Special Mission...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

We got the bestest news ever...Jackson will be home for his barkday! W00t! After consulting with Nurse Asta, it was decided that Jackson needs some rest before we visit, but that we should definitely do a barkday fly-by and circle Jackson's dogstar...so who's in??? Aire Ruby is ready and waiting!!!

dog star
Myspace Glitter Graphics


38 Responses to "Special Mission..."

Unknown said... 8:37 PM

I'm in!!! I also pee-mailed my best buddy Eric and told him we might need a place to stay overnight in England. I'm sure they won't mind another 30-50 mouths to feed!

Maybe once we're there, we can parade past Jackson's window and wave and blow kisses to him!!!

Your pal (and co-pilot),


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 8:37 PM

We're in, Ruby Girl!!! Reservations for Scruffy and Stan...and Lacie if she can get the night off??? Asta makes the schedule so we have to find out who's working that night!!!

Did our package get there yet???????????????


Asta said... 8:44 PM

You'we the best!!!
This will be wondewful!
Thank you
smoochie kisses

Lizzy said... 9:02 PM


That's GRRRReat news! We're so glad Jackson is gettin' better!


Joe Stains said... 10:34 PM

We are SOOO in. I will try to keep Tanner from yelling WHATSUUUPPPP a million times.

Kyanite said... 1:20 AM

Any passenger needing accommodation, Chez Blue in Dreamingspires is available.

Pats & pets

Amber-Mae said... 1:31 AM

Please reserve one 1st first class seat for me will ya!!!!!!!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said... 2:14 AM

We're in for the quiet fly-over, Ruby! Two tickets, please!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said... 3:07 AM

Ruby! Count me in (and pee-wee too). Can't wait to see the little guy.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said... 3:36 AM

We need 3 tickets please. We are so happy Jackson is on the mend and will be home for his bark day. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Jackson's J1 and J2 said... 4:04 AM

Thank you Ruby! I'll make sure I'm laying by an open window so that I can see you all fly by. J x

Anonymous said... 4:37 AM

Me too Auntie Ruby, me too! I promise to try and not bark.

Abby said... 4:46 AM

Hi, Ruby...

Do you have room for one more? I'm really little, I won't take up much room...

Abby xxxooo

Pug(s) and Bugg said... 5:32 AM

Hope AireRuby has room for a pug & bugg!!! We don't know Jackson but stupid Dixie Bugg is beyond help enough to make anyone feel happier and healthier and grateful that they are not like the bugg... hopefully that will cheer Jackson up! And I can give him LOTS of licks!

Two Schnauzers from New England said... 5:52 AM

Hi, Ruby -

OOPS! Could you reserve two seats for us? We put in a response in your CBox.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Lenny said... 6:23 AM

ooohhhh ME TOO!!

Deetz said... 7:38 AM

I am definitely in! Please pick me up too..you can land in my field behind the house...The horses won't bother you, I promise.
I will be waiting....
Deetzy Boy

Gus said... 9:40 AM

We're in. Let us know where you want us to go to be picked up. I'm thinkin Ioway?


Lizzy said... 1:58 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
Toffee said... 3:03 PM

Oh please include Riley and I in the surprise barkday visit to Jackson! Now...(ack) if I could only (hmph) get my (grunt) paws un-crossed...they've been crossed so tightly for the J-man...

love Toffee

Jake of Florida said... 3:22 PM


If you still have room, please stop for us for the soft barkday visit to Jackson.

If you don't have room, we could ask our Heron-Cam, but flying across the ocean might be a bit much for him. And we'd prefer to be in the company of all our pals with their crossed paws!!

Jake and Just Harry

Agatha and Archie said... 3:58 PM

Oh boy!! WE ARE IN!!!!!PIP PIP and all that!! Love Agatha and Archie

Charlie Daniels said... 4:11 PM

G'day Ruby

If there is any room left I would love to join you all.



Clover said... 4:50 PM

Hi Ruby!
Count me in too! Jackson and I have only just met, but I would love to celebrate his good news (quietly) with everydog!
Love Clover xo

Moco said... 5:51 PM

We are ready to do that fly by. Are you going to serve those frosty paws?

Lorenza said... 7:27 PM

Me! Me! Me!
Kisses and hugs

Myeo said... 7:31 PM

Please count us in!!

We want to see Jackson.

Boy n Baby

George the Pup said... 8:23 PM

Is there still room for one more 'Dale? I'd love to go!

Urban Smoothie Read said... 8:39 PM

i'm sure jackson will be thrill to see all his fren flying over to visit him

Simba and Jazzi said... 1:03 AM

I'll clear out the little house at the bottom of my garden ready for any dogs to stay in.

Simba x

Noah the Airedale said... 3:23 AM

Is it too late for us?? We'd love to go fly around Jackson Dogstar.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Georgeous said... 4:03 AM

Oh Ruby, could you pick me up on the way? I've never flown before (except a baloon), I've read all about air ruby and would love to come to Jackson's Barkday. I live a little south of him I think, a short 1st trip sounds great?
Love George

Mack said... 4:45 AM

Oh I would love to go. Can my sissies tag along too??

Chef said... 8:46 AM

I just found out about the plane ride to Jackson's place. Am I too late??? I would love to be there to welcome him home.


Petra said... 1:06 PM

I'm so happy for Jackson!

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 4:04 PM

We're in. We would love for Ruby to fly by Texas and pick us up...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Asta said... 4:44 PM

Thank you fow youw pawfectflying!!!
I'm sowwy I didn't get pictoowes of some of the pups..we have to tellthem next time that they have to make theiw wesewvations by a cewtain time..now they got left off and I feel vewy bad
smoochie kisses

Emily and Ike said... 7:54 PM

Count me in!

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