Sleepy Sunday #29

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Guess what? I have my first house guests! Ha-Ha Mom, I beat you! Yes, my cutie cuzin's Bob and Cooper are staying with me for the whole week! I'm so happy! I love hanging with them...especially Bob. I don't think Cooper likes me much...I think I'm too barky for him. He just hangs out in the garage...whatever! Anyhowl, this week is going to be great! I might even let Bob do a guest post!!! W00t!


14 Responses to "Sleepy Sunday #29"

Mack said... 9:00 AM

I'm so glad you have a doggy friend to play with this week Miss Ruby - just don't get too comfy ok?

Peanut said... 9:05 AM

What fun. Have a great week.

Lorenza said... 9:32 AM

Hi, Ruby!
Your social life is improving!
I am sure you are going to have a great week with your cousins!
Kisses and hugs

Moco said... 10:25 AM

You are going to be so tired after this week. Next Sunday will be double sleepy.

Joe Stains said... 10:28 AM

awesome!! do they like your pool? I acn't wait to hear from them!

Asta said... 10:55 AM

Youw Houseguest looks vewy laid back..I hope you have a gweat time togethew..I had Petey hewe all weekend, and he's a weal gweat guest too.
smoochie kisses

Mango the Maltese kiddo said... 2:31 PM

Hi Ruby,
I'm glad I found you, the excellent pilot of Air Ruby. You impressed me!
I was not on that plane to England but hoping I'll be one of your passenger soon.
Cool pool you have, I have one too but my parents put up a kiddo fence around it to stop me jumping into the pool when nobody there.

Clover said... 3:20 PM

Pawesome sleepy sunday! I think you will have a great week!
Love Clover xo

Dexter said... 3:54 PM

You and Bob are meditating together! That's great. Hope he likes your new house.


Charlie Daniels said... 4:18 PM

G'day Ruby

It would be so cool to have a friend to play with for a few days and they could have sleep overs and everything!



Mr. T-Bone Beasley said... 12:39 AM

Too bad your one friend doesn't appreciate your lovely bark! I would love to howl and yelp to your bark anytime! Then of course it would be bitey face time...then a good nap. You look like a great napper! Hehehe!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Duke said... 9:04 AM

How neat that you have houseguests, Ruby! Have a great time with Bob and Cooper!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Archie and Melissa said... 9:21 AM

hi ruby!
oh how fun! house guests are great!
have a wonderful day!
m & e

Stanley said... 9:32 AM


Be good to your cousins, okay? I know that you'll be a wonderful hostess, but let your mama give some lovin' to the boys. They'll be missing their peeps.

Goober love,

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