Let the Games Begin!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

I am so very honored to have been chosen by the Paw-limpics Selection Committee to pawticpate in the Bone Relay. It is a great honor to not only represent the great state of sunny California, but also the DWB family - W00t!!! Look at how proud I am...

What no one has mentioned is that the bone was peanut butter flavored - double W00t!!!

I'm so excited for the Paw-limpics to get started. Lenny and his Mom have done a pawtasic job organizing the events. The only downside is that I didn't get enough training in due to my move and will not be pawticipating in any event. I know, I know, I'm a little sad, but you know what...I'm REALLY super exciting to be cheering on my pup friends to victory!!! Make sure you go and visit Lenny's blog to get the event schedule! This is going to be pawsome! W00t!

Let the Games Begin!


19 Responses to "Let the Games Begin!"

Girl Girl Hamster said... 10:54 PM

You look pawsome with the pawlimpic bone. :)

~ Girl girl

Charlie Daniels said... 11:33 PM

G'day Ruby

I think all the Peanut Butter flavour must have been licked off before I got it :-)



Simba and Jazzi said... 1:34 AM

Its so exciting.

Simba x

Duke said... 2:32 AM

Good job handing the bone off for the paw-limpics relay, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said... 4:33 AM

Excellent bone relay Ruby.

Noah xx

Mack said... 4:43 AM

I think that is the cutest pic I have seen of you Miss Ruby!!

I didn't get to pawticipate either due to being GROUNDED, but I will sit back and enjoy the games!!

(I did get to carry the bone for my part of Texas and I am super pumped about that!)

Woof ya pretty lady,

Ferndoggle said... 5:01 AM

Those bones are PB flavored???? I wonder if it's too late for us to get in on these games?


Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 7:33 AM

Hey Ruby, can't wait for the games to begin. I've entered a few events...Jx

Asta said... 8:05 AM

This is vewy exciting..did you see the medal we gave Lennyy on my bloggie?
I nevew got the peamut buttew eithew..who stole the flavow???HM????
love and smoochie kisses

Clover said... 10:16 AM

Good work on carrying the bone! Thanks for cheering us all on - I am so excited for the pawlimpics!!
Love Clover xo
P.S. I did not totally outgrow my old booster seat, but my parents thought I wasn't looking as comfy in it... hanging over the edge a bit.

Petra said... 10:58 AM

you're a great athlete, Ruby!

Let the games begin!

Fenway said... 11:34 AM

Hi Ruby B--

Yum...peanut butter. Good luck in the Pawlympics!

I need your help with another contest.

I am running for the Plum TV Dog of the Month contest and the Aug. 15 deadline is looming. I have hardly any votes cause Ms. Alpha ran a terrible PR campaign. So I'm asking all my doggie friends to go to this website and paw out your vote by clicking on Fenway!


Jake of Florida said... 1:25 PM

Yeah, we agree. By the time we got the bone - the peanut butter flavor had been overlain with multiple layers of drool and slobber. But that was cool too because of the honor of pawticipating!!

We're looking forward to seeing more of your house!!

Jake and Just Harry

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said... 3:21 PM

You Go, Ruby! Nice new digs!

wally said... 6:16 PM

Yo Ruby! Your mom has an excuse--you were moving! My ma ape is just LAZY.


Lorenza said... 6:27 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Good job with the bone relay!
We are going to have Pawesome Pawlimpic Games!
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 7:45 AM

Peanut butter? Hmm...Scruffy licked it before I got it and I can assure you it wasn't peanut butter flavored...!!!

A package is speeding towards your house!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your eye out for it!!!


Gus, Louie and Callie said... 8:39 AM

We are so excited about the Paw-limpics. Good luck to you...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sophie Brador said... 8:01 AM

Bonus Ruby! Pawlympic bone relay and a Chillax team member. Welcome aboard!


P.S. Is that a pool at your new house? Can I come live with you?

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