ruby RUBY!!
Your friend, Lenny
Jolly good effort by your mum Ruby!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Ha, I was howling along here! J x
Great song! I'm glad you stuck with the Hall & Oates version. You totally are a snackeater .... and a maneater too.
wow ruby, snackeater is QUITE great! thanks for tagging me, I am going to have to think about this one until tomorrow since its stupid tuesday over at my blog.
That's an AWESOME choice, Ruby and so YOU!
Love ya lots,
Love it!!! Mum is humming the song now... works well for you Ruby!
woofies ruby, good job well doneies...me weelly likeded ur song...
b safe,
Hi, Ruby
Your mom did a great job with that song. Of course she knows you!
Have a good night
OMD, Ruby that is such a clever song! We love it! Great job!
You are so talented!! I will have to listen to the rad-io and discover my song. It may take me a bit.
We should have a karaoke pawty!
Hi Ruby!
Wow! Your mom is so talented! This is a great theme song for you!
I love that song Ruby. At least your Mom didn't chose that Promicuious Girl song for ya. hehehe
Not bad at all Ruby. You and your mum are very clever.
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
You are too funny. I love that you are a snackeater, cuz so am I.
Your Pal,
yea.. i love that man-eater song by nelly furtado
Heee. a snackeater? That's such a pawsome theme song Ruby
~ Girl girl
Ruby Bug!
It's actually kind of scarey, but my girl is just like your mama. She makes up new words to songs all the time! (Sometimes she doesn't even know she's making the words up and singing it wrong)!
However, the song is a great fit for you, and Hall & Oats will NeVEr go out of style.
BTW, my girl still listens to the bumble bee guy too. These hoomans are a little pathetic.
Thanks for the tag, sweet thing. I'll get ON it! (I'm kind of behind on things).
Goober love,
Your Stanny
What a great theme song and so you.
Simba xx
Great song Ruby ! BRAVO !!
Kisses, Faya
hey ruby!
do you think your mom would go for a jingle song writing job?
that's one heck of a song.. now it's playing on my mind..
ruby the snackeater...
Wow...what a great song! Very fitting for you. And Sherman. Except the part about being lean & tight. He's just fat.
You have our mom laughing out loud. Great theme song, Ruby!
Wiley & Fievel
Oh my dog, Ruby, that song is great! I totally think that your mom could make a living as a song writer. :) I really understand the part about "snackies only matter." It's how I feel too. The song suits you!!
Love Clover xo
P.S. I am going to work on my interview tag today!!
The theme song is a theme of ruby air.
It is wonderful. :)
from loved ume tyan
Mistress liked Ruby Tueday, thought it was lovely. But Mj may well be a bit scary now...!
Your mom never ceases to amaze me. Good song
Would you like me to bring you some snackies?
Hugs and belly rubs
pee-ess 7 1/2 days
Go read Suki's blog
Very clever Miss Ruby! We really like your theme song!
Ozzie & Rocky
oh your Mum is a poet and she does not know it! Ruby, Ruby, Ruby!
I am sorry but cos my Ma is English, we still have to go with the Kaiser Chiefs' song......."Ruby Ruby Ruby!" as being the best one.
I think their song is just you, modern, go getting but hey, I have written a song for you, so don't forget, you are the "pilot of the Dog Waves" Ruby Air.
Here is my wee song for you, and apologies to Joan Armatrading who sang it originally.....and Charlie Dore who wrote the orignal words....
"Ruby - Pilot of the Airwaves,
Here is my request.....
You don't have to fly it
But I hope you'll do your best,
I've been looking at your Blog
On the internet,
and Ruby you seem like a friend to me!
Pick me up in Scotland and take me to Iowa or wherever is your choice
I don't mind, I'll just be happy to hear your voice!
Saying this is for the girl
Ruby, Ruby, is her name,
Yes, she needs a dedication just the same.
Late at night here in Scotland I am listening like a Dog
I don't waste my time chasing sheep,
Hooomans say I look weary
But that's just the blogs and the dog company I keep,
oooooh you make the night time race
oooooooh I long to see your Ruby Face
You're sounding good (sounding good)
Sounding so darn Ruby Good To Me!!"
Nothing like a good song lyric plagiarised! Love you lots Ruby Ruby Ruby!
Your Pal in Scotland, Marvin xxxxxxx
Thanks for the fun times in your Ruby Airplane! Yay!
copyright Joan Armatrading and Charlie Dore for the song "Pilot of The Airwaves"......!
Ha roo roo roo! I love it! Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
we like that song by Steely Dan, "i got a girl and Ruby is her name ..."
it's so romantic.
Woof! That's an awesome song, super creative!
Ruby, that was GOOD.
Hi Ruby!!
We heard that there was going to be a Howlloween pawty and that we had to come to you fur reservations. We're gonna need a flight from California. This is gonna be fun!
Wags and licks,
Maya and kena
That song is AWESOME!
I think your mum and you did an awesome job coming up with a song - well done!
Hehehe good song!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
WOW, I think your mom should be a song writer, that is talent. Of course she has such great inspiration.
Frenchie Snorts
That's hilarious! Ruby. Great song choice!
That song rules! It's so you (all bit it a bit old school).
My dad broke his arm playing soccer. Can't help me log on some I can write. But a dog is back.
I'm pathetic and blocked and can't think of any song with me in it..I think I'm going to cwy..I'm suwe Stanley will dwop me as one of his giwlfwiends when he heaws this..but if you'll still be my fwiend, can I pleez have a wesewvation on iaiw Ruby for the 27th??
Today I went to the stowe and thought i saw you..i went wushing ovew..it wasn't you..I was sooo disappointed
smoochie kisses
Yay! Can't wait till the pawty!
Also, we were wondering if you could please vote fur us at Dogster's coolest dog and cat contest? The link is on our blog right above the posts. Thanks!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
That was a great song, Ruby! I love to snack too, but I'm never fat, hehe.
Great song Ruby!! I love to snack AND I am becoming fat (hey.. it even rhymes..)