Happy Barkday Sis!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Today is my fur-sister Sophia's 2nd Barkday!!! Sophia, you may recall, lives with my Auntie Joey and Cousin Danny in New Jersey. Sophia and I have the same fur-parents!!! Today Sophia is spending the day with our Nanny and going to the spa!!! What a lucky girl!!!

Hey Sis...
I hope you have a great day and a VERY
special prezzie is in the mail to you!

I love you!!!

bd sophia


23 Responses to "Happy Barkday Sis!"

Anonymous said... 12:19 PM

Woo Woo Happy Birthday Sophia!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said... 12:31 PM


That was so sweet of you and Auntie Michele to send that special blog to Sophia! The baby picture of her is just soooooooo cute!

Sophia had a great time at the spa, and after we went shopping for her pressie, she picked out a Wubba. (I will bring you one in September.)

A little birdy told me you are going to the Wag Hotel today, I guess that means your Mom is going out. (is she going to see the Police again?)

Ask Mom what Auntie Joey used to call her before she could say Michele I bet she does not remember, but Nanny does.

Love wet kisses and licks from Sophia.


Joe Stains said... 12:35 PM

happy birthday to your sissy!!

Duke said... 1:04 PM

Happy birthday to Sophia. She's a cutie!

Love ya lots,

Oscar's mummy and daddy said... 1:27 PM

Aw, Sophia is pretty cute. Sounds likes she's had a great day!

Oscar x

Lizzy said... 1:54 PM

Happy birthday Sophia! Have a great day!


coco said... 5:36 PM

happy birthday to sophia! wow, she has the same birthday as my girl katie!! she is sooooooo pretty, too - love that picture! what a cutie, like you!

wags and wiggles, coco

Stanley said... 5:53 PM

Ruby Bug!

Happy birthday to your sissie sophia! I see the resemblance. Booty (and beauty) must run in the family.

You mean you don't have a Wubba?

Love & kisses from your Goober Boy,

Gwyn Valentine said... 6:43 PM

Hi Ruby,

I wish your pretty Sister, Sophia a Very happy Bark day!


Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said... 8:09 PM

Sophia be very pretty. Happy birthday to her.

xoxoPugsley, Buster and Cricket

Lorenza said... 8:53 PM

Hi, Ruby.
Happy Birthday to your sis Sophia!
Sure she had a great day!

Luckie Girl said... 11:29 PM

Happy Barkday Sophia!!
Both of you sisters are so bootiful...

Suki & Joey said... 5:06 AM

Happy Barkday, Sophia! I hope you girls can meet one day.

How are Sophia's knees? I seem to recall reading somewhere - oh, I think it was on her Dogster page, maybe - that she has problems with them :( I hope she's doing much better!

Puggy kisses to Sophia!

wally said... 5:43 AM

Happy burpday to your sissy! You both share very cute genes.


ps. Do you get cake? I mean, it is your sister! In fact, I might need some too. A few degrees of separation still calls for cake!

Sir Chance-Lot said... 5:46 AM

Hi Ruby Bleu,
Stop by my page and see the new pic pressie mamma made of you!
Will be in pressie store today:O))

Ume said... 10:29 AM


she's a cutie too, juz like u, Ruby!
btw, i enjoyed reading the post of your favouritest books. u reali made me laugh!

jenn said... 1:28 PM

Sophia is a beauty! Happy birthday to her!

(hey - tell your mom to add me on lj ----she has an account now??)

♥ Saidie

Anonymous said... 7:36 PM

That was super sweet of you! She's very cute!

Emily and Ike said... 8:07 PM

Happy, happy birthday Sophia!

Anonymous said... 10:00 PM

Late on this, but Happy Belated birthday to your sis!!! Sweet kisses and hugs!!

Amber-Mae said... 3:44 AM

Awwww, happy belated barkday to your sista! She's such a cutie.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Balboa said... 10:07 AM


Frenchie SNorts

Unknown said... 5:43 AM

I know this is late but thank you to all for Sophia's birthday wishes. She enjoyed all her presents and I am soon to forward the pictures to her sister Ruby to post here. You will all get a chance to see how cool Aunt Michele is with her gifts.
Yes Sophia is a hotty- all the boys love her at the doggie park. Her little sis Ruby takes after her!
Again thank you to all and sending you our best!

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