My new house - Part 1

Monday, August 04, 2008

And now for the moment you all have been waiting for, here are a few photos of my new house. Mom took this a few days before we moved in so you don't see any furniture. We'll need to take some more photos now that we have some furniture in the house and when we get NEW furniture - W00t!!! So here goes...

My new kitchen...
Mom will need to add a little color here...but I am VERY excited because we have double ovens. You know what THAT means, right? That means she can make even more snackies for me!!!

Living Room...
This will have all of Mom's Arts and Crafts (aka expensive, Ruby don't sit on it) furniture in it.

Family Room Fire Place...
Thank dog I still have a fireplace otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to move...I need me my cozy fire in the winter!!!

Dining Room...
Our table will go quite nicely in here! Out the window is a very pretty Japanese maple tree which is quite nice to leave peemail on!!!

My yard...
Well, this is only part of my yard. I really like it a lot...I can run all around the back side of the is great!!!

Oh and last but not's my resting spot in the least for now...
This is actually the breakfast nook which is awaiting the arrival of our new's gonna be here in a few weeks.

So that's it...for now. I promise to make Mom take some more pix...especially outside and my bedroom too. Oh and there has been a lot of questions about where AireRuby is. Well, have no fear, AireRuby is very happy with her new accommodations!!!


39 Responses to "My new house - Part 1"

Anonymous said... 5:27 PM

Oooh, my girl LOVES all the light and airy and open rooms/spaces! And now she is jealous that she doesn't have her own place that she can decorate.... *sigh* She'll have to live vicariously through yours :-)

Anonymous said... 5:55 PM

Wow Ruby! That place looks fantastic! Can I come live there???

The Brat Pack said... 7:19 PM

Your new place is pawsome! It's so open and airy, plus the kitchen rocks. Too bad you're not closer so we can visit.


Lenny said... 7:30 PM

Your new place looks gorgeous!

Bobo the Boston Terrier said... 7:51 PM

Hi Ruby!

Your new house looks really nice. I bet you'll love it.

I live in California but about 3-4 hours south of you in the smoggiest town ever.

Have fun unpacking!


Unknown said... 8:31 PM

Hi there Ruby,

I am using my Mom's email address because she hasn't set up a blog for my yet. Your Mom seems to be cooler than mine. My Mom claims she's busy at work - blah, blah blah! Something about bleeding purple? It's a Yahoo thing I guess.
Anyway, I have been reading all your posts for the last month leading up to your move and I'm so HAPPY for the both of you!!! Your kitchen looks sooooo white! I can help you mess that up if you like.
I'll write back and tell you more about ME.

Signed - Cocoa Mish
My human Mom is Margaret

Lorenza said... 8:51 PM

Hi, Ruby!
Your new house is pawesome!
My mom loves your white kitchen!
Do I see a pool there??
I can't wait to see more!
Kisses and hugs

Poppy said... 8:54 PM

Wow, I can't believe you have your own room! You are one lucky dog!!! Can't wait to see more pictures of you in action at your new digs!


Boo Casanova said... 9:24 PM

ruby, loving your new sans furniture house. all white! that's exactly how my house look like - black & white.

is that a swimming pool i spot?

wet wet licks


Emily and Ike said... 10:40 PM

OMD! That is quite the house!

Amber-Mae said... 12:49 AM

Wow, NICE house!!!!!!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Noah the Airedale said... 1:53 AM

Wow Ruby, we really like your new house. You must be really excited about living there.

Noah xx

Duke said... 2:37 AM

How exciting for you, Ruby! Your new house is just beautiful! We're thrilled that you have double ovens and did we see a swimming pool too? We can see you lounging by the pool with a pawtini in each paw!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Clover said... 5:37 AM

Ruby! Your new house is beautiful! You are going to have so much fun helping your mom decorate! Can't wait to see the rest. :)
Love Clover xo

Anonymous said... 5:56 AM

Hey RUBY!!!! So sorry for not posting for so long time on your bloggie! Wow you have a new hooome! I love it!

Hugs and kisses!

Nevis said... 6:59 AM

What a beautiful, wonderful home! Congratulations!

Gus said... 8:26 AM

OOOOOH Ruby, your new home is Pawe inspiring! Look at all that white space to mess up. Good thing you are an only dog! Muzzer wants to see the Arts and Crafts Furniture you guys have. We are buying some stuff from a guy named Stickley. We will trade pix if you think it is too boring for everyone else. I think this artsncrafts is a sicknes.


Stanley said... 10:31 AM


Is that a POOL in the backyard?? Please tell me you have a pool. (If you don't, at least you now have a backyard to run like a crazy girl in!)

Casa de Ruby is going upscale, if you ask me. I'm sure you'll still stay grounded even if you are movin' on up!

More photos of the Rubinator please!!!

Goob love & smooches,

Georgeous said... 11:10 AM

Oh Ruby, you must be a princess, your pawrents have moved you into a palace!
Love n Snuffs

Petra said... 12:21 PM

I told you! I told you! I knew you'd love your new home! It is beautiful, and I can't wait to see more pictures!

Anonymous said... 12:24 PM

I hope you and Mom have my room ready! Do you need me to come help and unpack? The house looks great and will be just bootiful once the furniture is in place. Which room is yours?

Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Pearl & Nanny

Jake of Florida said... 1:27 PM

We love the airy look and the light kitchen!!

And a yard!!

Is there a place to park Aire Ruby and take off and land??

We're looking forward to more photos.

Jake and Just Harry

Maya and Kena said... 2:02 PM

Hi Ruby!
WOW! Your home is so pretty!! And the kitchen is really nice!
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Mack said... 2:14 PM

Ruby, Mi Amiga!

What a beautiful place you have senorita!!
And did I see a POOL in the backyard?? I know you will be having plenty of fiestas around that!!

BTW, Mack says "hi pretty Ruby". (He is still grounded from the computer.)

Love, Lilly

Gus, Louie and Callie said... 3:03 PM

Wow we love your new house. Will you get to swim in that pool. It sure would cool you off...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Charlie Daniels said... 4:00 PM

I hope the table in the dining room is high enough so you can reach the food bowl hanging from the roof! :-)

I like your new home ... do you swim?



Aggie said... 5:07 PM

OMD!!! What a nice house!!! Can I came play in the back yard with you?

Sloppy licks,


Joe Stains said... 6:22 PM

OMDOG it looks SO nice. That ALL WHITE kitchen is just screaming for a stain or two...

Bernard Hinault Lilje said... 6:58 PM

Wow-- I so excited for you guys!!! My mom cant wait till she can travel and visit. I am soo jealous you have a pool-- actually soo is my dad. He is still upset we didnt get a pool : )
Keep the pics coming!

The Puppies said... 8:35 PM

Hey Ruby!
Your new place looks wonderful! And is that a pool you are walking around outside?? Looks pawsome!!!
The Puppies

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said... 7:12 AM

Oh Ruby...your mom picked a house that you match 'xactly!!!! That bootiful white look FAB in that!!! And we wanna know like that a pool out back? Oh my...Scruffy wants to know if he can have a poker pawty there??? He promises they'll only smoke outside...

HEY....we need ur address...we bought a pressie for ya...we're gonna go and bug Nanny for ur address...if you get this peemail Mumsie at, kay???

Oh...BTW...I need to know how much you er weigh...I will keep the info's for the pressie....


Pee Ess...the boyz have offered the use of our garage to store Aire Ruby in...hehhehheheheh...of course we won't fly her anywhere.............

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said... 9:37 AM

POOL PAWTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bussie Kissies

Huskee and Hershey said... 11:46 PM

Ruby, your new home is lovely!! It is so big and beautiful, I am sure you will love love love it!! And do I see a pool??!

Jen and Suki said... 3:08 PM

Your new house is beautiful, Ruby!! And is that a POOL I spy in your yard? I love to swim and can't wait till you have a pool pawty!

Archie and Melissa said... 8:06 PM

hi ruby!
what an amazing new home! we are so excited for your and your family!
m & e

CoCo said... 8:49 PM

Hi Ruby,

My name is CoCo and I am a Puggle. You know a few of my bloggy friends, but I don't think we have ever met. I cannot believe I can miss your blog. You are so interesting and are too cute. I gone back to some of your history and find that you are so interesting and smart. Can we be friends?

Your new house looks beautiful! A pool all to yourself too...I'm envious of that. I do not like to swim, but I'm sure that means your Mommy is going to be outside more to play with you!

I will add you as my friend so I can check back again...come by my blog and check me out!


wally said... 6:18 PM

Wow! Your new place looks GREAT. My ma ape is jealous of your kitchen!

wally t.

Dexter said... 5:23 AM

Your new house looks nice. Why are the window shutters on the inside? Just wondering.


Peanut said... 1:52 PM

is that a pool? My mom wants to know if she can move in with you?

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