But wait, there's more...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

As if pawtying around the globe wasn't enough, imagine my surprise when I got back to the Sac-of-Tomato aireport to find my Mom!!! For a minute there, I thought I was in trouble or something, but guess what pups???? My Mom was there to pick up my Auntie Kelly!!!! That's right, my Auntie Kelly came to visit me and see my new house - W00t!!!

So get this...in the last 2 weeks I've....

--- Had my best pal Bob spend the week at my house
--- Had the bestest pawty with all my bloggy friends
--- Got to seet Paris with 'my boys'

and now...

--- Mom is home from work for 5 whole days
--- And last but not least my Auntie Kelly is here!!!

I think that deserves a whole bunch of W00ts, don't you??? W00t - W00t - W00t - W00t - W00t!

We are going to have the bestest time...eating yummy snackies and lounging by the pool and going shopping. Ahhh the perfect girls weekend. I'm only sad about one little thing, well 3 little things...Auntie Kelly didn't bring her pups. I just LOVE that Jakey (and David and JJ too). Well, there is always next time and they don't like to get pawticures anyway - hee hee hee.

So if I'm not around for the next few days pups, don't worry...we're just doing some girl stuff!!!


31 Responses to "But wait, there's more..."

Peanut said... 8:34 AM

Oh have fun.

Simba and Jazzi said... 8:44 AM

Woot! Let the good times roll.

Simba x

Gus said... 8:51 AM

Ruby, we hope you and your mom and Auntie have a great time. Get some rest too...you deserve it.


Asta said... 9:23 AM

Thewe's nothing like giwlie days..sounds divine!!!
This twuly was the pawfet couple of weeks fow you..I hope it keeps being this gweat
smoochie kisses

Moco said... 9:55 AM

You just have the bestest of times doing all that girlie stuff. Gets those nails done and a massage is in order. Don't forget your sunscreen at the pool.

Petra said... 12:06 PM

You are one little socialite there, Miss Ruby Bleu! I'm sure you're going to have lots of fun with Auntie Kelly. Visits with family are soooo fun!

Lacy said... 12:48 PM

w00f's Ruby, me had sooo much fun on our trip...and wow, ur aunt kelly comed to c u...how cool iz that...haff a bunch of fun and tell us all about it when u has the time..

b safe,

Lady Kaos said... 12:56 PM

Wow! You're a busy girl!! Thanks for a great time yesterday!!

wally said... 6:09 PM

Whoa! It's like Christmas in August.
Where's my fruitcake?

wally t.

Mack said... 6:25 PM

Auntie Kelly looks like an expert Belly rubber. Would you please send her my way??


Charlie Daniels said... 6:28 PM

Hey if you are going shopping can you please get me ............



Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 6:54 PM

Ruby....sooo sorry bout the mess on Aire Ruby....and you had JUST replaced the carpets for the flight too....

It was that last sharp turn round the Chrysler Building that made me drop the blender...but all the boyz did an amazing job lickin' the mess up!

Thank you for having the special beds made up for Jackson and Gussie...they were perfectly designed to Asta's specifications! I know it did both of them good to get out of the house and socialize a bit!

Have a wonderful girl's visit!!!

Barkies and much love,
Lacie, Scruffy and Stan

i said... 7:03 PM

It was a great celebration, Ruby. You are the perfect hostess!

Have a fun girlie time now!

Bogart H. Devil said... 8:15 PM

Vive Aire Ruby!!!!


Joe Stains said... 8:35 PM

Usually it is such a bummer to come home after a trip, but boy did you get lucky! have fun!!!

Huskee and Hershey said... 8:53 PM

Hi Ruby,
Have a great time whatever you do sweetie! Enjoy the weekend.. *woof*

Amber-Mae said... 1:52 AM

Have a great time!!!!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said... 3:20 AM

Have fun Ruby...lurve the pic btw.


Clover said... 10:17 AM

Hi Ruby!!

Have a super fun girls weekend with Auntie Kelly and Mom!

Love Clover xo

Emily and Ike said... 5:30 PM

My mom is jealous! I'm not because girl stuff is stupid.

Dexter said... 3:44 AM

Are you going to the mall? Will you get your nails done? Your eyebrows plucked? Have a slumber party? So many girl things to do.


Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said... 8:35 PM

Woot! Miss Ruby we hope you have the bestest girls weekend ever!
Ozzie & Rocky

Lorenza said... 11:06 PM

Hi, Ruby!
I am sure you are going to have lots of fun!
Enjoy your Auntie's visit!
Kisses and hugs

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said... 10:42 AM

What fun Ruby!! Momma fially got our pics up (after th flight :( But she made it!) Come on by when you get home.
Happy Labor Day
Sunny & Scooter

Georgeous said... 12:19 PM

Wow Ruby, you are such an energetic girlie! You've had a busy week AND the next 5 days sound like they'll be fun too.
Snufies George

Duke said... 4:25 PM

Have a great time with your Auntie, Ruby!
We are so very sorry that we missed AireRuby's pawty!
We're so glad to be home and catching up!
We missed you, Ruby!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stella said... 1:54 PM

Ruby Bug!

In that last photo you look like you're ready to PAWTY, girl! I hope you and your mama & Auntie Kelly have a blast together! (Don't let them eat too much junk food, okay?)

Goober love & smooches,

Randi said... 3:48 PM

Oh Ruby! You are sooo busy!

What fun to be had~!

love & licks,

Cassidy said... 6:58 AM

Aw, enjoy your girlie time Ruby! I know you'll be having great fun.

Cassidy x

Myeo said... 6:04 PM

Have fun!

Boy n Baby

Anonymous said... 11:58 PM

Girl visits are the best!
Have fun!


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